SeniorCollege Planning Timeline

Senior Year – Get organize and know your deadlines. Go to SRVHS/Counseling/College and Career for additional information and for a google document to help you track/organize your materials.

Throughout the Year

Concentrate on grades: You may need to submit a mid-year transcript and you will need a final transcript.

AttendSRVHS workshops: Senior applications, college representative visits, college fairs etc.

Tourcolleges you are interested in or have applied to.

Participate in activities outside of class and events outside of class.


Naviance: This is the SRVHS college platform database used to identify,access and track college related materials needed from SRVHS registrar, counselors, and teachers.

SRVHS: Naviance: Login: Add schools to “Colleges I’m Applying To.” This feature will switch on this summer.

Go to the Document Library to access items needed for submission to your Counselor (self/parent evaluation).

University of California:

Applications open August 1, 2017.Applications may be submitted between Nov. 1st and 30th

California State University:

Applications open October 1st

Applications may be submitted Oct. 1st through Nov. 30th

Private Institutions: Check the individual school website for application dates and deadlines.

Schools may have their own private/institutional application or,

Schools may participate in the Common Application:

Schools may participate in the Coalition Application:

California Community Colleges

Attend information meeting at SRVHS in Jan/Feb. Early enrollment for priority registration is Feb/March.

Take the ACT or SAT one more time if you choose. Some schools super score.

Begin your applications. Many open in August. Save as you go, until you are ready to hit submit.

Keep a log of the different websites, user name/password data used for each college application portal.

Update your activities resume. Add activities you participated in over the summer.

Update Naviance. SRVHS requires several pieces of information to get you started with applications. Review the document library for items you need to turn in. Update ‘Colleges I’m Applying To’ list.

Complete counselor recommendation packet. Make appointment with counselor at least 3 weeks before first application is due. Find this in the document library (home page of Naviance, right side).

Check essay requirements: Common App and UC Insight Questions are posted on the C&CC Senior Tab. Begin a draft essay over the summer and you can fine tune it during the fall.

Request teacher recommendations verbally and send formal request through Naviance.

Requesttranscripts to be sent through Naviance to the schools listed on Colleges I’m applying to.

Send ACT/SAT scores (through or to the colleges you are applying to IF you haven’t done so already.

Review/Submitfinancial aid and scholarship opportunities. FAFSA opens in October. Apply by your school deadlines and/or FAFSA deadline. SRVUSD automatically uploads CalGrant eligibility for you.

Attend District College fair and visit the C&CC to listen/talk to colleges you are applying to or interested in. Sign up in Naviance for the college visits.

Submit your application: Watchdeadlines: early action, early decision (optional but only 1 max) and regular decision!


Keep up your grades! Acceptances are conditional and colleges expect the GPA you applied with to stay the same or improve.

Check your application portals and email regularly. Colleges will communicate with you through your email and/or portal. Send them any information they request in a timely manner.

If you completed the FAFSA, watch for each college to send you a financial aid award letter. This will outline the college’s total cost of attendance (COA) and how they suggest you ‘might’ pay for it (scholarships, grants, loans). A college might send you a ‘merit’ scholarship letter prior to the official ‘award’ letter which includes all forms of aid.

Update Naviance with application decisions received.

Sign Up for an AP test if taking AP classes. Your teacher will provide details on this (Feb/March).

Attend admitted student day if offered admission to learn more about a college before accepting.

Acceptadmission to your college of choice by May 1stor earlier. This is a national acceptance date. Once you accept an admission offer, you should let other colleges know that you do not plan to attend. It is unethical to accept more than one college placement.

Sign up for housing and new student orientation (if you haven’t already done so).

Complete senior exit survey: you’ll be asked to do this in your English class.

Request final transcripts to be sent to your college of choice.

Check your portal for any additional information needed by your college of choice.

SendAP test results (if you took AP exams and meet the score requirement) to your college of choice. This is completed through the (Results may not be available until July).

Congratulations! You Did It!

Senior: Student College Planning Timeline 2017 - 6/1/17