Application form for Nordic Research projects
Reference number:
Title of the ProjectPlease specify project title
Principal Investigator – contact person
Contact information on the principal investigator of the project (Title, Name, Institution, Country, Phone number and E-mail address).
Research Group
Contact information on all researchers who need access to data (Title, Name, Institution, Country, Phone number and E-mail addresses).
Research Environment
Description of the research environment of the principal investigator and any research institution that is to be affiliated with the project as well as name and contact information for a responsible manager of all research institutions involved. In most cases, the research institution appoints the Head of the Department as their responsible manager. In the description of the institution, information on ownership (Public, Private), educational standard among the staff as well as research experiences in working with National microdata must be included.
Purpose of the research proposal
Short description of the objectives of the research project. From the description it should be clearly explained why the purpose of the project is improved using data from each Nordic country separately.
A description of the population to be studied. If full population is needed it must be argued why this will improve the value of the project in contrast to only a sub-sample of the full population.
Dataset to be used
For each Nordic country for which data are applied, a list of subject-areas to be used has to be included (e.g. Population, Housing Social conditions, Education, Labour market, Income, etc.),including time series for the data.
Please include a list of specific variables needed for the project. National Statistical Institutions will assist in the selection of their National variables.
Design of the study
A short description of the design of the study has to be included, together with a short description of the expected outcome of the study.
Dissemination of the results
Please specify the planned dissemination of the results (Names of Scientific Journals, etc.).
Approvals from relevant authorities must be included, e.g. National Data protection agencies and approvals from relevant data owner, Regional Ethical Committee and National Bioethics Committee, etc. The approvals needed vary from country to country.. Please list and attach all approvals/notifications
Register year(s)
Please specify register years needed for the project.
Access point
As a general rule data will always be hosted in the country of the principal research institution, except for Icelandic, Greenlandic and Norwegian research projects, where data will be hosted by Finland, Sweden or Denmark.
Access Time
Period of time for which access to data are needed.
Research plan
A detailed research plan needs to be appended. Please specify the name of the document.
Signatures and date:
The principal investigator
Signatures and date:
The head of the research environment