3. Flow of experiment and the problems have occurred

Part1: Compile kernel

In the step of compiling kernel, we have met many problems which costs us a lot of time. Later I will list them.

The webpage we take as reference: http://blog.yam.com/carl44/article/7220788

(1)  Download MIPv6

sudo –s

cd /usr/local/src

wget http://mobile-ipv6.org/software/download/mipv6-2.0.2.tar.gz

wget http://mobile-ipv6.org/software/download/mipv6-2.0.2-linux-2.6.16.patch.gz

tar zxfv mipv6-2.0.2.tar.gz

(2)  Download kernel source

cd /usr/src

wget ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-

tar jxvf linux-

ln -s linux- linux

cd linux

(The linux document is where we compiled kernel)

(3) Apply the MIPv6 patch

zcat /usr/local/src/mipv6-2.0.2-linux-2.6.16.patch.gz | patch -p1 --dry-run

zcat /usr/local/src/mipv6-2.0.1-linux-2.6.15.patch.gz | patch -p1

In this step, the error occur so we modify the command to

zcat /usr/local/src/mipv6-2.0.2-linux-2.6.16.patch.gz | patch -p1

(3)  Compile kernel

cd /usr/src/linux

make mrproper

make menuconfig

In this step, the error occur if the library “libncurse.dev” is not installed (the default will not install this library) so we have to installed it.

Then we modified the config as follow, note that some config would not found if the (3) is not succeed.



make clean

make bzImage

In this step, a error will occurred because the library “compiler.h” is modified in new version of linux. So we modified the command to

make bzImage CC="gcc -fno-stack-protector”

make modules

make modules_install

make install

then we make the initrd.img to boot.

The command

mkinitrd –o initrd- /lib/modules


mkinitramfs –o initrd- /lib/modules

After making the init image, the error “kernel panic” may occur. We don’t know how it happened. How we solve the problem is to change the version of Ubuntu.

After 5 versions of Ubuntu have tried(the version 6.10 is ok) and more than ten times compiling kernel has done. We have build two server (AR and HA) for the experiment. It takes us about 3days!!

Part 2: Install MIPv6

The webpage we take as reference:


cd /usr/local/src/mipv6-2.0.2

CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/src/linux/include ./configure --enable-vt


make install

Part3: Set up IPv6

(1)  Setting mipv6

First we build a exe file “mip6d” in /etc (in MN and HA) as



# mip6d: Starts the Mobile IPv6 Daemon


# description: This is a daemon which provide IPv6 Mobility

# support (RFC3775). Init script for Debian and Ubuntu.


# (C) GNU GPL Lars Strand <lars strand at linpro no>







set -e

# Check for IPv6 support in kernel

if [ ! -e /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; then

echo "IPv6 support must be enabled in the kernel for $DESC to work."

exit 1


# Can we fint the mip6d?

if [ ! -x $DAEMON ]; then

echo "Unable to find $DAEMON."

exit 1


chkconfig() {

if [ ! -e $CONFIG -o ! -s $CONFIG ]; then

echo ""

echo "ERROR: $CONFIG does not exist or is empty."

echo " See mip6d.conf(5) for configuration file syntax and example"

echo " configuration. $DESC will *not* be started."

echo ""

exit 1



# See how we were called.

case "$1" in


echo -n "Starting $DESC..."


if ! start-stop-daemon --oknodo --start --exec $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS; then

echo "failed." & exit 1


echo " done."



echo -n "Stopping $DESC..."

start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --exec $DAEMON

echo " done."




echo -n "Restarting $DESC..."

start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --exec $DAEMON

sleep 1

start-stop-daemon --oknodo --start --exec $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS

echo " done."



echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}" &2

exit 1



exit 0

In MN we type the command below

# iwconfig eth0 mode ad-hoc essid homenet enc off

# ifconfig eth0 inet6 add fec0:106:2700::4/64

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/forwarding

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/autoconf

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_redirects

In HA we type the command below

# ifconfig eth0 inet6 add fec0:106:2700::1/4

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/forwarding

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/autoconf

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_ra

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/accept_redirects

# ip route add ::/0 via fec0:106:2700::1

In AR we type the command below

# ifconfig eth0 inet6 add fec0:106:2300::1/64

# ifconfig eth1 inet6 add fec0:106:1100::1/64

# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/autoconf

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_ra

# echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_redirects

# ip route add fec0:106:2700::/64 via fec0:106:2300::2

then we make configure file “mip6d.conf” in /etc


# Mobile IPv6 configuration file: Home Agent


# filename: /etc/mip6d.conf

NodeConfig HA;

## If set to > 0, will not detach from tty

DebugLevel 10;

## List of interfaces where we serve as Home Agent

Interface "eth0";


## IPsec configuration


UseMnHaIPsec enabled;

IPsecPolicySet {

HomeAgentAddress fec0:106:2700::1

HomeAddress fec0:106:2700::1/64;

IPsecPolicy HomeRegBinding UseESP;

IPsecPolicy MobPfxDisc UseESP;

IPsecPolicy TunnelMh UseESP;



# Mobile IPv6 configuration file: Mobile Node


# filename: /etc/mip6d.conf

NodeConfig MN;

## If set to > 0, will not detach from tty

DebugLevel 10;

MnDiscardHaParamProb enabled;

Interface "eth0";

MnHomeLink "eth0" {

HomeAgentAddress fec0:106:2700::1;

HomeAddress fec0:106:2700::4/64;



## IPsec configuration


UseMnHaIPsec enabled;

IPsecPolicySet {

HomeAgentAddress fec0:106:2700::1;

HomeAddress fec0:106:2700::4/64;

IPsecPolicy HomeRegBinding UseESP;

IPsecPolicy MobPfxDisc UseESP;

IPsecPolicy TunnelMh UseESP;


(2)  Setting radvd

radvd is a software to help us to do the broadcast in IPv6

we set the radvd.conf in /etc


interface eth2


AdvSendAdvert on;

AdvIntervalOpt on;

MinRtrAdvInterval 3;

MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;

AdvHomeAgentFlag off;

prefix fec0:106:1100::/64


AdvOnLink on;

AdvAutonomous on;

AdvRouterAddr on;




interface eth2


AdvSendAdvert on;

MaxRtrAdvInterval 3;

MinRtrAdvInterval 1;

AdvIntervalOpt off;

AdvHomeAgentFlag on;

HomeAgentLifetime 10000;

HomeAgentPreference 20;

AdvHomeAgentInfo on;

prefix fec0:106:2700::1/64


AdvRouterAddr on;

AdvOnLink on;

AdvAutonomous on;

AdvPreferredLifetime 10000;

AdvValidLifetime 12000;



After this, if we execute “radvd start” and “radvdump”, we’ll see some information in HA and AR like this, which means we have succeed to broadcast with each other.

Router advertisement from fe80::202:2dff:fe54:d11e (hoplimit 255)

Received by interface eth0

# Note: {Min,Max}RtrAdvInterval cannot be obtained with radvdump

AdvCurHopLimit: 64

AdvManagedFlag: off

AdvOtherConfigFlag: off

AdvHomeAgentFlag: on

AdvReachableTime: 0

AdvRetransTimer: 0

Prefix fec0:106:2700::2/64

AdvValidLifetime: 12000

AdvPreferredLifetime: 10000

AdvOnLink: on

AdvAutonomous: on

AdvRouterAddr: on

AdvSourceLLAddress: 00 02 2D 54 D1 1E


HomeAgentPreference: 20

HomeAgentLifetime: 1000

And we can use “ping6 –I eth2 (IPv6 IP)” to check if HA and AR is reachable. And we’ve succeed.

But after the step above, we have failed on doing

# mip6d -c /etc/mip6d.conf

the information we retrieved should be like this:

mip6d[3794]: MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux v2.0.1 started (Home Agent)

main: MIPL Mobile IPv6 for Linux started in debug mode, not detaching from terminal

conf_show: config_file = /etc/mip6d.conf

conf_show: vt_hostname = localhost

conf_show: vt_service = 7777

conf_show: mip6_entity = 2

conf_show: debug_level = 10

conf_show: PolicyModulePath = [internal]

conf_show: DefaultBindingAclPolicy = 0

conf_show: NonVolatileBindingCache = disabled

conf_show: KeyMngMobCapability = disabled

conf_show: UseMnHaIPsec = enabled

conf_show: MnMaxHaBindingLife = 262140

conf_show: MnMaxCnBindingLife = 420

conf_show: MnRouterProbes = 0

conf_show: MnRouterProbeTimeout = 0.000000

conf_show: InitialBindackTimeoutFirstReg = 1.500000

conf_show: InitialBindackTimeoutReReg = 1.000000

conf_show: UseCnBuAck = disabled

conf_show: DoRouteOptimizationMN = enabled

conf_show: MnUseAllInterfaces = disabled

conf_show: MnDiscardHaParamProb = disabled

conf_show: SendMobPfxSols = enabled

conf_show: SendMobPfxAdvs = enabled

conf_show: SendUnsolMobPfxAdvs = enabled

conf_show: MaxMobPfxAdvInterval = 86400

conf_show: MinMobPfxAdvInterval = 600

conf_show: HaMaxBindingLife = 262140

conf_show: DoRouteOptimizationCN = enabled

xfrm_cn_init: Adding policies and states for CN

xfrm_ha_init: Adding policies and states for HA

vt_server_init: VT server listens[7777] OK

But we don’t have , and got some error. This is the bottleneck we’ve met. We have stopped to doing this experiment because it takes us too much time(one week) and I had not slept for three days due to the complex of this experiment and so many difficult problems we have met.