Associate Professor,KoGuan Law School of SJTU, 2007-
Assistant Dean,KoGuan Law School, 2008-
LL.B. (1996) Soochow University
LL.M. (2000) Nanjing Normal University
PH.D (2005) NanjingNormalUniversity
1995-1996 Associate Judge / High Court of Jiangsu Province, China1997-2000 Civil Servant / Government of Jiangsu Province, China
2001-2005 Attorney and Partner / Jiangsu Way-to-Justice Law Firm
2007-2008 Judge / Supreme People’s Court of China
2007-2009 Post-doctorate / ChinaUniversity of Political Science and Law
Research Interest
Law and Society
Chinese Judicial System
Achievement & Awards
Published more thansixty articles on various law reviews in China, including China Legal Science Journal,Law Science, Research of Law and Commerce, Jurisconsult,Politics and Law, People Judicature and Research of Case. Some of the articles were reprinted by the most influential digest periodicals in China, such as Xin Hua Digest, Chinese Social Science Digest and China University Academic Abstracts.
Published seven academicbooks, authored or co-authored.
Won second-class prize presented by Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science, first prize of Phosphor Plan presented by SJTU, third prize of Palmary Youth Project presented by the Shanghai Law Society and the Excellent Paper Award granted by the China Law Society.
Research Projects
As research leader:
“The Challenge Faced by Modern Order with the Transformation of Social Construction in China” / Funded by China Ministry of Justice;
“A Counterevidence of New Farmer Estate and Rural Justice Theory” / Funded by China Ministry of Education;
“Research of Individualized Justice and its Operation Mechanism in Rural Region” / Funded by China Post-doctors Fund Committee;
“Estate Polarization in China and the Argument of Justice Multinationalism” / Funded by Shanghai Law Society.
As research partner:
“Research of Direction Case and Benign Mechanism in China” / Funded by the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC.
“Research of the Change of Society and the Revolution of Law” / Funded by National Social Science Foundation Committee.
Academic Meeting Participation
Speaker, on the Chinese Distinguished LawSchool Deans’ Forum on Legal Education in June, 2009.
Speaker, on the Asian Deans’ Forum on Legal Education held by National University of Singapore in July, 2009.
Speaker, onthe Jurisprudence Forum on International Symposium on 21st Century’s “Law and Society” Movement in China: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Order Reconstruction Conference Agenda in September, 2009.