ASM 2018 Contest Schedule

As of: 31 March 2018

Change 1 indicated by #

Points Contests:

•Maximum of three entries per modeler, excluding Works-in-Progress

•Open to all entries, in-theme or not

Special Contests (non-points):

•Five entries allowed per modeler

•Only open to entries that are in-theme

Sponsored Contests (non-points):

•Theme and number of entries in a Sponsored Contest is up to the contest host


•Three Works-In-Progress entries allowed at each meeting (2 points per WIP entry)

•State Fair contest entries earn 50 points per model / 25 points for display model—max of 3 models.

JANUARY 5 - Attention Earthlings! Moe Blalters Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Real Science Special Contest(Non-Points), open to any subject, any scale that fits within theme.
Also: “Frickin’ Laser Beams”sponsored contestby Patrick Dick.

FEBRUARY 2 - ASM Swap Meet (no contest)

MARCH 2- Open Contest(Points),: open to any subject, any kit, any scale

APRIL 6 - ASM Clinic Night (no contest) - a three-ring circus of clinics, including judges’ panel, to prep our membership for the upcoming IPMS Nationals. Works-in-Progress and Display-Only models welcome.

MAY 4 - Tamiya vs. Hasegawa Showdown! Special Contest(Non-Points), open to any Tamiya or Hasegawa model, any subject, any scale.
Also: “1918” sponsored contest by John Tate, open to any subject, any kit, any scale that fits the year, 1918. This contest will support ASM’s “1918” Theme Display at the NM State Fair this year.

JUNE 1 - Oh Canada!Contest(Points)open to any Canadian-themed model, any kit, any scale.
Also: “Stormy Weather”sponsored contest by Jack Garriss, open to any model subject named after weather phenomena (Thunderbolt, Hurricane, Tempest, Typhoon, Tornado etc.). Note: Contest does not include weather tracking aircraft- we asked!

JULY 6 - Bare MetalContest(Points), open to any model subject with airframe etc. in unpainted condition.
Also: “Adversaries II” sponsored contest by Mike & Matt Blohm, open to any adversary test & evaluation, training or wargame subject.

AUGUST 10- Meeting moved one week later due to IPMS Nationals, 8/1 to 8/4/18. Swap Meet and Nats model display- bring your winning models and trophies from the IPMS Nationals.

SEPTEMBER 7 - Post-Apocalyptic Special Contest (Non-Points), open to any Sci-Fi/Fantasy subject, any scale, depicting a post-apocalyptic world (think Mad Max, Waterworld, Tank Girl etc.). Use your imagination and spare parts box for this one.
Also: “Global War on Terror (GWOT)" sponsored contest,hosted by the ASM EBoard, open to any U.S.military subjects from 9/11/01 to present. This contest will support ASM’s model display at the annual “Folds of Honor” event.
# Also (new): "Goodyear" sponsored contest. hosted by Patrick Dick, open to models of any Goodyear subject, any scale. In addition to blimps and Corsairs, subjects that use Goodyear parts also qualify- tires, hoses, rubber parts, tracks etc.
# Also (new): "Best of Corporations Contests" sponsored contest. hosted by Patrick Dick, open to models that won in any of the previous "Corporations sponsoredcontests." Must bring the same model and the award plaque to compete.

OCTOBER 5 - Middle East ConflictContest (Points),open to any model subject, any kit, any scale that fits the theme, specifically the Arab-Israeli Conflict from 1948 to present. This contest commemorates the 45th anniversary of the October War/Yom Kippur War of October 1973.
Also:"Get your fix,Airfix that is"sponsored contestby Gil De La Plain, open to any Airfix kit, any scale, any subject.

NOVEMBER 2 -Open Contest (Points): open to any subject, any kit, any scale.
Also: "Black Birds" sponsored contestby Dave Epstein, open to any object that flies and is all-black, from bird-type ravens to SR-71's.

# DECEMBER14(date change) - Model of the Year Contest, plus a Pearl Harbor+ 7Special Contest (Non-Points), to commemorate the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941and (new) any Pacific War events within the following 7 days. Open to any kit, any subject, any scale connected to the Day of Infamyand subsequent events (attacks on Wake Island, Philippines, Guam).