Desireé Vega, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of School Psychology
Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education and School Psychology
Texas State University
I. Academic/Professional Background
A. Desireé Vega, Assistant Professor of School Psychology
B. Educational Background
Degree Year University Major Dissertation
Ph.D. 2011 The Ohio State University School “With a Little Faith and Psychology Support, You Could Really DoAnything”: A Study of Urban Youth
M.A. 2008 The Ohio State University School Psychology
B.A. 2006 Binghamton University Psychology
C. University Experience
Position University Dates
Assistant Professor Texas State University 2013-present
D. Relevant Professional Experience
Position Entity Dates
SchoolPsychologist Omaha Public Schools, Omaha, Nebraska 2011-2013
School Psychologist Intern Omaha Public Schools, Omaha, Nebraska 2010-2011
E. Other Professional Credentials
Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP)
Licensed Psychologist (Nebraska #835)
Nebraska Department of Education Special Services Certificate (#2012002965)
II. Teaching
A. Teaching Honors and Awards:
B. Courses Taught:
Texas State University, SPSY 5398: Alternative Evaluation, Intervention, & Student Outcomes
Texas State University, SPSY 5389: Practicum in School Psychology
C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):
D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:
E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:
F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:
G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:
H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:
I. Other:
III. Scholarly/Creative
A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)
1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)
a. Scholarly Monographs:
b. Textbooks:
c. Edited Books:
d. Chapters in Books:
Robinson, D. V., Vega, D., Moore, J. L. M, III, Mayes, R. D., & Robinson, J. R. (In Press). Chutes
and ladders: Young African American males navigating potholes to achieve academicsuccess. In J.L. Moore & C. W. Lewis (Eds.), African American Males in PreK-12 schools: Informing Research, Practice, and Policy. Emerald Publishing.
Vega, D., Moore, J.L., III, Baker, C.A., Bowen, N.V., Hines, E.M., & O’Neal, B. (2012). Salient factors affecting urban African American students’ achievement: Recommendations for teachers, school counselors, and school psychologists. In J.L. Moore and C.W. Lewis (Eds.), African American Students in Urban Schools: Critical Issues and Solutions for Achievement. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Vega, D., & Moore, J.L., III (2012). African American and Latino first-generation students: Implications for teachers, school counselors, university officials, parents, and students. In T. Hicks and A. Pitre (Eds.), Research Studies in Higher Education: Educating Multicultural College Students. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc.
e. Creative Books:
2. Articles
a. Refereed Journal Articles:
b. Non-refereed Articles:
Vega, D.(2010). Increasing Latino parental involvement in urban schools. School Psychology: From Science to Practice, 2, 20-25.
3. Conference Proceedings
a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:
b. Non-refereed:
4. Abstracts:
5. Reports:
6. Book Reviews:
7. Other Works in Print:
Trammel, M., Newhart, D., Willis, V., & Johnson, A. Staff Contributors: Reece, J., Spencer, M.L., Gambhir, S., Mobley, E., Rhoden, D., Vega, D., Teel. C., & Ratchford, C. (April 2008). African American Male Initiative Report. Prepared for The W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
B. Works not in Print
Vega, D., Moore, J.L., III, & Miranda, A. (Under Review). In their own words: The school experiences
of urban youth. Urban Review.
Jantz, P. J., Vega, D., Klose, L., & Lasser, J. (Under Review). Field-based practicum experiences in
specialist-level school psychology programs: Implications for graduate preparation. The Trainer’s Forum.
Vega, D., Moore, J.L., III, & Miranda, A. (Under Review). “They think we’re gonna’ fail regardless”:
Perceptions of discrimination among urban youth. Urban Education.
Vega, D., Moore, J.L., III, & Miranda, A. (Under Review). Who really cares? Urban youths’
perceptions of parental and programmatic support. School Community Journal.
1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:
Vega, D. (March 2014). Suicide attempts among Latina Youth.(Poster presentation). To be presented at
the Exploring Gender, Mental Health, and Wellness Symposium at Texas State University.
Vega, D., Fernandez-May, A., Luquire, R., Garrison, T., & Jackson, K. (February 2014).Effective
training for school psychologists working with deaf and hard of hearing students. (Poster presentation). To be presented at the Trainers of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Jantz, P., Vega, D., Klose, L., Lasser, J., Kuebler, R., & Campbell, C. (February 2014). Field-
based experiences in specialist-level school psychology programs: Implications for graduate preparation. (Poster presentation). To be presented at the Trainers of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Vega, D.(February 2014). Who really cares? Perceptions of support among urban youth. (Paper
presentation). To be presented at the National Association of School Psychologist’s Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Vega, D., & Moore, J.L., III (April 2011). In their own words: School experiences and social
relationships of urban youth. (Roundtable session). Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Vega, D.(February 2011). Building academic success through positive relationships among urban,
Latina/o youth. (Poster Presentation). Presented at the National Association of School Psychologist’s Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Vega, D.(October 2010). The influence of positive support on urban youths’ academic attitudes. (Poster
Presentation). Presented at the Nebraska School Psychology Association Fall Conference. Lincoln, NE.
Vega, D.(March 2010). Do they really care?: Latino parental involvement in urban schools.
(Roundtable Discussion). Presented at the National Association of School Psychologist’s Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Vega, D.(February 2009). Striving to understand the relationship between racial identity &
achievement. (Poster Presentation). Presented at the National Association of School Psychologist’s Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Vega, D.(February 2009). Case study: A repeated readings with corrective feedback intervention.
(Poster Presentation). Presented at the National Association of School Psychologist’s Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Vega, D.(May 2008). An exploratory study examining the relationship between racial identity &
academic achievement among African American high school seniors. (Poster Presentation). Presentation of Master’s research project to School Psychology faculty and students. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Vega, D.,Tabbah, R. (February 2008). Culturally competent consultation to facilitate classroom
management in urban schools. (Poster Presentation). Presented at the National Association of School Psychologist’s Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Vega, D. (May 2007). Mystery motivator to increase school attendance. (Poster Presentation).
Presented at the 12th Annual Diversity Forum and Graduate Student Symposium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Miranda, A., & Vega, al. (March 2007). Racial identity in the schools. (Symposium Presentation). Presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Harris, O., & Vega, D.(July 2006). An exploratory study of the relationship between c-reactive
protein and the Framingham coronary heart disease risk score as a predictor of heart
disease. (Paper Presentation). Presented at the University of Buffalo McNair Scholar Summer Research Conference, Buffalo, NY.
Vega, D.(March 2006). Minds of Steel: A physical activity intervention for kids at risk for depression. (Poster Presentation). Presented at the University of Maryland National McNair Scholar 7th Annual Research Conference, College Park, MD.
Vega, D.(July 2005). Minds of Steel: A physical activity intervention for kids at risk for depression. (Poster Presentation). Presented at the Penn State McNair Scholars Summer 13th Annual Research Conference, University Park, PA.
2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:
Vega, D. (October 2013). RTI: A Review for the Praxis Exam. Presented to School Psychology practicum
Vega, D.(June 2013). Providing Culturally Competent Mental Health and Crisis Intervention Services.
Lecture presented in C. Plotts’ EDP 5394 Multicultural School Psychology course.
Vega, D.(September 2012). The Student Assistance Team (SAT) Process. (Paper Presentation). In- service training provided for the staff at Belvedere Elementary School. Omaha, NE.
Vega, D.(August 2011). Working with English Language Learners. (Paper Presentation). In-service training provided for the staff at Oak Valley Elementary School. Omaha, NE.
Vega, D.(May 2011). English as a third language. (Paper Presentation). Presented for the Nebraska
Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology (NICPP). Omaha, NE.
Vega, D.(September 2010). “With a little faith and support, you could really do anything”: A study
of urban youth. (Paper Presentation). Presented during Curriculum Day for the Omaha Public Schools Department of Psychological Services. Omaha, NE.
Vega, D. et al. (2009). What is School Psychology? Presentation for undergraduate psychology majors at The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.
3. Consultancies:
4. Workshops:
5. Other Works not in Print:
- Works “submitted” or “under review”
- Works “ in progress”
- Other works not in print
C. Grants and Contracts
1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:
2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:
3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:
Vega, D. (2013). Following in their Footsteps: An Exploratory Study of High-achieving, First-generation,
Latino College Students. Texas State University Research Enhancement Program Grant. Amount awarded: $8,000.
4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:
D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:
New Faculty Library Start-up Funds. Amount Awarded: $763.94
IV. Service
A. Institutional
Mentee,College of Education Scholar-Mentor Program (2013-2014)
Student Adviser, School Psychology Program (2013 - present)
Member, School Psychology Admissions Committee (2013 - present)
Member, School Psychology Program Committee (2013 - present)
Member, School Psychology Oral Exam Committee (2013 - present)
B. Professional:
Manuscript Reviewer, Urban Education (2013 – present)
Chair, Research Committee, The Omaha Public Schools District, Psychological Services (2012- 2013)
Board Member, Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology (NICPP) (2010- 2011)
Student Affiliate, Nebraska School Psychology Association (2010-2011)
Bell Doctoral Fellow(2009-present)
Campus Affiliate, National Coalition Building Institute, International (2009-2010)
Student Affiliate, Student Affiliates in School Psychology (2009-2011)
Student Affiliate, American Psychological Association, Division 16 (2009-2011)
Student Affiliate, American Educational Research Association (2009-2011)
Member, National Association of School Psychologists(2006-present)
Student Affiliate, School Psychologists of Central Ohio (2006-2010)
C. Community:
D. Service Honors and Awards:
Bell Doctoral Fellows Travel Award ($1000) (2011)
The Ohio State University School Psychology Program Hidy Fund Travel Award ($200)(2010)
Who’s Who in Latino in Columbus. 2009: Inaugural edition (2009)
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Grant Workshop Travel Award ($500) (2009)
PsychCorp-Trainers of School Psychology Professional Development Scholarship ($500), (2009)
National Association of School Psychologists Student Leader (2008-2009)
Counselor Education, School Psychology (CESP) Travel Award ($500) (2008)
The Ohio State University School Psychology Program Hidy Fund Travel Award ($100)(2008)
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, The Ohio State University Chapter
Ronald E. McNair Scholar
New York State Lottery Scholarship Recipient ($4000) (2002-2006)
United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Scholarship Recipient ($5000) (2002-2006)
E. Service Grants and Contracts
1. Funded External Service Grants and Contracts:
2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Service Grants and Contracts:
3. Funded Internal Service Grants and Contracts:
4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Service Grants and Contracts:
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