One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Book and Movie: Which is better?

After reading the book One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey and watching the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest directed by Milos Foreman, decide which is better. Write a paper supporting your choice.

To support your choice, compare one key scene from the book to one key scene from the movie. These scenes do not need to be of the same incident or even related. Instead your analysis of the scenes should indicate a significant thematic difference between the book and the movie. Your analysis should explain your preference for the movie or the book.

You may not write about Bromden as narrator since we have discussed this in class.

Use correct MLA format. Upload your paper to Bring a copy to class.

Academic Expectation: The Morgan School student demonstrates proficiency in writing.

Level 4
Exemplary / __ Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the task and a sophisticated recognition of audience and purpose. __ Provides exceptional support with varied/insightful examples and thorough explanation of those examples.
__ Exhibits an effective plan.
__ Reveals a strong control of language, containing very few, if any, errors in mechanics.
Level 3
Proficient / __ Demonstrates a clear understanding of the task and an adequate recognition of audience and purpose.
__ Provides sufficient support, employing relevant examples and an explanation of those examples.
__ A discernible plan is evident.
__ Writing is fluent but may contain some minor errors in mechanics.
Level 2
Developing / __ Demonstrates some understanding of the task and a limited recognition of audience and purpose.
__ Provides limited support; examples are few and/or lack relevance and/or explanation.
__ Writing is somewhat disorganized.
__ Inconsistent control of language and contains mechanical errors which distract/confuse the reader.
Level 1
Insufficient / __ Demonstrates a misunderstanding of the task.
__ Writing provides inadequate support.
__ Limited evidence of a plan, making the ideas difficult to follow.
__ Writing lacks fluency and contains extensive mechanical errors that confuse the reader.