Studying at Further Education means that you need to show independence within your course work. You will also be required to undertake a lot of homework, we need to see that you have the skills ambition and drive; part of the application process to join the Extended Diploma is to undertake a summer.
This work will be used as a discussion point in September and included in your visual recording unit.
(This is an example of some of the grading criteria)
P1 identify primary and secondary sources for recordingP2 record visually
P3 discuss visual recording in others’ work
You can work your way through each task in any order but you must bring this work into College on your enrolment day, as without this evidence we cannot enrol you.
Rules· Where you have been asked to discuss others work this can be written via the computer or hand written. If you are writing by hand make sure your writing in neat and legible.
· Fill the pages; we don’t want to see tiny drawings.
· Have fun; work hard, and enjoy it this is what you chose to do, so this should not be a chore.
· If you have any worries or do not understand the tasks then contact me on , I may not respond instantly but I will get back to you as soon as I can.
· You need to write on each page the task undertaken and write a sentence giving your opinion on each piece.
· Consider the presentation it is very important.
Pages / Please tick once completed / Tick
1 / Image of you at summer school with your group.
2 / Insect drawings produced at summer school.
3 / Image of final sculpture.
4 / Summer school task, section drawing image.
5 / Your own image of the section you were given.
6 / Take an envelope from those supplied at summer school, inside you will find a sculpture, paste this into your sketch book.
7 / Write about this image, giving your opinion.
(this can be typed or hand written but must be neat and legible, use one page for each of the images and next to this place the annotation)
8 / Take an envelope from those supplied at summer school, inside you will find a painting paste this into your sketch book.
9 / Write about the work (this can be typed or hand written but must be neat and legible, use one page for each of the images and next to this place the annotation)
10 / Draw your reflection in a spoon, kettle, tap and unusual reflective object. (Produce these drawing in biro or fine liner don’t worry if you make mistakes just draw over them)
11 / Find an interesting piece of fabric and paste this onto the page
(or use the image provided in the envelope)
12 / Re-draw the fabric on the opposite page (use colour).
13 / Fill this page with your own independent drawing.
14 / Find a photo of a landscape (can be a post card or magazine image) paste this onto one page.
15 / Re- draw the landscape in detail (in colour)
16 / Produce a timed drawings to take 7 minutes, You can either draw people doing activities such as washing up, playing a sport dancing etc or pets, (use a pen to draw with)
17 / Produce a timed drawing to take five minutes. (themes as above)
18 / Produce a timed drawing to take three minutes. (themes as above)
19 / Produce a timed drawing to take one and a half minutes.(themes as above)
20-23 / Find four unusual surfaces to draw on each surface can be A5 in size, Think about surfaces you can find at home such as newspaper/brown paper/used envelopes/ fabric etc. Find an everyday object and draw the object on each surface but from a different angle each time the mediums used can be your own choice.
24 / Fill this page with your own independent drawing.
25-26 / Find a range of interesting surfaces and make rubbings of these using a crayon or pencil. Fill two pages.
26 / Draw the contents of a draw or under the sink; add as much detail as you can.
27 / Draw a plant tree or pet with your opposite hand (the hand you don’t normally draw with, use a marker or felt tip).
28 / Stain a page with tea or coffee and draw one of your features on this. (eye, nose, ear, mouth)
29-33 / Draw ten small drawings of the same object (could be a pet or person a plant) from different angles spend no more than 3 minutes on each drawing. (use a range of different mediums to draw with, no more than two drawings per page)
33 / Fill this page with your own independent drawing.
34 / Place a photograph you have taken on this page.
35 / Re draw the photograph in any medium you like.
36 / Fill this page with your own independent drawing.
37 / Stamp on a page with dirty shoes or boots and decorate the print.
38 / Print out an image of your face, tear this in half paste it down and re-draw the other half in.
39 / Fill this page with your own independent drawing.
40 / Reflect on your book, what have you learnt? Has this been fun? Evaluate the work.
I do not want to see any cartoons, copies of others work or Manga, you can decorate the pages but only if it adds to the artwork