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COM 19 – R 3 PUBLIC – E
STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 / October 2005
English only
Original: English
Question(s): / ALL
Source: / Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks)
Title: / Report of the Geneva meeting (5-9 September 2005)
Structure of the report R 3 of the third meeting of the SG19
(Geneva, 5-9 September 2005)
3 / Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks) / Contains list of liaisons
Annexes to the report R 3 / SG19 Questions 1, joint 2 and 5/19, 3, 4 and joint 2 and 5/19, and 6/13 meetings / Annex 4 contains SG19 Work Programme
Table of contents
2.Documentation for the meeting
3.Approval of Draft Recommendation
4Next Generation Networks and SG 19’s Role
5.Reports of Interim and Related Activities
6Study Group Structure, Appointment of Rapporteurs and Meeting Timetable
7.Approval of reports of individual Questions
8.Allocation of NGN deliverable responsibilities
9.Future meetings
10.Approval of outgoing liaison statements
11.Work Programme for SG 19
12.Planning for Workshops and Seminars
13.Closing of the Meeting
Annex 1 - Agenda
Annex 2 - Notes on Additional Documents Identified in the Opening Plenary
Annex 3 - SG 19’s Position on its Role in NGN Studies
Annex 4 - SG 19 Work Programme
Annex 5 - Q.1/19 Report: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture
Annex 6 - Joint Report of Q.2/19 “Mobility management” and Q.5/19 “Convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks with evolving fixed networks”
Annex 7 - Q.3/19 Report: Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems
Annex 8 - Q.4/19 Report: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000
Annex 9 - Report of Joint Meetings of Q.2/19 “Mobility management”, Q.5/19 “Convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks with evolving fixed networks” and Q.6/13 “NGN mobility and fixed-mobile convergence”
1.1The third meeting of ITU-T Study Group 19 “Mobile Telecommunication Networks” in the 2005-2008 study period, took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in the ITU Facilities from 5-9 September 2005. The meeting was convened by TSB Collective Letter 3/19 dated 3 June 2005 and was chaired by Mr John Visser (Nortel, Canada), assisted by the following SG 19 Vice-Chairmen:
- Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon)
- Mr Motoshi Tamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan)
1.2Two Vice-Chairmen were not able to participate in this meeting, extended apologies for their absence, and designated representatives to take their places:
- Mr Young Kyun Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea) represented by Mr Kees den Hollander
- Mr Patrick Masambu (Communications Commission, Uganda), represented by Mr Patrick Mwesigwa
1.3Three Vice-Chairmen were not able to participate in this meeting and extended apologies for their absence:
- Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Mobile Communications, Italy)
- Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil)
- Mr Konstantin Trofimov (NIIR, Russia)
1.4The Chairman opened the meeting at 09:30 on 5 September 2005 and welcomed the participants. The Chairman invited Dr Houlin Zhao, ITU TSB Director, to provide some opening remarks. DrZhao gave a warm welcome to the delegates, and then noted a number of points:
- The GSC-10 meeting which took place in Sofia Antipolis, 28 August - 2 September produced a Resolution on IMT-2000 and beyond[1] which explicitly recognized the role of ITU-T SG 19 in studying systems beyond IMT-2000.
- Three study groups meeting in parallel per the discussions at WTSA-2004 provide a good opportunity for experts to come together to advance the work on Next Generation Networks. A new name for this collective effort is being sought. Co-located Rapporteurs’ meetings addressing NGN matters will be announced by Collective Letter to raise the profile of these meetings. The Chairmen of Study Groups 12 and 16 have indicated willingness to have relevant Rapporteurs’ meetings from their Study Groups co-located and included in these Collective Letters. The overall goal is to maintain the momentum of the NGN work as it transitions into the regular Study Group structure. The TSB is planning to publish a “book” of the FG NGN output documents to capture in one place what has been achieved, and what is planned. These and other methods are aimed at dispelling any misperception that the work will be slowing down as a result of this transition.
- An issue is noted on the SG 19 agenda with respect to continuing the NG studies on fixed-mobile convergence and mobility. It is natural that SG 19 should take care of this. He noted that SG 19 is working quite well although it is not that big: major companies are still active and experts from companies are able to work calmly.
- He encouraged more attention be paid to case studies to show examples and principles of the application and evolution of IMT-2000 networks, in conjunction with the BDT as appropriate, noting that Africa and India, as two examples, are experiencing very high growth rates in mobile subscriptions. He noted that not only mobile but also fixed-mobile convergence will have significant economic and social effects on the world.
1.5The SG 19 Chairman provided his opening remarks and stated his overall objectives for the meeting. These are summarized here:
- SG 19 should discuss its situation and should decide to assert its mandate per WTSA-2004.
- In order to put some substance behind asserting its mandate, SG 19 should be prepared, at this meeting, to conduct a thorough review of all FG NGN draft output documents that contain mobility or fixed-mobile convergence material, and should provide detailed and specific comments as feedback to the next meeting of the FG NGN in November.
- Draft new Recommendation Q.1741.4 should be finalized and offered to the closing plenary for Consent.
- All deliverables identified in the Work Programme should be progressed as much as possible in accordance with input material available.
2.Documentation for the meeting
2.1The agenda, as provided in Collective Letter 3/19, is available as TD177 and has been attached to this report as Annex 1. It was accepted as proposed.
2.2The meeting considered twelve contributions (D-17 through D-28.) The meeting considered fourteen liaison statements, listed in TD 198R3. One series of Temporary Documents was assigned. A proposed document allocation was made available as TD210. TDs generated during the meeting are not included in this allocation.
2.3The list of participants was distributed as TD242.
2.4All documents for the meeting may be downloaded from the SG 19 web page:
3.Approval of Draft Recommendation
3.1AAP Consent of Draft New Recommendation
3.1.1A draft new Recommendation entitled “IMT 2000 References to Release 6 of GSM evolved UMTS Core Network” was proposed for AAP Consent at the closing plenary. It was confirmed that the requirements of Recommendation A.5 with respect to referencing documents of external organizations were met: details are found in §6.2 of TD 230R1. A question to the plenary on patent information related to the candidate draft Recommendation elicited no response. TD 222 lists editorial work required to complete preparation of the draft new Recommendation for the AAP process. The following Recommendation has therefore been consented for AAP. The Q-series number allocated to this Recommendation is Q.1741.4.
Recommendation Q.1741.4 / IMT-2000 References to Release 6 of GSM evolved UMTS Core Network / Mr Achim von Brandt (Siemens, Germany) / TD 221
3.2Translation of Text of New Recommendation
3.2.1The meeting considered the matter of how best to translate the text of newly AAP Consented Recommendation to ensure that the results would be useful and meaningful to those using other language versions while minimizing the amount of translation effort required. SG 19 recommends that the entire contents of Recommendations in the Q.174x.y series should be translated with the following exceptions:
•Translation of the titles of references that exist in English only should not be done.
•Translation of the tables should not be done.
•Translation of the list of acronyms and abbreviations should be handled in a special way. Since acronyms and abbreviations often do not translate well, all language versions should include both the English as well as the translated list of acronyms and abbreviations in order to provide a common reference point for all readers.
3.2.2It is estimated that the above approach may save some of the translation effort that would otherwise be required with no loss of value to the users of these Recommendations. It is suggested to the TSB that it considers proceeding accordingly.
4Next Generation Networks and SG 19’s Role
4.1The report and selected draft output documents of the seventh meeting of the Next Generation Networks Focus Group (Beijing, China, 27 June – 1 July 2005) are found in TD 188 and TD 189. The list of meeting report documents and current output documents for the eighth meeting of the FG NGN (Geneva, 24 August - 2 September 2005) was provided in TD 213. The report of the eighth meeting and the draft output document “NGN Release 1 – Scope” are found in TD215.
4.2The meeting discussed the need for SG 19 to assert its position on its role in NGN studies, especially with respect to mobility and fixed-mobile convergence. TD211 provides a “Proposed statement on SG 19's role in NGN studies” drafted by the SG 19 Management Team. This statement was endorsed as proposed (the UK expressed a reservation) for input to the NGN-JCA meeting on 6 September where it is available as JCA document 13. This statement is attached as Annex 3.
4.3The summary report of the JCA is available as TD239 and reflects essential points from the SG 19 position statement.
4.4Three contributions from Canada, D24, D25 and D26 indicated the necessity for SG 19 to review the FG NGN deliverables to identify mobility and fixed-mobile convergence documents, or sections thereof, to conduct a thorough review, and to provide feedback to the FG NGN accordingly. The meeting agreed that the indicated Rapporteurs be instructed to do this.
5.Reports of Interim and Related Activities
5.1TD199 provides the report of the Q.2/19 e-meeting of 14 – 22 June 2005. TD200 provides the report of the Q.2/19 e-meeting of 4 – 11 July 2005. The results of these e-meetings will be used as input to the discussions under Q.2/19 at this meeting. The planned Q.1/19 e-meeting was cancelled due to insufficient input documents. The Q.5/19 e-meeting was brought to a close part way through due to lack of interaction on the electronic forum.
5.2One liaison statement had been reviewed and approved by correspondence since the last SG 19 meeting, and was endorsed:
- TD 183 is a liaison statement sent to ITU-R WP 8F “Executive summary on 2nd ITU-T SG 19 meeting (Geneva, 3 – 6 May 2005)” to provide information per the title.
5.3Notes on the discussions on the remaining general documents identified in the opening plenary may be found in Annex 2.
5.4Open Access to SG 19 Documentation
5.4.1The SG 19 Chairman is to report to TSAG on SG 19’s experience to date with respect to the conduct of a trial of making SG 19 documents publicly accessible. It is noted that three contributions and a number of TDs to this meeting were designated for public access. A public version of the previous meeting’s formal report has also been available for some time, together with a number of Rapporteurs’ meeting reports.
5.4.2No issues or concerns of any sort have arisen as a result of the open and public access to these documents to date. The SG 19 Chairman will so indicate to TSAG at the upcoming meeting,
7 - 11 November 2005, unless circumstances change.
5.4.3The SG 19 Chairman encouraged participants to continue to strive for greater openness and public accessibility for their documents within the agreed guidelines in order to obtain the fullest possible experience in this area.
6Study Group Structure, Appointment of Rapporteurs and Meeting Timetable
6.1Due to the unavoidable absence of Mr Bruno Ramos, Mr Atsushi Minokuchi volunteered to handle Q.1/19 for this meeting. This was agreed.
6.2Due to the unavoidable absence of Mr Farrokh Khatibi, Mr Kees den Hollander volunteered to act as Rapporteur for Q.2/19 as well as Q.5/19 at this meeting. This was agreed.
6.3The SG 19 Management Team proposed a meeting timetable in the CollectiveLetter and this was provided in TD 178, modified as shown in TD 178R1 to reflect Q.2 and Q.5/19 meeting jointly in all sessions. This timetable includes joint sessions of Q.2 and 5/19 with Q.6/13 on the afternoon of 5 September, and a subsequent additional joint session was held the morning of 7 September.
6.4The following table provides the current list of SG 19 Rapporteurs.
1/19 / Service and network capability requirements and network architecture / Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil)
2/19 / Mobility Management / Mr Farrokh Khatibi (Qualcomm, USA)
3/19 / Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems / Mr Ilkka Hyvärinen (Nokia, Finland)
4/19 / Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000 / Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon)
5/19 / Convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks with evolving fixed networks / Mr Kees den Hollander (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
6.5The following table provides the current list of SG 19 Coordinators.
EDH / open (SG 19 Chairman by default)
IETF, IEEE 802 / Mr Young Kyun Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea)
ITU-D Q.18/2 Liaison / Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon)
ITU-R WP 8F Liaison / Mr Konstantin Trofimov (Russian Federation) assisted by Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Mobile Communications, Italy)
Liaison / Mr Patrick Masambu (Uganda)
Meeting Scheduling / Mr Motoshi Tamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan)
NGN / open (SG 19 Chairman by default)
OPs of 3GPP and 3GPP2 / Mr Ilkka Hyvärinen (Nokia, Finland; Q.3/19 Rapporteur)
Project Plan / Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil)
Publicity / Mr John Visser (Nortel, Canada)
Security / open (SG 19 Chairman by default)
Seminars and Workshops / Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Mobile Communications, Italy)
7.Approval of reports of individual Questions
7.1Q.1/19 “Service and network capability requirements and network architecture”
7.1.1The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q1/19 in TD 236R1, attached as Annex5. A public version of TD 236R1 has also been posted.
7.1.2The key result extracted from the report of Q1/19 is:
- Developed the draft of the ITU-T PDNR: Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000, Q.FNAB, version 4.0 (Revision 1) (TD217R2).
- Reviewed, and agreed to the Work Programme for Q.1/19 that has changed the timing for Q.FNAB from 4Q2005 to 3Q2006.
7.1.3Q.1/19 proposed no outgoing liaison statements.
7.1.4The agreed schedule of interim activities is included in §9 below.
7.2Joint Q.2/19 “Mobility management” and Q.5 “Convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks with evolving fixed networks”
7.2.1The meeting reviewed and approved the report of the joint meetings of Q.2and 5/19 in TD235R2, attached as Annex 6.
7.2.2Key results extracted from the report of the joint meeting of Q.2and 5/19 are:
- Draft Q.MMR (Mobility Management Requirements; TD232R1) was enhanced in the areas of mobility management features and the requirements for inter-CN and inter- and intra-AN mobility management. A requirement was added on support of private IP address domains. Mobility definitions have been harmonized with Q.6/13.
- Draft Q.MMF (Framework for Mobility Management; TD 233R1) was enhanced in the areas of Location Update, Registration, Query and Reply. A new section was added on Paging Management.
- Draft Q.FMC stage 2 (IMS-based Fixed Mobile Convergence; TD 234R1) was extended with new sections on high level principles and support for Voice Call Continuity. An annex was added that provides an Enterprise Role Model as the basis for identification of the prime inter-domain interfaces for FMC. The scope section was updated to better reflect the intent of the recommendation to identify and refer to suitable inter-domain interface specifications for IMS based FMC.
- The mobility management and FMC related sections of the eighth FG NGN meeting output documents were reviewed. A liaison response to the FG NGN was prepared.
- After the discussion in the JRG of Q.6/13, Q.2/19, Q.5/19 on the allocation of FG NGN deliverables (see TD 225R2) the joint Q.2 and 5/19 meeting confirmed its view that FRMOB (Mobility Management Capability Requirements for NGN) and IFN (IMS for NGN) fall wholly within the mandates of Q.2 and 5/19, respectively.
The UK expressed a reservation on the conclusion reached by the joint Q.2and 5/19 meeting for the named Focus Group deliverables that they fell wholly within the mandates of Q.2and 5/19, in that this does not reflect the scope and content of these documents.
7.2.3The joint meeting of Q.2 and 5/19 proposed one outgoing liaison statement as noted in §10.
7.2.4No interim activities are presently scheduled.
7.3Q.3/19 “Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems”
7.3.1The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q.3/19 in TD 230R1, attached as Annex7.
7.3.2The key result extracted from the report of Q.3/19 is:
- Reviewed and approved inputs of TTA for Recommendation Q.1741.4 and prepared this Recommendation for Consent.
- FG NGN output document 224 draft FG NGN/IFM (IMS for Next Generation Networks) was reviewed and is considered to be progressing appropriately.
7.3.3Q.3/19 proposed one outgoing liaison statement as noted in §10.
7.3.4No interim activities are presently scheduled.
7.4Q.4/19 “Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000”
7.4.1The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q.4/19 in TD229, attached as Annex 8.
7.4.2The key result extracted from the report of Q.4/19 is:
- A new chapter on emergency communications was reviewed and adopted by the meeting participants for the inclusion into the second Edition of Handbook on IMT-2000.
7.4.3Q.4/19 proposed one outgoing liaison statement as noted in §10.
7.4.4No interim activities are presently scheduled.
7.4.5The Rapporteur made a plea for measures to be taken to further encourage the involvement of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the work on Handbooks. Input on the needs of such countries that can be addressed by the work on Handbooks has the potential to be particularly beneficial in stimulating input.
7.5Joint meeting of Q.6/13 “NGN mobility and fixed-mobile convergence” plus Q.2/19 “Mobility management” and Q.5/19 “Convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks with evolving fixed networks”
7.5.1The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q.5/19 in TD225R2, attached as Annex9.
7.5.2Key results extracted from the report of Q.5/19 are:
- The meeting agreed there is no essential difference from a network perspective between the long term objectives of the NGN and SBI2K frameworks with regard to Mobility Management. FMC is an important aspect of both frameworks.
- The meeting agreed that the FG NGN deliverable on NGN Functional Requirements and Architecture (FRA) provides an overarching framework for NGN and should be elaborated in association with Q.6/13 and Q.2/19 and Q.5/19.
- There was a lot of support from Q.2/19 and Q.5/19 experts for the view that the FG NGN deliverables on mobility (FRMOB) and IMS for Next Generation Networks (IFN) are pertinent to the Q.2/19 deliverables on Mobility Management and Q.5/19 deliverable on IMS-based FMC respectively. Q.6/13 experts were of the opinion that it was out of scope for the current meeting to agree on a recommending an allocation of these deliverables, and proposed to leave it to the JCA and coordination between SGs.
7.5.3The joint meeting of Q.6/13, Q.2/19 and Q.5/19 proposed no outgoing liaison statements.
7.5.4No interim activities are presently scheduled.
8.Allocation of NGN deliverable responsibilities
8.1TD 238 provided the most recent version available of the proposed allocation of FG NGN deliverables into the regular study group structure. SG 19 noted that deliverables FRMOB and IFN (see §§7.2.2 and 7.5.2 above) are marked as “still under review” with respect to which study group, 13 or 19, should be the approving study group. The SG 19 Chairman was given the mandate to take the SG 19 position into the SG 13 closing plenary that these two deliverables fall within the purview of SG 19 per WTSA-2004 discussions and decisions as captured in WTSA document 118 and Resolution 2 (the UK expressed a reservation on this and asked that this be indicated by the SG 19 Chairman when he raises this in the SG 13 plenary), and as “endorsed by a meeting between the TSB Director and Heads of Delegation on 7 September and form the basis of the ongoing coordination, planning and management of the NGN work.” (TD240)