St. Philip S Senior National School

St. Philip S Senior National School


CODE OF DISCIPLINE (Reviewed & revised 2016)

Sanctioned by the Board of Management June 2010.

This code has been developed by the school staff with parental contribution over a period of time and reviewed at regular intervals. Each review has been sanctioned by the Board of Management.

A copy of the Code of Discipline is given to the parents of each child prior to their entry to the school. Parents are asked to sign this code, indicating that they will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that their child complies with the code. A copy of the code is also displayed in the parents’ room.


The school rules are designed to encourage self-respect, respect for others, for property and our environment. They also concern the safety and well being of pupils while on the school premises.

Many encourage values and attitudes which will be important for pupils, not just while they are in school, but in later life.

Parents can be supportive of the school by discussing the rules with their children and helping them understand why they should be observed.


Our mission is:

  • to give our children the education they need so that they will grow up to be integrated and self-reliant people, good Christians and responsible citizens. This education is spiritual, moral, physical, emotional, intellectual and social.
  • to create in our school a climate of trust and love, with the staff supportive of each other and each child valued as an individual.
  • to foster loyalty and mutual respect.
  • to introduce our pupils to the truth, the good and the beautiful.
  • to help form rounded personalities and enable our pupils to become good Christians and good citizens.

We recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children and we consider mutual support and co-operation of home and school to be of the utmost importance.

We are conscious of the fact that we are:

  • a Catholic school
  • an Irish school
  • a school that welcomes children of all religious persuasions, ethnic backgrounds and cultures and we seek the co-operation of the total school community.


  • The Discipline system used in this school is known as the “Discipline for Learning” Programme.
  • In devising the code, consideration has been given to the particular needs and circumstances of this school. The aim is to ensure that the individuality of each child is accommodated for while acknowledging the right of each child to education in a relatively disruption-free environment.
  • Every effort will be made by all members of the staff to adopt a positive approach to the question of , with greater emphasis on rewards than on sanctions.
  • It is agreed that a high standard of behaviour requires a strong sense of community within the school and a high level of co-operation between staff, pupils and parents.
  • Recognising the variety of differences between children, all efforts will be made to match the Curriculum to the abilities, aptitudes and interests of each pupil.

This Code has been devised according to the suggested guidelines of the Department of Education & Skills. Positive incentives will be employed wherever possible by all teachers to ensure that children who make an effort to behave are rewarded for their efforts and to encourage disruptive pupils to comply with the school procedures.

Such incentives will include prizes for works of excellence in all areas of the curriculum and further rewards for the best efforts of individual pupils. Certificates for pupils who make an effort to comply with the rules will also feature. Teachers will at all times use their discretion with regard to implementing the Code.

Pupils have been encouraged to assist teachers in developing rules for their classes. Pupils are consistently reminded that the rules and consequences have been recommended by themselves. Rewards for keeping the rules on a regular basis are also listed.


The role of parents in implementing the school discipline policy is vital. It is our experience that where parents are supportive of teachers, there are very few discipline problems. The foundations for good discipline are laid in the home and are altered by social influences outside the control of the school.


  1. Yard Duty: Four teachers and one SNA supervise each day.
  2. After School Duty: A teacher will supervise pupils departing the school each afternoon.
  3. Pupils attending resource, special education, learning support, English classes, etc. are escorted to and from their classroom by the teachers concerned.
  4. All staff are strongly encouraged to ensure that proper school procedures are observed throughout the school.
  5. An anti-bullying week is held annually to encourage awareness of bullying.
  6. Teachers are always available to meet a parent who seeks an appointment.


  • Most importantly, self-respect and an improved self-image;
  • Respect for teachers;
  • Respect for all other pupils;
  • Respect for anybody who enters the school in an official capacity;
  • Respect for all school property.


  • Every pupil has a right to be able to learn at school and to participate in all school activities without interference from other pupils.
  • Pupils should behave in a well-mannered fashion at school and should not interfere with the efforts of other children to learn or participate in school activities.
  • The pupil should be cleanly dressed (school uniform) and have a neat and tidy appearance.
  • The pupil should arrive on time for all school activities.


  • Have all your own equipment – books, copies, pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, parer, markers and any other necessary equipment that your teacher asks you to bring.
  • Keep unhelpful hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself.
  • Sit correctly in your chair.
  • Raise your hand before asking or answering a question and wait for the teacher’s response.
  • You are responsible for keeping your own place, classroom, toilet and corridor clean.
  • Wear your full uniform every day – except on PE day, when the school tracksuit should be worn.


  • Permission is absolutely necessary from the Principal/Teacher to leave the school premises during school hours.
  • Walk on the left-hand side of the corridor.
  • Line up in the yard instantly when the bell rings.
  • Bullying is regarded as a most serious offence (see the school’s anti-bullying policy).
  • A note/message is required to explain absences, lack of homework and failure to do punishment work. This note/message can be sent in the homework diary, by letter, by phone or in person.
  • No food allowed in yard except food that can be fully consumed (e.g. banana/sandwich).
  • Chewing gum is not allowed on school property.
  • Earrings and other jewellery (apart from a watch) are not allowed in school.
  • Children leaving school early must be collected by a parent/guardian.


  • Regular and punctual attendance is required and is necessary if pupils are to make satisfactory progress.
  • All pupils must have a note from parent/guardian to explain reason for being late.
  • Parents of pupils who are continuously late for their classes will be informed of their child’s failure to attend on time.


Parents will have an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress/:

  • By formal meetings – meeting the child’s teacher at a Parent/Teacher meeting.
  • By making an appointment – by letter or phone to meet the child’s teacher/Principal if a problem arises.
  • By noting comments regarding progress/ in your child’s Homework Diary.
  • Contact through the Home/School Liaison Scheme.


  • Names of errant pupils in the yard or indoors during small break or lunch time on wet days will be entered into the appropriate section of the classroom charts – i.e. green, amber, red, black, etc.
  • Offences of a more serious nature will be entered into the Misdemeanour Book and the pupil’s name will be moved to black on the classroom charts.


  • All absences from school must be accounted for.
  • A note/message must be sent to the school outlining the reason for an absence at the earliest possible convenience. This note/message can be sent through the homework journal, letter, phoning the school office or in person.
  • A pupil leaving the school at any period during the school day must be signed out and the name of the person collecting the child must be entered into the sign out book.
  • Contact will be made by the school secretary with parents of pupils whose attendance is a concern.
  • TÚSLÁ is informed when a child is absent from school for 20 days or more.
  • Attendance in the school is closely monitored by a senior post holder.


  • It may be suggested to the parents of pupils who are showing serious signs of disruptive behaviour that their child be assessed to explore any possible psychological reason.
  • Parents are informed fully regarding the assessment process, where the assessment can be attained and the school’s involvement in assisting the parent/pupil.


Our system is based on appraisal and reward to promote the type of behavior and work ethic we expect from the children of our school. It is a house system.

There are 8 houses in the system. The members of each house are made up of children from across 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th classes. The mainstream teachers divide their classes into 8 groups. Each group in the class joins one of the eight houses. There are approximately 35-40 children in each house. The children are awarded points for behaviour, work, activities & achievements that the school wants to promote. The advantage of a house reward system is that it is admin-friendly for teachers and there are several opportunities for children to receive points for their house.

The misdemeanour folder plays a role within our system. If a child is written into the misdemeanour folder he/she will not receive their monthly house reward, should their house win. Prizes will vary each month. Homework passes will still be used at the discretion of the class teacher.

Pupils may be rewarded for:
  • Full and excellent attendance.
  • Excellent attendance at choir after school.
  • Excellent attendance at homework club.
  • Excellent attendance at after school clubs.
  • Outstanding sports achievements.
  • Outstanding achievements representing the school.
  • Excellent achievement or improvement in tests.
  • Excellent achievement or improvement in spelling tests.
  • Pupils best effort (in the opinion of the teacher).
  • Recommendation of a teacher other than class teacher.


  • Every day all pupils will start with their name on the green chart. We are having a good day.
  • Children will be asked to move their names from green to amber to red to black for continued misdemeanours/ defiance (in class or on yard) during any given day.
  • When a child reaches the black chart (for poor behavior in class or on yard) he/she will be sent to another room with a page of transcription (length at teacher’s discretion) and the child’s name will be entered in the misdemeanour book.
  • If, having returned to the classroom, the child continues to misbehave on the same day he/she will be brought to the office and the Principal will phone the pupil’s parents. If parents are unavailable a note will be sent home by the Principal.
  • On the second occasion of a pupil’s name being entered into the misdemeanour book in one month they will be brought to the office and given a page of transcription by the Principal. A note will be sent home by the class teacher.
  • On the third occasion of a pupil’s name being entered into the misdemeanour book in one month the class teacher will ask to meet the parents.
  • On the fourth occasion of the pupil’s name being entered in the misdemeanour book in one month the parents will be asked to see the Principal. If the parents fail to attend this meeting the HSCL teacher will visit the home to discuss the situation and rearrange a meeting with the Principal.
  • Where a pupil has reached the black and had his/her name entered in the misdemeanour book five times in a month the pupil will be suspended.
  • A dated note outlining the nature of the misdemeanour will be sent to the parents informing them each time their child’s name has been placed in the misdemeanour book by the class teacher.
  • When a child’s name is entered into the misdemeanour book for a misdemeanour on the school yard the class teacher should be notified by the teacher on yard who is placing the child’s name in the book. A report on the behavior should be written up and signed by the teacher on yard. The child’s name should be moved accordingly on the classroom chart.
  • Teachers are requested to sign & number the incidents in the misdemeanour book relating to a particular child.


Examples of misdemeanours:
  • Chewing gum
  • Having a mobile phone without letting the teacher know
  • Continued defiance
  • No homework done (without a written excuse from parents)
  • Throwing things across the classroom (rubbers, food, crayons, etc.)
  • Disruptive
  • Bringing in crisps, crisp-related foods, chewing gum, fizzy drinks, popcorn
  • Cheering on a fight
/ Straight to black: (Misdemeanour Book)
  • Racist comments
  • Theft of equipment, food, etc.
  • Bullying
  • Threatening
  • Leaving school grounds without permission
  • Abusive language
  • Lewd behaviour
  • Spitting at another pupil
  • Unacceptable behaviour while representing the school
  • Fighting
  • Writing graffiti on school premises
  • Using a phone in school
/ Suspension:
  • Repetitive defiance
  • Head-butting
  • Assault on staff member/pupil
  • Threatening to staff member (I’ll burn your car, house or other abusive terms)
  • Unacceptable abusive language to a staff member
  • Spitting at a staff member
  • Vandalism on school property
  • Serious theft
  • Smoking on school property/grounds
  • Bringing alcohol or drugs onto school property/grounds
  • Using a weapon to threaten or injure on school property
  • Serious continued bullying
  • Inappropriate behaviour/materials
  • Other exceptional misbehaviours

All parents are furnished with a copy of the Code of Discipline upon the occasion of their child’s registration in the school. It is a condition of registering each child that parents must confirm in writing that they shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with such a code by the child.


  • Before suspending a pupil full consideration is given to the circumstances which led to the behaviour and whether any effective alternative approach to suspension is possible.
  • The pupil will be suspended for the minimum period possible that is appropriate in the circumstances.
  • When a pupil is being suspended the Principal will contact the pupil’s parents, informing them by letter/phone of the reasons for the suspension, the duration of the suspension and a request to the parent/parents to make contact with the school immediately to arrange a meeting with the Principal to discuss the pupil’s behaviour.
  • TÚSLÁ will be informed of the suspension.
  • The Chairperson of the Board of Management is informed of the suspension and a record of the suspension is included in the Board of Management minutes.
  • School work will be provided for the suspended pupil. However the pupil must not be on the school premises at any time during the period of suspension.
  • The pupil must report to the school office on the morning of re-entry to the school when the suspension ends.
  • The Principal has been authorized by the Board of Management to suspend a pupil if it is deemed necessary according to the school Code of Discipline and when all other avenues have been explored.


The Board of Management reserves the right to expel a pupil in accordance with the terms of Section 24(4) and 24(5) of the Education Welfare Act 2000.

A proposal to expel a student requires serious grounds such as:

  • The pupil’s behaviour is a persistent cause of significant disruption to the learning of others or to the teaching process
  • The pupil’s continued presence in the school constitutes a real and significant threat to safety
  • The pupil is responsible for serious damage to property
  • The pupil persists in the possession, distribution or consumption of alcohol/drugs

The ground for expulsion are similar to the grounds for suspension. In addition to factors such as the degree of seriousness and the persistence of the Board of Management shall have tried a series of other interventions and believe that all possibilities for changing the pupil’s behaviour have been exhausted.

Expulsion for a First Offence

The Board of Management shall expel on the basis of a single breach of the code of discipline in the case of the following:

  • A very serious threat of violence against another student or member of staff (e.g. displaying a weapon along with a threat)
  • Actual violence or serious physical assault on a pupil or staff member with a weapon
  • Supplying illegal drugs to other students in the school
  • Sexual assault
  • Serious wanton vandalism of school or staff property

Procedures in Respect of Expulsion

Where a preliminary assessment of the facts confirms serious misbehaviour that could warrant expulsion the procedural steps shall include:

  • A detailed investigation carried out under the direction of the Principal
  • A recommendation to the Board of Management by the Principal
  • Consideration by the Board of Management of the Principal’s recommendation and the holding of a hearing
  • Board of Management deliberations and actions following the hearing
  • Consultations arranged with the Educational Welfare Officer
  • Confirmation of decision to expel

The child may be suspended while the above procedure is being held.