ASPxSpellChecker – Add spell checker functionality to ASP.NET Applications

Just like the XtraSpellChecker Suite for WinForms, ASPxSpellChecker Suite provides you ways in which to add spell checking capabilities to your ASP.NET application. It includes AJAX-Powered, Microsoft Outlook style suggestion forms and also supports dictionary formats like ISpell, OpenOffice and custom dictionaries.

In this video, I’ll demonstrate how to add simple spell checking functionality to an ASP DOT NET Application.

1.  Here, I have created a newASP. NET Web Application.

2.  I drop an ASPxMemo control onto the form. This will hold the text that will be checked by the spell checker.

3.  Next, I’ll add a button. We’ll use this to initiate the spell checking process.

4.  We will be using AJAX-Callbacks in this application; therefore I’ll set the “Auto Post Back” property of the button control to “False”.

5.  Finally, I’ll add an ASPxSpellChecker component.

6.  I configure it to use the English OpenOffice dictionary, which I have pre-downloaded and copied to the root folder.

7.  We’ll have to tell our Spell Checker which control to query for text.

8.  To do this, I’m going to set the “CheckedElementID” property to memoEdit1.

9.  Now, I’ll specify a “Client Instance Name”. This will enable the spell checker to be invoked during runtime.

10.  Additionally, we’ll specify the default Culture, in this case English.

11.  To initiate the spell checking process, I’m going to add some code to the button’s client-side “Click Event”.

12.  This can be done by invoking the “Client-Side Events Editor” via the button’s Smart Tag.

13.  I select the “Click” Event Handler, and add the following code.

14.  And, I’m done!

15.  I run the application to see the result.

16.  I’ll type in a sentence where the word “test” is intentionally misspelled.

17.  There, our misspelled word is now corrected and automatically replaced in our memo control.

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