AISC Communique–21 September2017
The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC)meton21 September2017.
Strategic Policy Discussion
The Committee continued their strategic discussions onthe policy settings for training package development work to achieve continuous improvement. This included noting the progress of the Training Product Reform Joint Working Party as it develops the case for change. The Committee noted the value in including Industry Reference Committees in consultations.
ASQA’s report A review of issues relating to unduly short training
The Committee discussed its role inthe proposed changes arising from recommendations of the ASQA’s report A review of issues relating to unduly short training. The Committee will seek feedback from Industry Reference Committees in relation to specific recommendations contained in the report.
Australian Industry Standards
AISC Chair, Professor John Pollaers welcomed Mr Robert Adams and Mr Paul Walshfrom the Skills Service Organisation (SSO),Australian Industry Standards (AIS), who provided an update for the Committee about their work as an SSO and the IRCs it supports. AIS also provided insights into the challenges in managing the change in policy, and the opportunities for renewal and innovation under the new system. The Committee thought the meeting with AIS was valuable andit looks forward to meeting with other SSOs.
System Improvement
Professor Pollaers also welcomed Ms Amy Simpson-Deeks, Principal Consultant, Fyusion Asia Pacific who are undertaking a project aiming to streamline and identify improvements in the training package development process. Ms Simpson-Deeks presented the preliminary findings to date from interviews conducted with AISC members, SSOs, IRC Chairs, State and Territory Authorities, RTOs, and VET regulators. The Committee noted the early draft and that the final report and process map will be provided at the next AISC Meeting.
Training Package Development
The following decisions were made out of session as dueto an unforeseen late apology, the meeting did not have a quorum.
The Committee approved four cases for change and endorsed the structure and membership of three IRCs.
Cases for Change
The Committee commissioned the following training package development work:
•ICP- Printing and Graphic Arts - to develop one new unit of competency on operating and maintaining a 3D printer and updating three existing units of competency to meet 3D printing skill needs across many industry sectors.
•FNS - Financial Services - to update and consolidate two financial planning qualifications to reflect regulatory change.
•Corrections IRC - to review the Correctional Services Training Package in response to actions required as a result of the Prison to Work Report and to bring forward a Case for Change if required.
•Public Safety IRC - to revise components of the Police Training Package, including the Diploma of Policing, Advanced Diploma of Police Investigation and Supervision and the Graduate Certificate in Forensic Firearm Examination to respond to current police practices and Australian Government priorities.
Review of Industry Reference Committees (IRCs)
The AISC considered and endorsed the proposed structure and membership of the following IRCs:
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing IRC
- Wholesale Retail IRC
- Manufacturing and Engineering IRC.
The AISC requested further information on the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality IRC.
The AISC Secretariat will advise nominees of these outcomes. Details will be published on the AISC website as soon as possible.
Next meeting - Monday, 4 December 2017