Project Acronym: ICT4EVEU

Grant Agreement number: ICT-PSP-297224

Project Title: ICT Services for Electric Vehicle Enhancing the User-Experience

Deliverable D6.1Consortium Operating Procedures

Version: V1


Mr Carlos López – NAVARRA

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the ICT Policy Support Programme
Dissemination Level
P / Public
C / Confidential, only for members of the consortium and the Commission Services / X

Revision history and statement of originality

Revision / Date / Author / Organisation / Description
0.1 / 29.03.2012 / Carlos López / NAVARRA / First version
Statement of originality:
This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise. Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through appropriate citation, quotation or both.


Revision history and statement of originality


1.1. Purpose

1.2. Relation to other project documents


2.1. Participants

2.2. Contract


3.1. Work-packages

3.2. Work Plan

3.3. Deliverables

3.4. Project duration

3.5. Budget


4.1. Project management structure and responsibilities

Project coordinator

Project management board (PMB)

Project technical committee (PTC)

Work package teams and leaders

4.2. Project communication mechanisms

4.3. Risk analysis

4.4. Quality Management

4.5. Conflict Resolution


5.1. Budget and EC funding

5.2. Eligible costs

5.3. Budget/funding division and scheduled payments

5.4. Related PROCEDURES for payments


6.1. Personnel expenses

Man-month calculation

Recording time

Calculation of personnel costs

Example for personnel calculation

Related PROCEDURES for project costs justification

6.2. Direct costs expenses

Subcontracting, Travel & Subsistence and Consumables


Related PROCEDURES for direct costs justification

6.3. Indirect Costs

6.4. Certification on the Financial Statements

6.5. Types of reporting

Internal reporting / Six month reporting

Annual reporting / Official progress report

Final report

6.6. Related PROCEDURES and dates for reporting


7.1. Technical Information Flow Chart

7.2. Project Meetings

7.3. Deliverables submission

7.4. Language

7.5. Project changes



Table 1. Project participants.

Table 2. Work Plan.

Table 3. Deliverables list.

Table 4. Work Packages leaderships.

Table 5. Pilots division per country and participants.

Table 6. Risk analysis.

Table 7. Budget, total funding, pre-financing and 90% limit division per partner.

Table 8. Budget per reporting period and partner.

Table 9. Reporting Period 1 detailed.

Table 10. Reporting Period 2 detailed.

Table 11. Reporting Period 3 detailed.

Table 3. Reporting period calendar.


Figure 1. Project management structure.

Figure 2. Information flow chart.

Figure 3. Deliverables submission process.



The aim of the ICT4EVEUConsortium operating procedures is to defining a project management handbook summarising all the required knowledge for the good management of the project (in terms of administrative forms, financial aspects, quality processes). This main objective is also complemented by the fact that it would be used to elaborate on issues given in the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement that need further explanation to become operative. This document will be updated all across the project if changes are approved by the partners.

1.2.Relation to other project documents

In the event of discrepancy between documents, this Consortium Operating Procedures Document is overruled by the EU Contract including its Annexes and the Consortium Agreement.



The following table shows the participants involved in the project:

Nº / Name / Short Name / Country
1 / Comunidad Foral de Navarra - Gobierno de Navarra / NAVARRA / Spain
2 / Ayuntamiento de Pamplona / PAMPLONA / Spain
3 / Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz / VITORIA-GASTEIZ / Spain
4 / Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation / TECNALIA / Spain
5 / Acciona Energía S.A. / ACCIONA / Spain
6 / Ingeteam Energy S.A. / INGETEAM / Spain
7 / Ente Vasco de la Energía / EVE / Spain
8 / Bristol City Council / BRISTOL / United Kingdom
9 / Etrel svetovanje in druge storitve d.o.o. / ETREL / Slovenia
10 / Elektro Ljubljana, Podjetje za Distribucijo Električne Energije, d.d. / ELLJ / Slovenia
11 / Elektro Ljubljana OVE Inženiring S Področja Obnovljivih Virov Energije, d.o.o. / ELOVE / Slovenia
12 / Elektro Maribor, Podjetje Za Distribucijo Električne Energije d.d. / ELMB / Slovenia
13 / B.I.M. – Beratung und Informationsverarbeitung im Mobilitätsbereich OG / B.I.M. / Austria
14 / LandesEnergieVerein Steiermark / LEV / Austria
15 / Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Navarra / CITEAN / Spain
16 / Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación / CEIN / Spain

Table 1. Project participants.

The complete contact information of the participants of the project can be found in Annex I. Any updates to the current contacts should be sent to the coordinator helpdesk, Mr. Carlos López () who is responsible for contact information.


Contract with EU: Contract No. 297224including the annexes and forms:

  • Annex I - Description of Work
  • Annex II – General Conditions
  • Annex III: Form A – Accession of beneficiaries to the grant agreement
  • Currently, no amendments to the contract exist.

All the partners have a paper and electronic copy of the complete contract.


The overall plan of the project follows the description of work, time and budget as laid down in the Work Programme (Annex 1 to the Contract). The guiding point of all work and planning will be the Deliverables as described under each work package.


ICT4EVEU is a 36 month project that has been organized in 6 Work-packages, with the structure and relations between work-packages described in the next paragraphs.


The main objectives of this WP are:

  • To analyse the infrastructure of the cities.
  • To design the deployment infrastructure of the pilots.
  • To establish the different standards of the solutions applied in the pilots.
  • To evaluate and identify possible gaps in the solutions to be adopted.

Main tasks defined are:

  • Analyse of the infrastructure in the cities.
  • Architecture design for the pilots.
  • Evaluation of design documents.
  • Definition of common indicators.


The main objective of this work package will be the deployment and implementation of a set of services in the pilots oriented to enhance the user-experience of the EV in the different cities.

The list of services to be deployed will be:

  • Monitoring of the location and use status of charging points via specific hardware devices and/or smart phones.
  • Reservation of charging points in advance.
  • Integration of payment methods for users. There are different depending on the party in charge of the management of the charging point, the city, etc. (Roaming)
  • Creation of an interconnected network of charging points accessed by Energy Management Companies.
  • Monitoring of the network status (in-use status, energy pricing, car location, charging points usage, etc.) thanks to the creation of a General Management System (GMS).
  • Creation of an interconnected network of charging points in different cities.
  • Cross-billing services among Energy managers. Users use non location-based points and then its energy provider can invoice them.
  • Economic & environmental impact studies on the use of e-bus in the local transportation system (1 bus).
  • Promote the use of EV to meet their strategic plans in improving air quality, reducing congestion improving mobility, and energy efficiency plans.
  • Creation of a unique “travel card” allowing to pay different modes of transport, parking and charging
  • Standardisation of different instruments within the infrastructures of the pilots (charging points, communications standards, charging methods, software protocols, etc.).
  • Creation of tool for verification of unique identification for EVs, EV users and charging stations.
  • Creation of specific ICT services for the management of the new e-car sharing service.
  • Identification of % of usage of renewable sources in the electricity used for the EV charges.

Main tasks defined are:

  • Smart charging points conversion.
  • Intercommunication of global management systems.
  • Services and technologies for drivers.
  • Integration of technologies.
  • Monitoring of pilots data.


The main objectives of this WP are:

  • To validate the results coming from the WP2 monitoring.
  • To identify gaps and improvements from the running of pilots in the short and long term.
  • To include the feasible modifications identified and perform a tuning of the systems

Main tasks defined are:

  • Validation of results.
  • Identification of gaps and improvements.
  • Tuning of pilots.


The creation of an international platform of public-private cooperation to foster smart electro-mobility will allow the progressive creation of work groups to permit the establishment of a stable cooperation at different levels. (WHAT?).

These work groups will be in charge of the organisation of periodic meetings, integration of new entities for the platform, creation of new work groups according to the needs detected in the different areas and partners, fostering even the creation R&D&i project with the support of the public administrations involved. Cooperation with other clusters and platforms will be also part of the work package.

The promotion of electro mobility will be done thanks of the creation of the work groups. Each work group will discuss related topics in forums given the nature of their participants (HOW?). As shown in the Dissemination and Communication Activities section in the impact the targeted groups have already been identified. The partners involved in this WP will be the ones in charge of the promotion of the work groups. Then the inclusion of partners from other projects and related industries will be an intended objective for the tasks (WHO?)

Main tasks defined are:

  • Creation of a co-operation plan.
  • Creation of work groups.
  • Mobilisation of stakeholders.


The main objective of this WP consists on maximizing the impact of the project through adequate dissemination activities and the planning of the project results exploitation:

  • To disseminate project results within related stakeholders across Europe, promoting them across Internet, public administrations, the citizenship and the related industry.
  • To carry out the necessary networking activities with other projects and initiatives related to smart electro-mobility.
  • To promote the use of ICT solutions for smart electro-mobility.
  • To increase the citizen’s awareness in smart elector-mobility and creation of engagement campaigns for the pilots.
  • To prepare the final exploitation plan of the project results and manage IPR issues for the new products and systems deployed.

Main tasks defined are:

  • Elaboration of a Dissemination Plan.
  • Engagement campaigns for the pilots.
  • Creation of dissemination material.
  • Priority dissemination region Styria.
  • Internet dissemination activities.
  • Elaboration of an Exploitation Plan.
  • IPR management.


The main objective is to manage and to ensure coordination of efforts among all the partners to ensure effective operation of the project, timely delivery of the results as well as the adequate dissemination of results. Furthermore, the management of the relations and the communication with the participants and the European Commission is something to take care too.

As specific objectives in the WP:

  • To define internal management procedures into a project management handbook.
  • To perform both technical and administrative management at all stages in the project.
  • To organize meetings several times a year to hold technical and management board coordination meetings, review meetings and any other needed.

Main tasks defined are:

  • Consortium operating procedures definition.
  • Administrative and financial management.
  • Technical coordination.
  • Consortium meetings.

3.2.Work Plan

The general Gantt chart of the project is the following:

Table 2. Work Plan.


The list of deliverables for the 36 months is included in the next list:

Table 3. Deliverables list.

3.4.Project duration

The effective start of the project is 01.01.2012, and the project ends 36 months later, on 31.12.2014.


The project has an overall budget of 4.400.007 €, of which 2.200.000 € shall be financed by the European Commission.

The tasks and budget and distribution between the Members of the Consortium are detailed in the EU-Contract documents, Annex 1. Each partner’s particular budget, separated in the different cost categories financed by the EC.


4.1.Project management structure and responsibilities

Based on the involvement of the participants in several European Projects (see the description of the partners), in some of which the partners have been Project Coordinators; the consortium has built up extensive experiences and practices related to European projects.

In the frame of these pilot activities, fair and workable management structures will be established aimed to manage effectively the project. The management structure proposed has been adapted in order to meet the requirements of a project that includes a varied consortium and a large activities planning, including coordination, trans-national access to information and services development, training and global dissemination.

The ICT4EVEU Energy project management structure is shown next:

Figure 1. Project management structure.

  • The management structure comprises the following Consortium BodiesCoordinator: NAVARRA will act as project coordinator and assume overall responsibility for liaison between the partners and the Commission. The responsible person will be MrCarlos López.
  • The Project Management Board consisting of one representative of each partner of the consortium, which is chaired by the Project Coordinator (Carlos Lópezfrom NAVARRA).
  • The Project Technical Committee consisting of the leaders of the WPs, which is chaired by the Technical Coordinator of the project (Carlos López from NAVARRA).

Apart from these main bodies, other smaller bodies have also been defined in the project:

  • The WP Teams, one for each WP and comprised by representatives of the partners participating in the work packages. These WP teams are leaded by the WP Leaders as shown in following table.

WP1 / INGETEAM (Mr. Jon Asín)
WP2 / ETREL (Mr. Miha Levstek)
WP3 / B.I.M. (Mr. Hans-Georg Franz)
WP4 / NAVARRA (Mr. Carlos López)
WP5 / CEIN(Mr. César Usoz)
WP6 / NAVARRA (Mr. Carlos López)

Table 4. Work Packages leaderships.

  • The local Pilot/Replication Teams, comprised (in each of the cases) by the organizations participating in each of the pilots, as shown in the following table.


Table 5. Pilots division per country and participants.

Project coordinator

The project will be coordinated by the partner GOBIERNO DE NAVARRA (NAVARRA), with high experience in coordination of large scale projects. The person assigned to be the Project Manager isMr. Carlos López. He has experience in project management as well as in coordinating projects involving industries as well as public entities.

The Project Coordinator NAVARRA will be the project coordinating agent and the main contact with the Commission. The coordinator will be responsible for:

  • Organising project management meetings; administration, preparation of minutes;
  • Follow-up and adaptation of the project planning;
  • Organising, steering, checking and assuring the reporting in time towards the CE;
  • The overall monitoring of progress on all work packages and setting in place procedures for ensuring more detailed progress monitoring in consultation with the subgroups;
  • Monitoring of the expenses and allocation of the budget; assistance towards the participants concerning administrative aspects of the project;
  • The coordinator is responsible for all communications with the Commission;
  • Preparing and communicating the yearly project progress reporting to the General Assembly and Technical Board;
  • Coordinating the payments to the partners;
  • Providing assistance towards the participants concerning: the rules of the project, the project
  • Planning and individual partner planning, give advice on all kind of matters, e.g. how to fill in cost statements, full cost system, rights, etc.
  • Attend to three annual meeting organized by the Commission to disseminate project results and exchange information with similar projects.

Project management board (PMB)

A Project Management Board as steering and management committee will be set up comprised of the Project Coordinator and representatives of each of the partners taking part in the project. One main aim of this Board is to advise and support the decisions of the Project Manager on operational and management issues. Further, the PMB will be an effective and efficient management board. This board will be responsible for all decisions of general nature within the frame of the EC contract and the Consortium Agreement. Especially the detailed budget allocation, any re-definition of the overall work plan, the coordination of the activities and communication between the subgroups, and the overall project progress assessment will be performed by this committee.

The PMB is responsible for all decisions affecting more than one partner, such as contractual matters, planning, financial matters, major technical decisions, preparation of reporting. The detailed responsibilities and tasks are described in the project’s Consortium Agreement. The PMB is chaired by the Project coordinator.

Project technical committee (PTC)

The Project Technical Committee will be responsible for the day-to-day technical work. It will be convened every 6 months (kick off meeting in month 1 and months 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and the final meeting). The Technical Committee will exchange the work carried out in the Pilots together with the results in order to support the implementation and running of the pilots and the replication of the pilots.

It will also propose the changes of the technical work programme evaluate the technical reports and participate in the update of the implementation plan. It will ensure the integration and spill over of the knowledge created in each of the subgroups, and thus monitor and assess the scientific progress of the project in line with the objectives and even beyond.

The technical management tasks include:

  • Monitoring of the technical tasks of each Work Package, making sure that the overall technical sub-objectives of the projects are met
  • Provide technical arbitration decisions in case of conflicts or unforeseen events to remain on time and within budget;
  • Assessment of the budget issues that might be faced during pilots;
  • Assessment and management of risks every three months within each of the technical Work Packages:
  • Technical risks: identifying with the demonstration leaders the barriers to overcome in order to meet each Work Package objectives, the research and development activities to overcome these barriers, the personnel allocations which will provide the right competence to perform the tasks and the time / budget allocation rules which allow to reach any relevant intermediate objectives.
  • Time risks: identifying with the pilot/replication leaders: any schedule change or delay in producing the expected deliverables, the impact on the overall deliverable production agenda, the organization changes which allow to catch up on delays or possible amendment for schedule change to produce the deliverables.
  • Competence risks: identifying with the demonstration leaders the required personnel to perform critical tasks, the possible competence conflicts within each organization and proposing solutions to meet deadlines.
  • Budget risks: identifying with the demonstration leaders possible cost overruns due to project changes and making sure that the impacted organizations agree on the new budget figures to meet the effectiveness rules (results delivered on time).
  • Management of the deliverable production, in line with the consortium agreement and the EC contract, meaning: Deliverable content, Deliverable deadline, Deliverable quality validation, Communication on work changes.
  • Preparation of the plan for exploitation and dissemination of the results: the document which will be prepared in a first draft by month 6, under the responsibility of the Project Technical Committee, will be approved by the PBM prior to its distribution to the EC.

Work package teams and leaders