Phi Eta Sigma All Member Meeting


On February 17, 2014 the all member meeting of Phi Eta Sigma was called to order at 4:31 pm in the Cottonwood room of the Union.

·  Bylaws were voted on for approval. Changes were:

o  “First semester” was changed to “freshman year”.

o  The initiation banquet meeting will now be held in the fall.

o  Local and chapter dues are now $25 each.

o  Bylaws changes were passed.

·  National Scholarship

o  We can send in one national scholarship form.

o  Anyone interested should send their application to our advisor, Monica Strathman.

o  She will narrow down the list and choose the final one, which will go on to the national level.

o  Applications are due by February 27th.

o  The application can be found online.

·  Chapter Scholarships

o  Scholarships range from $100-$500.

o  Applications are due by February 27th.

o  Application can be found online.

o  Officers who are not applying for the scholarships will choose the recipient(s).

·  Spring Service Project

o  April 27th from 1-3 pm

o  We will be doing a clean up for the elderly throughout Manhattan through Manhattan Good Neighbors.

o  An e-mail will be sent out asking if you would like to help out. Please respond to this e-mail, so we can give MGN an accurate number of volunteers.

·  Spring Fundraiser

o  March 11th at Orange Leaf

o  We need people to sign up for times to be present at Orange Leaf.

o  We also need people to sidewalk chalk on campus.

o  People just need to say they are supporting PES and 10 % will go to PES.

·  Spring Social

o  May 4th from 6:30-11pm

o  Murder Mystery party

o  If you want to get involved with the planning, contact Brent.

·  T-Shirts

o  The t-shirt design has been finalized, and the t-shirt sign up was passed around. An e-mail sign up will be sent out as well.

·  Now that we have our spring events finalized, meetings will now be shifting towards other activities.

Meeting adjourned at 4:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dani Dobratz, secretary