Ask Here PA SPRINGS into Action

(should run in May – before school is out.)

Ask Here PA, Pennsylvania's live chat reference service, answers questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Pennsylvania residents can go online and have a conversation with a librarian and within minutes, questions are researched and answers from a trustworthy source are sent directly to the patron's computer.
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What can Ask Here PA do for you?
Whether you're a middle school student needing ideas for your science fair project, a college student needing help with a research paper or simply looking for suggestions for a good book to read, Ask Here PA is here to help you find what you need. Although Ask Here PA librarians cannot provide tutoring assistance, they can provide authoritative, helpful information to get you headed in the right direction for homework assignments and research projects.
What types of questions does Ask Here PA answer?
Ask Here PA librarians can help students with research on the Internet, searching a library's catalog, and using online databases such as EBSCOHost or SIRS Discoverer. For example, questions asked in the past several days include:

  • Was Giotto the architect for the Cathedral of Florence or just for the bell tower?
  • How do I make a BMX bike faster?
  • How do scientists know that there are layers in the Earth?
  • Why are lizards are smaller than dinosaurs were?

Ask Here PA librarians can also help locate answers to factual questions, such as:

  • How many people live in the USA?
  • How can I download a book to my kindle?
  • In the Hunger Games, what is the name of the man who directs the interviews?
  • What was the official ending day of the American Civil War?
  • Are there mammals that lay eggs?

Ask Here PA is just one tool that [INSERT NAME] Library uses to promote PA Forward, a statewide initiative that envisions a Pennsylvania where citizens know how to use online resources and current technology to improve their education, enhance their job skills, and fully participate in a digital society. For more information about PA Forward visit:

Ask Here PA is supported by [Insert Library Name] and funds administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Bureau of Library Development and is managed by HSLC/Access PA.

Ask Here PA is available through the [INSERT NAME] Library’s website, [address].
