Great Happens Here / Walker Butte K-8 Leadership School

Principal: Paul Hatch

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director: Jaime Lopez

Assistant Principal/Truancy Officer: Tara Walter

29697 N. Desert Willow Blvd.

San Tan Valley, AZ 85142

Office: 480-987-5360

July 2015

Dear Dr. Fuller and Board Members,

We hope you are having a wonderful summer! We are excited about the upcoming 2015-16 school year. We would like to make you aware of some of our activities this month and plans for the coming month and school year. The following may be of interest to you:

  • Walker Butte K-8 Leadership School is fully staffed. We are excited to welcome 14 new teachers to our team and feel they will help strengthen instruction for all.
  • This summer we hosted a summer camp for students with special needs. It was great to have them in our building daily throughout the month of June and the first days of July. They used our gym, our art room, and our student kitchen room to brush up on their talents and learn skills that will help them become more self-reliant. Mr. Leckie and his team did a great job with this summer camp!
  • Our theme for the upcoming school year is “Changing the world one habit at a time.” This theme was selected by our student council president.
  • On the 10th of July our Campus Lighthouse Committee will undergo another day of training by Tom Hewlett to help us with further implementation of our leadership model. The 15th of July the entire faculty and available staff will be trained further in the same.
  • Our K-8 Meet the Teacher Night will be Thursday, July 16th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. The preschool Meet the Teacher Night will be from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM that same evening.
  • We want to continue to develop student leadership as well as pride in our school. We will be encouraging our students to discover their voice and find an area in which they excel, can participate, or show leadership.
  • Our custodial team and maintenance specialist have been hard at work all summer preparing the building for the opening of school.
  • Master Teacher Lanette Barrett and Mentor Teacher Melissa Lopez attended PEAK Learning Systems Summer Institute in Colorado the week of June 22nd and returned with great ideas to make our TAP instructional clusters even more productive as we help our teachers develop their skill set and Sharpen the Saw.

We thank you again for all your support and leadership. It’s going to be a great year!


Paul Hatch

Board of Education

Denise Guenther, President Janeane Candelaria, Vice-President Bob Dailey, Member Rose Marie M. Monks, Member Steve Johnson, Member