Assuring Quality & Standards in Online Learning: a guide to the issues involved in incorporating online technology into modules.
This guide addresses the processes of effective implementation of online technology, but does not take pedagogical recommendations further than to establish a common baseline for good teaching practice for development, delivery and assessment using online technology. This section also offers guidance on providing student support and identifying key responsibilities of the tutor. Handheld computer or electronic whiteboard technology are not covered here.
This guide is suitable for anyone designing online learning modules or on-line learning elements within modules.A comprehensive list of further sources of information can be found in Section 7 of this document.See also the Edinburgh Napier publication Pedagogy and learning technology: a practical guide for more in-depth coverage, available from Professional Development.
1. Introduction
In response to the increasingly mature and diverse body of students in Higher and Further Education, SFC (Scottish Funding Council) has made a series of recommendations to universities with respect to meeting emerging challenges and in which information technology plays a central role. Online learning is being widely employed at Edinburgh Napier University to improve the accessibility and flexibility of learning for its students and to promote the institution’s global outreach. Its use is being encouraged in all schools, some of which demonstrate an online presence for nearly 100% of their modules.
There are a number of good reasons for including an online learning aspect to modules. For example, where:
- The aims and learning outcomes of the module are facilitated through such provision.
- It brings added value to the development and learning experience of individuals.
- It increases access and flexibility of access to education.
Edinburgh Napier University’s definition of online learning is
The use of the Internet, particularly the world wide web, to support teaching, learning and assessment.
Consequently, online learning includes both fully online modules as well as the blended learning approach. In fully online modules learning materials, student support and assessment are all delivered via the Internet, whereas blended learning is
The use of a combination of online, flexible, and face to face teaching methods to provide learning materials, student support and assessment.
Blended mode examples include:
- Extending the opportunities for seminar-style discussion beyond the physical classroom.
- Incorporating international email communication to a foreign language course;
- Creating online self-tests to reinforce learning.
- Supporting group work activity by using collaborative online working spaces (e.g. wikis).
1.1Purpose of this Guide to Assuring Quality & Standards in Online Learning
The purpose of this short guide is to:
- Raise awareness for key issues around the delivery of online learning.
- Provide a point of reference for the incorporation of online technologies to teaching.
- Promote a consistent approach to the delivery of online learning.
- Encourage the meaningful incorporation of technology into teaching.
This will be done by sharing online materials and support already available at Edinburgh Napier. In particular academic staff are referred to the Universitypublication, ‘Pedagogy and learning technology: a practical guide’, distributed to all academic and academic-related Edinburgh Napier employees for the beginning of the academic year 2006/07. This comprehensive guide addresses the issues introduced here in much more depth, showcases many practical teaching examples, provides a glossary of relevant terms, and offers useful templates for reuse and tailoring by teaching staff.
The reader’s attention will also be drawn to UK quality standards for teaching with ICT, an online/ blended module evaluation checklist, accessibility guidelines, and relevant legislation in addition to international and national frameworks addressing the support of online learning systems in Higher Education. This guidance is structured into six broad areas:
- Design & development of online learning.
- Delivery of online learning.
- Assessment.
- Student support.
- The role of the tutor.
- Additional resources.
2Design and Development of Online Learning
Regardless of mode of delivery, the principles underpinning designing effective approaches to learning, teaching and assessment are the same. However, there are several key additional issues to consider when developing online materials and resources, and which apply whether your aim is to enhance aspects of what you do in the classroom or to enable a predominantly or fully online learning experience.
- Start small. If you are completely new to online technology, there are simple ways in which to become familiar with online tools before incorporating them into your teaching. For example, use the asynchronous discussion tool first as an online problems forum before moderating a subject related discussion. Similarly, using the chat tool as a virtual office hours facility the first time around gives you the opportunity to gain confidence communicating synchronously.
- Consider who your students are. If they are new to HE, will they have the skills to work largely independently online? If they are distance students, what are they likely to want from an online course? What IT skills might they have, and what equipment will they need access to?
- Consider your subject before the technology. What are your students to learn, and how might online provision support this? If critical understanding is important, could discussion boards or blogs offer a more reflective exchange of views? For the coursework they are undertaking, would your students benefit from having a rich range of resources ‘up front’, or having shared online working spaces (e.g. wikis)? Look to the topic and desired learning outcomes, and only then explore the possibilities offered by online technology.
- Ensure online materials are at an appropriate level, have clarity, and can be studied independently without the need for high levels of remedial support.
- Make online learning purposeful. Provide students with a need to use online resources, perhaps through student-led online seminars, and having continuous coursework that requires students to engage with online materials, and with each other online, over the duration of a course.
- Provide your students with clear guidance on the online learning requirements for your module or course (see section 5 Student Support)
- Be accommodating of individual learning preferences by using relevant visual examples and other multimedia where possible, incorporating a search facility, and having options to easily print or download material
- Build opportunities for knowledge application into your online materials, including suggested reflective activities and periodic self-test features
- Provide relevant supplementary resources wherever possible, including a glossary and links to further reading, so that students can try and resolve any difficulty in understanding at the point it occurs, and to place the core subject matter in a wider context for those who wish to explore this
- If linking to external resources, ensure they are current, clear, and that any interactive content is unlikely to prove problematic for students to view. Links to any external sites should be set to open in a new browser window.
- Be aware of the copyright associated with third party material.
- Ensure your own course materials are structured in a logical order, are easy to navigate, and have no more than 2-3 screen lengths of content to a page
- Use a 12 point sans-serif font like Arial as standard for body text, and have a high level of contrast between foreground text and background colour
- When using visual/audio and other multimedia content to present subject material, ensure that equivalent text-based material is available for any students with physical impairments or who will otherwise have difficulty viewing/hearing the content
3Delivery of Online Learning
It should be remembered that modules that are designed to be undertaken partly, predominantly or fully online are subject to the same quality assurance processes as any module delivered on campus. For example, all students should have access to:
- Descriptions to show the intended learning outcomes and teaching, learning and assessment methods of the module;
- A clear schedule for the assessment of their work;
- Regular opportunities for inter-learner discussions primarily to facilitate collaborative learning, but also to provide a basis for facilitating their participation in the quality assurance of the module at appropriate points;
- Appropriate opportunities to give formal feedback on their experience of the programme
In terms of the delivery of online learning, additional aspects to consider are:
- For any module that is to be supported online, prior to delivery it is advised to ask an online experienced colleague or the faculty’s ADA to review clarity, appropriateness and ease of use of all online material and activities. Tutors are referred to the module evaluation checklist found in section 7 Additional Support for a consistent and effective online and blended module evaluation process.
- In order to check technical reliability, all materials and resources should be tested on the same kind of equipment your students will have access to
- If the module is to be delivered fully online, provide the students with a minimum-required technical specification so they can ensure they are set-up appropriately to study from home or work.
- Consider what contingency arrangements you will bring into play should the VLE ever become unavailable for a potentially disruptive period of time
- If you are accepting the electronic submission of coursework, considering using the feature for this within the VLE, as this will automatically verify submission to the student, and ensure work is collected at a central point. Regardless of how coursework is submitted, there should be some means of confirming its safe receipt.
- Modules that are offered predominantly or fully online must have regular opportunities for online communication and collaboration between students to enhance learning, reduce isolation, and help ensure retention in online courses. In addition consider creating an informal discussion area (‘chatterbox’, ‘teatime’) for students to socialise online throughout the term.
- In predominantly and fully online modules, the tutor should consider the role mandatory online discussion activities and formative coursework might play in enabling them to identify problems and misunderstandings around the time they arise, rather than when coursework has been submitted for assessment
- The tutor is the students’ best role model and should be visible and responsive online (see section 6 Role of Tutor)
Like all students, online learners should have access to information on the ways in which their achievements will be judged, and the relative weighting of units or elements of the module in respect of assessment overall. In addition, they require timely formative assessment on their academic performance to provide a basis for individual constructive feedback and guidance, and to illustrate the awarding institution’s expectations for summative assessment.
However, there are some additional issues to be aware of when developing online assessment. Tutors delivering on fully online programmes, for example, do not have the face-to-face opportunities of campus-based lecturers to communicate with students on academic performance or formative feedback. Alternatively, creating a self-test tool online may not be accessible to all students of a face-to-face lecture. Both examples demonstrate just some of the circumstances to be aware of in the online assessment planning phase in order to ensure fair and consistent use.
4.1Objective Assessment
Online technology lends itself well to objective assessment, in which delivery and scoring are computer assisted such as self-test multiple choice quizzes. Students welcome online formative assessment opportunities to reinforce factual knowledge. Issues to be aware of when planning objective assessments include:
- Location for delivery (home, institution, or flexible)
- For supervised final exams earliest possible contact with Registry, EdDev and C&IT services to arrange timetabling, support and invigilation.
- Minimum hardware and software specifications
- Server and connection requirements
- Security measures for login and submission
- Navigation and usage guidelines
- Necessary arrangements to account for disabilities
4.2Online Assessment Strategy
The fully online mode of delivery in particular does not lend itself well to summative assessment when used as the only means of assessment, as opportunities for reinforcing learning or measuring performance are absent in an environment in which students need additional learner support. In addition to objective assessment, there are a wide range of assessed online activities that also lend themselves to the enhancement of face- to-face lectures and seminars. Examples include:
- Peer assessment of student publications
- Electronically submitted essays, reflective learning journals
- Collaborative projects
- Portfolios
- Student created tests, lessons, multimedia presentations
- Student led interviews
- Graded discussion participation
- Graded discussion moderation or summary
4.3Additional Considerations
Furthermore, there are cultural, managerial and administrative points to be aware of when considering all forms of online assessment.
- Assessment of students must be carried out consistently at the appropriate level and with appropriate reference to relevant elements of Academic Infrastructure (FHEQ/SCQF) and subject benchmark statements.
- Assessment processes need to be communicated clearly to overseas partners to ensure conformity of practice (QAA).
- In online distance courses, particular attention should be paid to the wording of assessment specifications to ensure that the use of culturally biased terms and examples is avoided.
- External examiner processes must be consistent with normal institutional processes.
- A short practice assessment should be made available for students to take long before the real assessment in order to address and resolve potential technical problems in time.
- Statements should be in place to explain Edinburgh Napier’s plagiarism policy and handling procedures. It is recommended to:
- Access the Edinburgh Napier plagiarism website, Be wise, don’t plagiarise
- Require students to confirm acceptance and terms of statement;
- Provide opportunities for students to practice (web) referencing skills;
- Ensure a variety of assessments to deter plagiarism
- Put measures in place to assess originality of submitted work. The university has subscribed to plagiarism detection software, Turnitin®UK, which also allows for students to assess and improve their referencing practice (see section 7.1.3Turnitin®UK)
- Consult the school’s academic conduct officer (ACO) for further advice and guidance on issues related to plagiarism handling procedures
5Student Support
There are several kinds of support that students require in online learning contexts. The British Standard BS8426 ‘A code of practice in e-support for e-learning systems’ provides a detailed categorisation with examples, although for the purposes of this guide we make the general distinction between technical orientation and online learning orientation.
5.1Technical orientation
Prior to undertaking any online learning, the student must know how to operate the technology. At Edinburgh Napier the first-year induction programme provides a basic introduction to WebCT Vista, and schools have run their own events for direct entrants and other students who are new to the institution’s VLE. There are also a number of student WebCT Vista guides available online, with details on finding these given in the Additional Support section.
5.2Online learning orientation.
It is important that students understand the nature and demands of studying online, particularly in relation to:
- Expectations.
- Time management.
- Information skills.
- Netiquette.
- Getting the most out of specific online tools.
- The nature and extent of autonomous, collaborative and supported aspects of learning.
- The benefits of self-paced learning.
Some aspects of this are covered in the first-year induction. See also Unit 8 in the Edinburgh Napier publication Pedagogy and learning technology: a practical guide, and the links in the section 7 Additional Support.
5.3Module online learning guidance
This information would come from the tutor, and be made available alongside the other online materials. Students should have access to:
- Clear and up to date information about the learning support available to them plus a schedule for any learner support available to them through timetabled activities, for example tutorial sessions or web-based conferences.
- Documents that set out their own responsibilities as learners.
- Explicit guidance on how the online tools and resources available for a specific module are to be used, plus time allocated to familiarising themselves with these.
- How the student can expect to gain from using them properly.
- Any requirements for participating in online discussion and/or contributing to online group work.
- What can be expected from the tutor.
This is in addition to standard information concerning aims and outcomes, submission dates, and a schedule giving a weekly or unit-based overview and structure for the module.
5.4Just-in-time guidance
This should take the form of explicit task-related pointers and instructions embedded within the online environment itself, and serve as additional guidance that is offered at the point in time it is most relevant (for example, discussion task requirements repeated in an introductory discussion post from the tutor, a simple reminder, e.g. by using the online announcements tool, to make sure the student has read and understands‘sections x or y’ before using a specific self-test feature.)
5.5Tutor facilitation
This is, essentially, the kind of pro-active and continuous support that students will require from the tutor in online learning contexts (see section 6 Role of Tutor).
6Role of Tutor
As the previous sections demonstrate, using online technology in teaching is not always a straightforward task and places added responsibility on the tutor to acquire new technical and pedagogical skills than those common to lecture based teaching.
In order to ensure consistent quality of online delivery it is expected that the online tutor is someone who:
- Consults the faculty’s ADA online learning for pedagogical advice on teaching with technology
- Participates in educational development seminars and workshops on online teaching and learning in order to gain and improve technical and pedagogical skillsand to become aware of emerging technologies
- Is aware of all technical requirements for delivery of online learning using WebCT Vista (system specifications, browser settings) and communicates this clearly to potential students
- Knows where to get technological and pedagogical assistance for design, development and delivery of online learning
- Ensures that students are provided with an opportunity before module related activities to familiarise themselves with the online learning environment, necessary tools and navigational skills
- Provides online learning study skills guidelines to students including online communication terms and conditions (Netiquette – see Appendix 3)
- Assures timely feedback to student queries online and offline and has multiple points of contact such as email, telephone, fax, online problems forum or office hours chat room facility.
- Keeps all online material up to date
- Keeps back-up copies of all written work.
- Develops accessible online content according to university accessibility guidelines (see Appendix 4).
- Recognises the additional opportunities for communication and collaboration online and proactively supports students’ engagement there addressing misunderstandings immediately
- Contacts absent students privately via email for support.
- Maintains a warm and inviting online voice at all times
7Additional Support