Sixth Grade Technology Syllabus
Greetings parents and students,
Welcome to Skyridge Middle School’s 2015 – 2016 Technology Class! Keyboarding is the main focus in 6th Grade Technology. We also explore Microsoft’s Word and Excel, and study vocabulary.
I would like to take a moment to address keyboarding in greater depth. We will spend a significant portion of class time working on the Typing Agent program, learning the fingers that press each key (or learning the keys that each finger presses!), and practicing our touch typing using “the homerow method.” Learning the”keyboard to finger combinations” is not instinctual -- it does not come naturally and simply takes time and patience to learn. The process can be frustrating for those who want instant results; many students want to look at the keys and revert to the hunt and peck method. When followed according to the program and classroom instructions, the Typing Agent keyboarding program provides students an opportunity to learn to touch type without looking at the keyboard. In fact, removing the keyboard cover and looking at the keyboard during keyboarding exercises is a form of academic dishonesty, similar to using a calculator on a math test.
Very few students choose the path of dishonesty, however, it is a strong temptation. Please know that I provide every opportunity available to allow your child to learn the correct keyboarding method, andit is impossible to monitor every student at every moment that they are typing. Students who cheat will receive a zero for that specific keyboarding activity assignment. Some assignments, such as practice and practice tests,cannot be re-done for a better grade. HOWEVER, students have the opportunity to earn these grades quite frequently and could therefore have a zero one day and a 100% the next (based on their choice.) Unit assessments may be re-taken based on teacher discretion.
Students often protest using “the homerow method” – barraging me with a variety of excuses why they don’t want to learn the proper method, why they should continue their hunt and peck method, etc. The biggest concern tends to be “But I don’t type very fast your way” (or, “I already type fast enough my way.”) I consistently and emphatically emphasize ACCURACY over speed. Additionally, if a student is struggling with the timed tests, my policy is this: If your hands are on homerow, you are using the keyboard cover (not looking at the keys), and you are doing your very best, you will earn a passing grade for the Typing Agenthands on lessons and assignments. NOTE that ONLY keyboarding work completed in class will be eligible for grading.
My goal is for every student to challenge themselves to do their very best and to see their own growth over the course of the trimester.
Please read this syllabus (on the back side) with your family and contact me with any questions. Turn signed syllabus in and then I will return it to you. Keep it in your organizer or binder for reference.
Ann M. Hofmann
Phone: (360) 833-5800 ext.79096
I have read BOTH SIDES of this technology syllabus and I understand what is expected of me.
Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date
Classroom Expectations: Students are expected to focus on and complete their work during class time, to the best of their individual ability.
- Respect – for self, others and property
- Be prepared – to learn and do your best
- Do what is right – follow class, school and district rules
demonstrate correct keyboarding skills using the “homerow method”
participate in exploration of Microsoft Office software including Wordand Excel
define and correctly use technology vocabulary
demonstrate listening, participation and teamwork skills
demonstrate ability to follow instructions
1. Participation and Listening Skills (10%): Students are expected to listen to instructions and
follow them. Instructions are most often posted on the overhead as a reminder and/or in
coordination with verbal delivery, including checking for student understanding. Students who
choose not to follow instructions will earn a verbal warning, buddy room reflection, lunch
detention or administrative referral depending on the nature of the infraction.
2. Keyboarding (50%): Students will be graded on their successful completion of Typing Agentand
a variety of other practice exercises and assessments. Inorder to receive full credit for
keyboarding assignments, students must use the keyboardcover and the “homerow”
method. Please see the backside of this form for additional details.
3. Daily Work/Classroom Assignments/Vocabulary (40%): Daily work and assignments will
include exploration ofMicrosoftWord andExcel. Students will also learn technology vocabulary through a variety of activities such as lessons in Word and Excel, worksheets, jeopardy, quizzes, and use in discussions. Lessons are designed so students complete their work in class. Students who are unable to keep up due to misbehavior will be required to make up the work on their own. Homework is assigned to compliment and strengthen in class skills.
\\\index\staff\staff-home\ann.hofmann\daily o-p-e-n-e-r-s, seating charts, rosters, calendars\syllabi\2013 grade 6 syllabus.doc