Local Environment Directorate
Environmental Health
Assistant Director of Local Environment: Angela Culleton
Civic Centre, Carlisle, CA3 8QG
•Telephone (01228) 817000 • Fax (01228) 817090 •Typetalk 18001 01228 817000
Xx xxxxxxxxxxTeza Indian Restaurant & Bar
Unit 4a, English Gate Plaza
CA1 1RP / Please ask for:
Direct Line:
E-mail: /
Your ref:
Our ref: / 500375V:006012
Date: / 15/12/2011
Dear xxxxxx xxxxxx
Teza Indian Restaurant & BarUnit 4a, English Gate Plaza, Botchergate, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 1RP
I am writing to you following my recent inspection of your premises on 7 December 2011.
You will find enclosed a schedule of work that needs to be attended to.
The legal requirements must be addressed as soon as possible. A revisit will be undertaken in approximately 4 weeks time.
The Food, Health and Safety Team carry out law enforcement in accordance with its own enforcement policy and relevant Food Safety Act Codes of Practice. Details of the enforcement policy can be found in The Food Safety Section of the Council’s website or by contacting the Food Safety Team.
If there was any aspect of the inspection or there is any part of this letter that you do not understand or you disagree with, you should telephone, write or make an appointment to see me or my line manager, Scott Burns, Environmental Health Manager on extension 7328, within 14 days of the date of this letter.
Yours sincerely
District Environmental Health Officer
Cumbria Food Liaison Group Star Rating Scheme Assessment Sheet
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives members of the public the right to access certain information held by local authorities including details of food hygiene inspections. In the next few weeks your Star Rating of 0 Stars will be displayed on the internet at or via your Local authority web-site.
Enclosed is your Certificate which you may wish to display on your premises.
We use the following guidelines when scoring a food business after an inspection to obtain the Star Rating. (These are from the FSA Code of Practice)
Star Rating / Performance LevelNo Stars / Very Poor – major improvements needed
1 Star / Poor
2 Stars / Fair
3 Stars / Good
4 Stars / Very Good
5 Stars / Excellent
Your Star Rating will not be amended until your next inspection. A copy of our Star Rating Policy is available on our web-site.
PREMISES: Teza Indian Canteen & Bar, Unit 4a, English Gate Plaza, Botchergate, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 1RP
DATE OF INSPECTION: 7 December 2011
1.At the time of the inspection, hot water was not available at any of the sinks or wash hand basins. I was informed that this was due to the boiler having broken down the previous night.
On this occasion, a temporary repair was made to the boiler to allow trading to take place that night and a full repair was carried out the next day. You must be aware however, the availability and use of a running hot water supply is absolutely essential in ensuring food handlers ability to maintain personal hygiene and to maintaining clean equipment and work surfaces during food preparation. It is therefore not acceptable to continue preparing food without a supply of running hot water. If, in the future, it is found that food is being prepared and there is not a supply of hot and cold running water at the sinks and wash hand basins, formal action may be taken.
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter I Paragraph
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter II Paragraph 2
2.It was apparent during my inspection that the level of food hygiene awareness amongst your staff was inadequate. You must ensure that all food handlers engaged in your food business are supervised, instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters to an appropriate level, bearing in mind the type of work they do.
A list of local training providers is enclosed for your information
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter XII Paragraph 1
3.The general standard of cleanliness in the kitchen was poor.
It will be necessary to deep clean the entire kitchen structure. Particular attention must being paid to the wall surfaces behind and below work tops and to the floor below equipment.
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter I Paragraph 1
4.Soap and clean hand towels must be maintained at all wash hand basins.
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter I Paragraph 4
5.The lack of a hot water supply and any appropriate disinfecting agents, meant it could not be demonstrated that all equipment which comes into contact with food was adequately cleaned and disinfected. Visual inspection of the equipment found the standard of cleanliness to be poor. The following were noted:
- The knives held on the magnetic knife rack had clearly been used and replaced on the rack without being cleaned and disinfected.
- The ice making compartment of the ice making machine was not clean.
- The microwave ceilingwas dirty.
- Spillages from raw meat had frozen onto the floors of the freezers, also external surfaces and door seals of all refrigerators and freezers were not clean.
- The food storage containers beside the naan preparation were not clean.
The above must thoroughly cleaned and then must be maintained in a clean condition.
Any ice made prior to the ice machine being cleaned should be disposed of.
All reusable containers must be washed and dried on a regular basis. The practice of continually topping up containers must cease.
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter V Paragraph 1(a)
6.Food business proprietors are required to illustrate with documents and records that all potential food safety hazards associated with the business have been identified and are being controlled in an effective and consistent manner.
At the time of the inspection I was shown a copy of Safer Food Better Business (SFBB), however, the records did not appear to be current or to have been kept in a consistent manner.
An appropriate food safety management system must be put in place. In the event that Safer Food Better Business is chosen for this purpose, in order to be relevant to the business, it will be necessary to fully implement the system and to keep appropriate records on a daily basis.
The documented procedures and records will be inspected at all future inspections.
Regulation (EC) 852/2004, Article 5
7.It is understood that changes may have taken place to the business since 31 March 2011. Food business operators are required to notify the food safety authority of each establishment under their control.
You must complete and return the enclosed form in order to register the current business with this authority.
Regulation (EC) 852/2004, Article 6, Paragraph 2
8.A quantity of cooked rice which was said to have been cooked earlier in the afternoon was sitting at room temperature on the worktop in deep sided containers. To prevent toxins forming in the cooked rice, you should cook the rice close to the time of service and keep it hot at above 63°C. Alternatively, the cooked rice can be cooled and stored it in the refrigerator at or below 8°C prior to being reheated for sale. When cooling is carried out, it is essential that none of the rice lingers between the temperatures of 8°C and 63°C.
If you intend to pre cook rice, it will be necessary to put in place a procedure which will achieve rapid cooling prior to refrigeration.
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter IX Paragraphs 3 & 6
1MM100512 / Continued
1.The selection and ordering of cleaning chemicals requires review in order to ensure that appropriate cleaning materials are procured and that supplies are always available.
2.Persons with non food handling roles who have responsibilities with regard to the cleaning of the premises and equipment should receive training on the appropriate use of any cleaning materials provide for those purposes.
3.I would strongly recommend that a cleaning schedule is drawn up and that the adequacy of cleaning and disinfection is monitored on a daily basis.
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