Module 7: Basin analysis

Key concepts for basin analysis: The changing Earth (7.1.1)

Curriculum content

(a) / how the Earth has changed through geological time (with particular focus on the Phanerozoic Eon):
(i) the changes in the distribution of continents from the Neoproterozoic – refer to 3.2.1
(ii) the long term changes in the Earth’s climate and composition of the atmosphere
(iii) the long term changes in global sea level
(iv) how the Wilson cycle model can provide an outline framework to understand these long term changes and the link to mass extinctions / To include the breakup of Pannotia, assembly and breakup of Pangaea.
To include icehouse–greenhouse cycles, and the role of volcanic activity in climate modification.
(b) / how the long term changes in 7.1.1(a) can be interpreted from both the geological record (palaeoenvironments) and the geochemistry of the rocks, including isotope studies / To include:
  • palaeontological evidence (corals and plants)
  • lithological evidence (coal, desert sandstones, evaporites, tillites and reef limestones)
  • the use of oxygen (18O and 16O) and carbon (13C and 12C) isotopes
  • eustatic sea level changes and Vail sea level curves.

(c) / how the current rate and scale of environmental and biological change illustrate the application of geochronological principles, and are of the same order as those used to divide the geological timescale. / To include the global impact of human activity on the planet in comparison with past geological change, as evidence for an Anthropocene epoch.

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Basin analysis

Thinking conceptually: Approaches to teaching the content

General approaches

Module 7 begins with topic 7.1.1 The changing Earth, within this topic learners build on their knowledge of global systems and the evolving climate and the distribution of landmasses on the Earth. Learners will be able to bring together knowledge and understanding from modules 2, 3, 4 and 5 from sedimentary environments to structural geology along with the different experiences they have from studying other scientific subjects at this level. The fieldwork that learners have undertaken in their studies could be referred to throughout this topic as it is by collecting evidence in the field that geologists could support their theories on global systems.

Common misconceptions or difficulties students may have:

For learners studying topic 7.1.1 thinking about individual aspects is likely to be fairly straight forward, the challenge will increase when it is necessary to relate factors and consider how feedback systems may work together. For example, when learners think about the Wilson cycle and need to use it to understand changing sea level, continental positioning or climate and link to mass extinction events. To support learners here break down the topic in to sections where changes are described, when learners are confident build in the model to explain why these changes are happening, to follow this consider evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the model.

Conceptual links to other areas of the specification – useful ways to approach this topic to set students up for topics later in the course:

Topic 7.1.1 allows learners to build on the knowledge they have gained from topic 2.1.3, sedimentary rocks, 2.2.2 geological time, 3.2.1, plate tectonics and module 4 interpreting the past, learners will bring together these topics together with their fieldwork experience to gain an understanding of the evidence behind the changing Earth. Topic 7.1.1 prepares learners for the following two topics on palaeontology and for future degree level courses in geology, environmental science, or geography.

Thinking Contextually: Approaches to teaching the content:

To begin this topic learners could look at the evidence which is published on changing position of the continents, changing temperatures and changing sea level over time, this could be supported by the free open university course (link below), where learners look through the information displayed and answer self-check questions. Once learners are confident describing the changes they could begin to understand how the evidence for this arises, learners should think about how fossils can be used, lithological evidence, the mechanism for using isotope data and the use of sea level curves. Following this learners could look at how current climate change is being monitored, the methods which scientists are able to use on the most recent time periods and how this allows new ideas and theories to arise. The work of the British Antarctic Survey is a really interesting place to begin looking at work being carried out in this field.

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Basin analysis

Title / Organisation / Link / Description / Specification mapping
Earth History summary / Open University / / The global view of Earth history section of this free course guides learners through the long term changing distribution of the continents, the changing sea level and global temperatures and the occurrence of ice ages. At regular intervals learners can check their understanding by answering the questions and using the reveal function. / 7.1.1 (a)
Isotopes / University of Wyoming Geology museum / / An article which gives the scientific background to using oxygen isotope isotopes as evidence for climatic conditions / 7.1.1 (a)
The Ice Man Cometh / Euan Mearns / / This link is to a graph which can be given to learners to interpret, the data is for the past 400 thousand years. It shows oxygen isotope curve from Atlantic Ocean core samples and marine isotope stages which are alternating warm and cold periods. / 7.1.1 (b)
The Anthropocene / British Geological Survey / / Links to a number of resources that take a geological rather than a environmentalist approach to what is the AnthropoceneeEpoch? / 7.1.1 (c)
Climate change research / British Antarctic Survey / / A link to the climate and climate change section of the BAS site, available here is numerous news reports on up to date climatic research, methods and data. Learners could select an aspect to report back to group on, or write a popular science article on. Also on the site is a link to a short summary video on climatic change. / 7.1.1 (c)

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Basin analysis

Key concepts for basin analysis: Evolution and applied palaeontology (7.1.2)

Curriculum Content

(a) / how the evolution of life on Earth, displayed in the marine fossil record, is used as evidence to investigate long term gradual change.
(i) the adaptation of the basic trilobite morphology to occupy multiple marine niches during the Palaeozoic
(ii) the application of the ecology of modern reef building (scleractinian) corals to interpret and compare fossil corals (tablulate, rugose) as palaeoenvironmental indicators of reef building in the geological record
(iii) the adaptation of the basic brachiopod morphology to occupy high energy and low energy marine environments
(vi) the morphological similarities and differences between brachiopods and bivalves / To include: benthonic epifaunal, benthonic infaunal, nektonic and planktonic.
To include the symbiotic relationships with algae.
To include cemented and non-cemented free-lying, pedically attached and brachiopod reef builders.
(b) / how the evolution of life on Earth, displayed in the terrestrial fossil record, is used as evidence to investigate long term gradual change
(i) how amphibians evolved from marine animals in the Devonian and were adapted to terrestrial life in the Carboniferous
(ii) the characteristics of the amniotic egg and the evolutionary advantage it gave for the development of life on land
(iii) the adaptation of the basic dinosaur morphology to occupy different terrestrial niches as exemplified by saurischian (sauropoda, therapoda) and ornithichian dinosaurs
(iv) how birds evolved from therapoda and the morphological similarities and differences between birds and pterosauria. / To include the similarities between marine animals and the early amphibians in the Devonian using skull morphology, fin bones, limb bones, teeth, body shape, tail fin and scales.
To include the characteristics of saurischian dinosaurs (sauropod herbivores and therapod carnivores) andornithischian dinosaurs.
To include the function of feathers and convergent evolution.

Thinking Conceptually: Approaches to teaching the content

General approaches:

Module 7 Basin Analysis allows learners to apply their prior learning and is synoptic in its approach builds on the introduction to fossils in topic 2.2.1 and 4.2.1. The purpose if 7.1.2 is to use the specified fossil groups to evidence change rather than being a comprehensive study each fossil group. Learners study some key fossil groups to illustrate how the evolution of life on earth can be tracked in the marine and terrestrial fossil record. Learners will go on to apply the understanding of fossil groups through the remainder of module 7 and in future studies in geology, biology or environmental science.

Common misconceptions or difficulties students may have:

Topic 7.1.2 (a) is likely to be fairly accessible for the majority of learners, there are many models, fossils, reconstructions that can be used to help familiarise learners with organisms which are now extinct. Learners should be confident in using the technical terms and should be encouraged to use them in discussion and written answers. Topic 7.1.2 (b) may be more challenging as it may include more discussion and theory, learners who also study biology may be able to support as class ‘experts’, again there are many video links and schematic diagrams to support and it is likely to be a topic that many learners are interested in.

Conceptual links to other areas of the specification – useful ways to approach this topic to set students up for topics later in the course:

This topic builds on the introduction to fossils in topic 2.2.1 which provided learners with a general grounding in the subject. Learners will go on to apply the understanding of fossil groups through the remainder of module 7 and in future studies in geology, biology or environmental science.

Thinking Contextually: Approaches to teaching the content:

Topic 7.1.2 directs learners to look at trilobites, corals, brachiopods and bivalves in the context of how their evolution is recorded in the fossil record. The link to the paleo-portal may be a good starting point as learners could use the fossil gallery to begin to collect evidence on a group and in doing so gain experience on the levels of classification of each fossil type. Once learners are ready to extend their knowledge the palaeocast resource will be very useful, the appropriate podcast can be selected and learners could make notes for example on how trilobites are adapted to multiple marine niches, the notes the learners make can be supported by the images on that podcasts page. The adaptations of brachiopods and the comparison between brachiopod and bivalve can be supported using podcasts available on palaeocast. Following this learners go on to look at the terrestrial fossil record, this work can again be supported to choosing the relevant palaeocast or by using the palaeo-portal. Learners can help to develop their understanding of the topic by considering up to date research in the field, the link below to how organisms vary in size due to changing conditions is an example that could be used as the theory and data collected is such that learners will be able to use the knowledge gained from this topic. The dino directory could be used by learners to support work on topic 7.1.2(b)iii the site provides a vast amount of data which learners can use to support theory, make comparisons or carry out data analysis.

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Basin analysis

Title / Organisation / Link / Description / Specification mapping
Palaeo portal / University of California museum of Palaeontology / / A starting point where teachers can find a wide range of images and information to use when delivering this topic, learners could be directed to this site as a reference point. The site also includes descriptions of a number of important field locations in North America. / 7.1.2 (a)
Palaeocast Episodes 18 & 40
Brachiopods / Palaeocast /

/ A vast collection of interesting and engaging podcasts about all aspects of palaeontology. It is possible to search by time period or by keyword. Linked with the podcast are high quality images which help develop learners understanding and could be used to create sketches from.
The podcasts are interviews with leading scientists which are delivered in an accessible way but also provide high levels of challenge. / 7.1.2 (a)
Trilobites / Palaeocast /
Module 2 Learner resource 12 / This activity was developed to support the reformed OCR Geology course by An introduction to trilobites, identifying their features in realistic specimens and interpreting palaeoecology. / 7.1.2 (a)
Coral Fact Sheets / Australian Institute of Marine Science / / This site mostly focuses on the evolution and ecology of scleractinian corals, but briefly discusses rugose and tabulate corals Learners could use examples of current ecology and behaviour linking this to previously studied local building stones or fieldwork sites. / 7.1.2 (a)
Size matters / Natural History Museum / / An article on how organisms adapt to environmental change by changing size, either by getting larger or smaller. The article discusses how well size is recorded in the fossil record and how a reduction in shell fish size may indicate stressful conditions like low oxygen levels.
Learners could work through the article and summarise the key points as a diagram or maybe find other research that may contradict this. / 7.1.2 (b)
Dino Directory / Natural History Museum / / The dino directory is an easy to use reference guide to a wide range of dinosaurs. Learners can select body shape, comparing characteristics of many different saurischian dinosaurs with ornithischian dinosaurs amongst other body shapes.
Beyond this there are different ways to classify the dinosaurs into time periods or where the fossils have been found. / 7.1.2 (b)
Palaeocast Episodes 37 & 55
Pterosaurs / Palaeocast /
/ Dr. Steve Brusatte, University of Edinburgh discusses the relationship between theropods and birds.
Dr Mark Witton, University of Portsmouth discussing the diversity, biomechanics and evolution of pterosaurs the first vertebrates to achieve powered flight. / 7.1.2 (b)
Vertebrate Flight / University of California Museum of Paleontology / / A range of educational resources including factsheets, lesson resources and online virtual tours about the evolution of flight in birds, pterosaurs and bats. / 7.1.2 (b)

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Basin analysis

Key concepts for basin analysis: Mass extinctions (7.1.3)

Curriculum Content

(a) / how the fossil record provides evidence for a number of short term catastrophic events through geological time known as mass extinctions and their probable causes / To include:
  • Permo–Triassic boundary and the evidence that major volcanic activity (Siberian Traps) contributed to this mass extinction
  • Ordovidician–Silurian boundary and the evidence that massive climate change and the elimination of habitats contributed to this mass extinction
  • Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary and the evidence that a major asteroid impact and volcanic activity (Deccan Traps) contributed to this mass extinction.

(b) / how mass extinctions resulted in the replacement of the dominant forms in major ecological habitats.

Thinking Conceptually: Approaches to teaching the content

General approaches:

Module 3.2.2 introduced learners to the evolution of magma by upwelling at divergent plate boundaries This topic works together with 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 and provides the balance of sudden rapid changes in conditions compared to the slow evolutionary changes of 7.1.2. Learners will need to bring together understanding from all previous modules to help them understand how mass extinctions occur and why they have happened on several occasions in the fossil record.

Common misconceptions or difficulties students may have:

This topic is portrayed in many films which does build interest in the topic but may cause some learners to accept more sensationalist theories rather than considering the scientific evidence available. To help learners remember the types of species lost at each mass extinction they could use models to symbolise what has happened, they could also interpret graphs of species numbers to help to understand the mechanism of extinction.

Conceptual links to other areas of the specification – useful ways to approach this topic to set students up for topics later in the course:

This topic works together with 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 and provides the balance of sudden rapid changes in conditions compared to the slow evolutionary changes of 7.1.2. Learners will need to bring together understanding from all previous modules to help them understand how mass extinctions occur and why they have happened on several occasions in the fossil record. This topic could prepare learners for any future scientific studies where many theories are argued and where critical pieces of data may significantly change understanding. The end Permian event in particular offers opportunity to evaluate if it is always appropriate to apply the principle of Occam’s razor .

Thinking Contextually: Approaches to teaching the content:

Learners could begin by annotating the geological column with significant mass extinctions to consider the distribution of these events, additions to the column could be other significant global events for example changing continent positioning or significant eruptions. Following this learners should consider the Permo Triassic boundary, the Ordovician Silurian boundary and the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary. For each of these mass extinctions learners should look at the significant fossil groups which were effected and the causes that surround the event. Learners should also consider which species thrived following a mass extinction and how opportunities were provided within certain niches. The link to the article below provides learners with ample data on this topic to analyse and make comment on, the article itself demonstrates to learners how scientists may not agree on conclusions made even when looking at the same data.

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