Implementation Minutes

Student Team

Assigning Student Accommodations[MP1]


Meeting Information

Facilitator / Sandra Beaulac
Note Taker / Linda Phillips
Attendees / Brenda Russell, Casey Case, Pat VonDissen, Julie Duncan, Hazel Lewis, Julie Duncan, Rick Clyburn, Krystal McCorgary

<Topic Title>

Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights:
GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required: / TSICSRV – Customer Service Inquiry. Business Office will decide if Housing will have access to this. It’s view only.
Other Issues and Concerns:

Action Items / Assignments

Description / Owner / Deadline

<Topic Title>

Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: / Question from Brenda Russell is where we charge the cable and RHA charges? RHA is one-time charge every semester. We need it to be assigned as a separate line item. Sandra will ask Doreen for answer
GAPs Identified:
Decisions Made:
Decisions Required:
Other Issues and Concerns: / STVBLDG – Building Code Validation
STVRDEF – Building/Room Attribute Code. This table must be updated with attributes related to our rooms. We don’t have a current list, but Casey will come up with list.
TASK: Review all validation tables and create the ones that have not been updated.
Page 10 in the workbook shows list. Use this list as reference.
SLATERM – Housing Term Control. This will need to be set up every semester. Rooms can be assigned BEFORE charges are assessed. Business Office will set this up.
Check to see when charges will be discussed related to housing. June or July.
SLALMFE – Room/Meal/Phone Rate code. Business Office will set up this form and validation tables. Brenda and Casey will work together to decide charges based on single room, double, phone, etc. Separate entries for meals/room/rate.
Linda and Sandra will discuss how these will be set up related to security issues.
Question from Brenda Russell is where we charge the cable and RHA charges? RHA is one-time charge every semester. We need it to be assigned as a separate line item. Sandra will ask Doreen for answer.
SLAASCD – Room Assignment Status. Validation within that is STVASCD. Currently there is only an active and inactive assignment. Could put a withdrawn assignment. At Cameron , we charge students by day to determine charge or refund.
TASK: Can we create a chart that will determine refunds based on start/end dates for each term? Brenda will check on this. There will be separate entries for room/meal and phone.
SLARMAP – Dorm Room and Meal Application. Meal plan options go here. Casey will need get information for associated validation table. STVMRCD
SLARMAP – Special Attributes could be used to put sleep patterns, smoking requirements, etc.
STVRDEF – Building/Room Attributes. Casey will need to add attributes here as a work-around for preferences.
SLARMAT – Roommate application. Example on page 79 of workbook on how to do this assignment.
SLARASG – Room Assignment.
Brenda R. asked if they could charge by the month and/or by the day for those who move in at mid-term. Go to SLARASG, select a daily rate plan for ‘room plan’.
Question to Doreen: A student is charged for a full semester, the student moves out mid-semester, can the charges then be calculated on the actual number of days the student lived in housing?
TSASPAY is used to assess charges for miscellaneous items. (room damage, etc.) This is on the AR side.
Page 108 of the Workbook – speaks of running batch scheduler for room assignments.
Sandra will get back to Linda on why jobs aren’t running.
Reviewed the jobs/reports available for location management.
Review buildings to make sure addresses are on them.
Description / Owner / Deadline
SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary
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