Assessment Ideas for Coordinate Plane – not limited to these

Skill Based Utah Ideas

  • Give students a map that has a coordinate grid overlaid. Ask students to find the coordinates of specific landmarks, and have them find landmarks at given ordered pairs.
  • On a coordinate grid, have students identify a specific point (e.g., What are the coordinates of the point where the rabbit is located?).
  • Give students ordered pairs that they must match to points on the plane within the first quadrant.
  • Students label the origin, x- and y-axes, and correct intervals on graph paper with a set of perpendicular lines and a set of points already drawn. Have student match the previously drawn points to the correct ordered pair from a list of given coordinate pairs.

Problem tasks from Utah

  • The local department store has recently released its information regarding video game sales over the last nine months. In the first month they sold 75 games. In the next month they sold 72. In the third month they sold 60, and in the fourth they sold 42. In the fifth month they sold 45, in the sixth they sold 38, in the seventh they sold 56, in the eighth they sold 62, and in the ninth they sold 79. Organize this data in a chart and then plot it on a coordinate grid to help the store understand their video game sales.
  • Give students a map of the school on a coordinate grid and ask them to identify where certain places in the school are found. Then have students tell what is located at a particular given coordinate pair.

New YorkState Question:

The graph below represents the location of four scientists collecting samples of different species of plants. Dr. Schmidt is located at (3,2), Dr. Hodge is located at (4,3), Dr. Alvarez is located at (6,4), and Dr. Logan is located at (2,4). If they want to collect one more sample from plants located at (3,6), which scientists is the closest?

  1. Dr. Hodge
  2. Dr. Schmidt
  3. Dr. Alvarez
  4. Dr. Logan

Smarter Balanced Questions

  1. Edna drew a square that had an area of 36 square units using a grid shown below. She started drawing her square at (7,10). Draw the square that Edna could have made in the grid below. Be sure to label the coordinate of each vertex of the square.


Multiple Choice and Short Response


  1. east park
  2. west park
  3. barber shop
  4. school

Which ordered pair describes the location of the art museum? (use grid above)

  1. (2,4)
  2. (2,5)
  3. (4,4)
  4. (5,2)


  1. (45, 4)
  2. (4, 45)
  3. (4, 15)
  4. (15, 4)




6. I drew a parallelogram on a coordinate grid. I recorded the coordinates for my parallelogram. What coordinates might I have written? (give students coordinate grid to work with)