23rd March 2017

Dear Parents

Mass and Assembly – the next Class Mass will be celebrated by Year 5 on Tuesday 28th March in the chapel at 9:15 am.

Bottles of water for KS2 children –please continue to send in bottles of water; the toilet refurbishment is progressing slowly!

Lent fundraising –during lent each class will be involved in their own fundraising activity.

Year N & R – sponsored triathlon – the children had a lovely time and we will let you know the amount raised as soon as we have it.

Year 1 & 2 – name the chick and colouring competition – W/b 20th March

Year 3 & 4 - sponsored walk – Friday 24th March

Year 5 – sponsored run – date to be decided

Easter Reflections – as usual the last week of term before Easter is devoted to Holy Week activities. There will be reflections on the following dates:

Year Nursery – Monday 3rd April 11:30 in Nursery

Year R, Year 1, Year 2 – Monday 3rd April at 9:15 in school

Whole school mass – Tuesday 4th April 9:15 in church. Everybody welcome.

Year 3 – 6 – Tuesday 4th April 2:30 pm in church

Please note school finishes at 2:30pm on Wednesday 5th April for half term and re-opens on Wednesday 19th April.

Red Nose day Friday 24th March – this event occurs during our lent fundraising for CAFOD. If parents would like their children to respond to this day then the children can wear a red nose or wear something red with their uniform for a donation of 50p. This is entirely up to parents and school do not expect that this day should be financially supported due to our traditional lent fundraising.

Year 4 & 5 Trombone performance – Thursday 30th March 10:45am in school. Parents and Grandparents welcome.

Latest news about All Saints – the recent HMI visit to All Saints has confirmed that the school is on track to come out of special measures and everything indicates they are on track to achieve a good rating at the next OFSTED inspection, which should be some time after February 2018. The report acknowledges the massive improvement, particularly since September 2016 when a complete new leadership team, new vision and values and predominantly new staff were in place. Our shared aim is to have a good to outstanding catholic High School for our children. Please read the report and I urge you to make a visit to All Saints to observe the improvements for yourselves; they welcome visits from any parents. Mrs Emmett (Headteacher) and Mr Diamond (Deputy Headteacher) will be visiting St Peter’s in June or July to talk with parents from any year group. The report is available on All Saints website at www.allsaintscatholiccollege.com

Dinner Money – Please would you bring any outstanding payments up-to-date; reminders have been sent out this week. Arrears for school meals that are 3 weeks or over will be referred to Tameside MBC for debt collection. Payments can be made by cash, cheques (payable to School) or alternatively you can pay for school meals on-line using the link at www.tameside.gov.uk and click on the link school meals.

Nursery snack fund for this term is £21.00. Please bring outstanding payments up-to-date. Payments can be made using the online payment scheme.www.schoolmoney.co.uk

First Holy Communion ties and sashes – these have been ordered by school. Please would you send the payment of £10.00 in an envelope marked with your child’s name. If you are paying by cheque please make it payable to St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School.

Residential trips Year 5 and 6

Robinwood – The final payment of £35.50 will be due on Monday 27th March. All outstanding instalments need to be brought up-to-date as soon as possible. Please contact school if there will be a delay in settling the outstanding amounts.

Boreatton Park – The next instalment of £36.00 is due on Monday 27th March.

Payments can be made by cheque payable to St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School alternatively you can pay using the online payment scheme www.schoolmoney.co.uk

Please note PGL terms and conditions for Boreatton Park trip:

If you find that you cannot take your PGL holiday and have to cancel, for whatever reason, your deposit will be forfeited to cover our costs. If we receive your written cancellation within 56 days of your holiday commencement date, higher cancellation charges will be made, as follows:

· 56 to 29 days prior to commencement – 30% of the total holiday price

· 28 to 15 days prior to commencement – 45% of the total holiday price

· 14 to 1 days prior to commencement – 100% of the total holiday price

· On or after the commencement date – 100% of the total holiday price

The date of effective cancellation is calculated on the day of receipt of written advice in our Reservations Department.

Traveling book club – Thursday 23rd March until Tuesday 28th March. Books will be on sale before and after school 8:40 to 8:50am and 3:20 to 3:50pm.

Sainsbury’s Vouchers - We are now collecting the Active Kids vouchers from Sainsbury’s. This helps the school provide much needed playground equipment / toys for lunchtime. Thank you for the vouchers already sent into school.

School dinner payments - Tameside LA are changing how debts for school meals are managed.

Debts which school have previously been able to refer to Tameside will now become the debt of school. School is unable to carry such a debt therefore school meals will need to be paid for regularly.

Unfortunately from 19th April 2017 we will not be able to issue a school dinner to any child where there is a debt of more than £20. In such cases parents will be expected to provide their child with a packed lunch.

All infant children will still receive the Universal free school meal, should parents wish them to have one.

Parish and Community events

Tameside Cultural Events March – September – for more details of all the events and activities going on in the Tameside area please see website>parent’s information>weekly newsletter.

Tameside Soccer Coaching Club – Astley Sports College Starting 24th April 2017 Reception to Year 6. For more information please pick up a flyer from the school office.

Diary Dates

Year 5 visit to All Saints to watch a performance of Annie – Monday 27th March

First Holy Communion parents’ meeting – Wednesday 29th March 6:00pm in school

Year 4 & 5 Trombone performance – Thursday 30th March 10:45am in school

Year 5 Robinwood trip parents meeting –Monday 3rd April 5:30pm in school

Whole School Mass – Tuesday 4th April 9:15am in Church

Please note school finishes for Easter holidays on Wednesday 5th April at 2:30pm.

Happy Mothers’ Day

Kind regards

Mrs E Summersgill
