Association Executive Committee MeetingMinutes
November 30, 2017
Call to Order 12 Noon
AEC Present: Dave Shrock, Pam Betz, Karen Krsak, Scott Erwin, Paul Bodenshot, Greg Mohl, Thom Confer, Rod Larsen, Jay Miles, Jackie Callender, Tish Hannah, Monique White, Patti Petesch, Don Lawrence, Mike Hinz, Richard Messenger, Randy Hopkins, Lauren Primerano, Steve Vaitones
Absent: Bill Shelton, Gary Morgan
2016 Annual AEC Meeting Minutes, plus October 29 AE conference call minutes for review and approval: Randy motioned for approval; second Richard; Amendment by Steve Vaitones; passed unanimously.
Financial Report - 2017 Year (Richard) - As of 10/31/17, $57,581. Any outstanding invoices must be submitted by December 17 to Richard for payment.
Outstanding Charges Against Associations (Desiree) Office sending notices to associations regarding outstanding payments due them; some payments date back to 2015. Richard and Desiree discussed actual paper invoices - there are none.
Dispute Resolution in Process (Scott) 6 were recently settled; ongoing are Alabama and New Jersey
2018 Draft Budget Items (Desiree/Dave) Discussion about reductions in budget and the blending of Accreditation Subcommittee with AEC; others no longer funded; there will be no new hires for the Association Assistance Initiative in 2018.
Dave will discuss with Renee the Grant in Aid and the Association Accreditation Incentive for Excellence (reduced from $25,000 to 0).
Question: The Association Grant of $25,000 that comes from the BOD, who decides who gets it? Dave responded this is determined by a panel of 7 DOD members.
Motion by Dave and seconded by Jay that AEC suggest to the BOD that the representative of general competition to the Board is also the Grants representative. Motion passed unanimously.
L&L Items Affecting Associations (Scott) 6 items presented; one tabled; 5 tentatively approved.
Lauren asked about audit language “suspect associations” and that the language proposed that audits be paid for 5 audits by the national office; that the national office will have the ability to go into each association as needed.
Jackie brought up that another L&L item addresses “citizens” and registered illegal aliens (Green Card holders). Dave responded that any change in this language needs to be run through the Youth Committee and then the L&L process in 2019.
Accreditation SubCommittee Report (Paul & Greg) 5 year review and measurable increases in accredited associations.
Greg went over the 9 standards and the dates and information that associations must submit.
There are great hopes for Wyoming and Alaska; Florida one of associations to “watch”
They are presenting proposed changes in the standards to the Board
“Keys to Success”
Associations needing assistance can contact their region reps or region evaluators
Paul on the proposed changes to standards: at the AEC August meeting in Indianapolis, the AEC voted to allow his SubCommittee to move forward with the proposed changes. Subsequently met with L&L and Organizational Services and that membership needed “tweaking” (see document)
Motion by Dave Shrock and seconded by Karen Krsak to accept the proposed changes with amendment (“tweak”) as shown. Discussion regarding tracking and to include region reps and region evaluators in distribution of materials. Motion with amendment passed unanimously
Association Excellence Awards. Paul discussed the ranking/report card for each association but not how the money was distributed among the associations - this is a “carrot on the stick” incentive. Funds will go to the associations electronically.
Greg will send a letter to the awardees (Des will proof first)
Question: What are criteria and what happens when an association “falls from grace”? A decision will be made by August AEC meeting.
Rules Committee Items (Steve) The Committee has not yet met; of 7 items, 5 have been tabled; one withdrawn; one up for approval (must be a USATF member and a US citizen to set a record in Masters events)
Association Grant in Aid to Attend Annual Meeting (Richard) There were 14 applicants with bank balances of under $40,000; would like to move processing time up for adequate allowance to book travel. For reimbursement, send receipts and a written report on what was attended and email to Richard who will email and process reimbursements. Letter will also copy region reps.
Question: Bank balance vs. travel budget as indicator? Agreed to use both in future.
Workshop Reimbursement for Associations (Richard) $1,000 per association with attached receipts to be run through Desiree
Workshop Review and Report (Randy) All work came together successfully; there will be an after-action report and a survey monkey that Des will send out. The one-on-one next year will be presented differently - perhaps separate rooms and/or round table discussions.
Notebooks left? Rod has 3 that he will give to Paul/Greg for their evaluators; Des will give Don 7 for the Regional Volunteer Award winners.
In 2018, the morning session will be “Leadership 101” primarily aimed at new officers not well trained and identified by region reps to make sure they attend.
Paying a reimbursable “lunch fee” and the continual sign-in sheets successful in retaining attendance.
Thank you Randy and Jay!
USATF Board of Director Rep Selections Criteria (Karen) The general competition division - associations and masters, without youth, made to develop criteria; current rep is Bill Shelton. Dave and Karen work with Rex Harvey to develop criteria to better determine what our wishes are.
Association Grants (Patti) Of the grants received, 3 associations sent multiple grants (Nebraska sent 5); 2 associations sent grants to Patti for the Travel Grant in Aid.
Motion by Patti and second by Jackie that in the Association Grant program that no funding be used to support the travel grant for which there are already funds available. Passed unanimously.
AEC will suggest to BOD that the deadline for receipt of Grants extended to August 31, 2018. Patti would write a list of opportunities to help people register.
Monique volunteered to help Patti.
2018 RRCA Convention, Washington, DC - April 5-8 (Don, Steve, Scott, Dave) Reported that at this year’s convention they were even better received than in the previous year - a lot of back an forth and Don present on race walk - would like to continue this is possible. Dave said that 1 or 2 LDR reps would join them in 2018. Don and Steve will attend on behalf of Associations Committee.
Individual Membership Cards and Benefits Review (Steve) Steve will write a summary of what general membership feels the needs are, and when membership packets are being prepared, we have input on them. Steve, Thom, Don and Patti will comprise a task force to look at kid vs. adult perceived value, membership cards, luggage tags, etc. Greg opined a timely receipt of product. Dave said that the first-time observer from Wyoming (Ernie Mecca) has not been impressed as he and his wife Cindy had not received anything after joining USATF 2 months ago.
Club Council (Lauren) Having trouble with communication with national office/no feedback/requests for planning submitted in July.
Dave - Big decline in membership in open track & field; meeting with Director of Events Adam Schmenk and come back to this item.
Region Updates (Don and Region Reps) Reports given on visits to associations; issue of better communication between associations and region reps. If reps not able to visit the associations, how about con-calls? Reps should make themselves known to their association officers/presidents/etc. - especially at the region breakouts later today at 4 p.m.
Review of Task Force Assignments (Listed)
Rationale of Not Booking Hotel Room Until Registered for Annual Meeting (Desiree) Pam offered that when there is no guarantee that the reservations will not cancel the reservation, the organization risks attrition wherein they become liable for payment.
Sports Medicine and Science. Dave appointed Maria Johnson as the Association’s Rep to this committee.
Pat Pretty now rep to Coaches/Lauren Boemker appointed as rep to Officials
Karen Krsak rep from Officials to Associations
New Business:
Steve Vaitones talked with Don regarding tri-state events
Closed Session:
Associations Initiative (Dave & Herb Nichols) Question: Can this be tracked? Greg will oversee for the AEC.
Need to bring up membership
Annual Meeting Funding/Budgets Flat
NOTE: All documents presented will be posted in the Association Resource Center (ARC)
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Betz, Secretary