Societies Leadership Development

Assistance for DIT Student Leaders

Attending Conferences

1. Personal Information

Name: ______Student No: ______

Home address: ______

Postal code: ______Mobile No: ______E-mail:______

Faculty/Course.: ______Year: ______Master’s  Doctoral  Full-time  Part-time 

2. Conference Information

Conference Title: ______

Conference Date: ______Conference location: ______

Background information about yourself in relation to Student Activities. Include past organising experience, committee position interest in the event/project/conference/training session’s subject, and any other relevant information.

______State your reasons for attending the conference. Please describe why you believe you should be supported to attend the conference. What will be your contribution? How will you benefit? How will your DIT/DIT Societies benefit if you attend the conference? (Append additional page as needed.) Maximum on of 500 words


3. Financial Information

Means of Transportation: Car (personal) Car (rental)  Bus  Train  Air 


Travel costs (approximately):______

Conference registration fee: ______

Meal expenses: ______

Accommodation expenses: ______

Miscellaneous expenses (please specify): ______

Total expenses: ______

4. Participation

Will you present at this conference? Oral Presentation Poster  Attended
If you made an oral or poster presentation, were you the first author?______

Title of presentation/poster: ______


I hereby declare that all information given on this application is true and complete in every respect. I understand that I may be required to repay all or part of this assistance if the information is found to be inaccurate for any reason. All decisions of the committee are considered final and are not open to appeal.

Applicant’s Signature: ______Date:______

Terms and Conditions

Once your application has been approved, the recipient of the funding must confirm in writing that he/she is able to meet the requirement of full conference attendance, by the required date. Failure to do so may result in funding being withdrawn.

1.You are expected to be an active participant throughout the duration of the Conference

2.You are required to attend all social events included in the Conference.

3.At the conclusion of the Conference you will be required to fill out feedback forms

4.The recipient of the funding must submit a post-conference report on the outcomes

 achievedthrough attendance at the Conference within 1 month of their attendance and

 forward it to the Societiesoffice to be submitted to the DIT Societies and Events Committee and DIT Student Life Committee.

Supported by the DIT Societies Office