BLM 17 Assessment Rubric—Final Task (Creating, summarizing, and presenting the final episode of a roman-photo)
LEARNING PROCESSES / level 1 / level 2 / level 3 / level 4reading
Read and identify main elements of the proposed task; peer-edit a classmate’s summary / •I identify few of the main elements
•I need constant teacher support / •I identify some of the main elements
•I need frequent teacher support / •I identify most of the main elements
•I need occasional teacher support / •I identify all or almost all of the main elements
•I need little or no teacher support
Categorize instructions / •I need constant teacher support / •I need frequent teacher support / •I need occasional teacher support / •I need little or no teacher support
React to the proposed task; react to a classmate’s summary of the final episode / •I mention few details / •I mention some details / •I mention most details / •I mention almost all details
Write a summary of the final episode of a roman-photo / •I write few simple and compound sentences / •I write some simple and compound sentences / •I write many simple and compound sentences / •I write many simple and compound sentences accurately
Describe the episode using well-linked sentences / •I mention few ideas / •I mention some ideas with some sentence links / •I mention most ideas in well-linked sentences / •I mention all ideas in well-linked sentences
Use appropriate theme-related vocabulary; use comparative and superlative adjectives accurately; use le passé composé accurately; spell correctly / •I use little theme-related vocabulary
•I use one comparative or superlative
•I use le passé composérarely, with constant errors / •I use some theme-related vocabulary
•I use one comparative and one superlative
•I use le passé composéoccasionally, with frequent errors / •I use much theme-related vocabulary
•I use two comparatives and two superlatives
•I use le passé composéoften, with occasional errors / •I use much theme-related vocabulary, including words from personal research
•I use two comparatives and two superlatives accurately
•I use le passé composéconsistently and accurately
oral communication
Present the final episode of a roman-photo / •I include few presentation criteria / •I include some presentation criteria / •I include most presentation criteria / •I include all presentation criteria
Comment on classmates’ presentations / •I begin to provide very simple feedback / •I begin to provide some simple feedback / •I provide simple, accurate feedback / •I provide detailed, accurate feedback
Plan a presentation / •I make few changes to a model / •I make some changes to a model / •I make many changes to a model / •I make significant changes to a model
Use basic and thematic vocabulary; use comparative and superlative adjectives / •I begin to use basic and thematic vocabulary
•I use one comparative or superlative / •I begin to use basic and thematic vocabulary
•I use one comparative and one superlative / •I use basic and thematic vocabulary
•I use two comparatives and two superlatives / •I use basic and thematic vocabulary with precision
•I use two comparatives and two superlatives accurately
Ado Monde TRG (NE)BLM 17 Final Task (individual)transmittal ms. 10/9/2018