The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Assignment Sheet
Mrs. Chausse Honors Junior English
- Assignment One: Read chapters 1-3. For each chapter choose one significant excerpt. Record the page number of the excerpt and the location of the excerpt on the page. Explain with well written sentences the immediate circumstances of the excerpt. Explain why you felt this excerpt was significant.
Throughout The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne uses symbols. Make a list of all symbols that you encounter in chapters 1-3. Next to each symbol record the page number of the symbol. Explain briefly what you think the symbol represents.
Reading Schedule for chapters 4-24:
Chapters / Student Leaders / Due DateChapters 4-6 / Gabby, Elena, Evan S / Tuesday 10/5
Chapters 7-9 / Stephanie, Jason / Wednesday 10/6
Chapters 10-11 / Katie, Bastian, Amy / Thursday 10/7
Chapters 12-14 / Tsearing, Evan D.,Lauren / Friday 10/8
Chapters 15-17 / Emily, Alison, Taylor / Tuesday 10/12
Chapters 18-20 / Adam, Julie / Thursday 10/14
Chapters 21-22 / Shannon, Monica / Friday 10/15
Chapters 23-24 / Kelly, Serafina / Tuesday 10/19
Test / Wednesday 10/20
Student Leaders should be prepared to present their chapters to the class.
Tasks for student leaders:
· Choose one significant excerpt for each chapter. Choose sections that you think are interesting, powerful, funny, puzzling, surprising, well-written, controversial or thought provoking. Record the page number and the location on the page. Explain with well written sentences the immediate circumstances of the excerpt. Explain why you felt the excerpt was significant.
· Record symbols in the assigned chapters. Record their location in the chapters. Explain the use and meaning of the symbol in the context of the chapters.
· Make a list of any new vocabulary words not found on the vocabulary list. Look the words up in the dictionary. Write the definition down.
· Create two discussion questions. Record page numbers where pertinent information related to these two questions can be found. Provide thoughtful statements which explain issues for focus in the discussion.
· Word process these assignments.
· Illustrate a significant idea presented in the chapters. Or bring in something related to a significant idea presented in the chapter. Make it interesting and thought provoking. Help spark class discussion!
Student non leaders should use sticky notes or specific notations to mark parts of the text which they find confusing, interesting or thought provoking. You must come prepared with a minimum of two different sections noted. Be prepared to share these during class discussion. Expect a quiz on each reading assignment.