As a Registered Childcare Establishment We Are Obliged to Provide First Aid Treatment And

As a Registered Childcare Establishment We Are Obliged to Provide First Aid Treatment And

Snack and Lunch Procedures

We work in partnership with parents to ensure that the medical, cultural, and dietary needs of children are met. Through our approach we help children to learn about a range of food and cultural approaches to meal times and to respect the differences among them.

We believe mealtimes should be a happy, social occasion for children and staff alike where positive interactions should be shared and enjoyed. Ladybirds Day Nursery Ltd. is committed to offering children healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks which meet individual needs and requirements.

We will ensure that:-

A balanced and healthy breakfast, midday meal and two daily snacks are provided for children attending our day nursery.

Menus are planned in advance, rotated regularly and reflect cultural diversity and variation. These are available to parents, displayed in the nursery and on our website and where possible both parents and children are involved in planning these meals.

We provide nutritious food at all snack and meal times, avoiding large quantities of fat, sugar and salt and artificial additives, preservatives and colourings. Fresh drinking water is constantly available and frequently offered to children and babies.

Individual dietary requirements will be respected. We gather information from parents regarding their children’s dietary needs including any allergies. Where appropriate we will carry out a risk assessment in the case of allergies and work alongside parents to put into place an individual dietary plan for their child.

Staff show sensitivity in providing for children’s diets and allergies. They will not use a child’s diet or allergy as a label for the child or make a child feel singled out because of her / his diet or allergy.

We provide foods from the diet of each of the children’s cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones. Any cultural difference in eating habits will be respected.

We promote positive attitudes to healthy eating through play opportunities and discussions. The nursery provides parents with daily written records of feeding routines for all children.

No child is ever left alone when eating/ drinking to ensure that there is no risk of choking.

Breakfast Routines (8am –9am)

Each child is asked to wash their hands before sitting down to breakfast

The table is already laid ready for the children to select toast and use the spreads provided which they access under supervision. In addition, parent provided food can also be eaten at this time.

Morning (9.30am-10.30am) and Afternoon (3pm-4pm) Snack Shack

Each child is asked to wash their hands before sitting down

Children can choose their own seats and sit down around the tables provided

A separate plate, knife and cup is given to each child to use

Small jugs of water / milk is placed in the middle of the table for them to pour from

Fruit/ veg / bread/ spreads are provided and staff assist children to select and use these.

Flannels are given to each child to wash hands/ face once they have finished.

Lunch (12pm)

All the tables are set with plastic cloths, cups and jugs of water for each table. Children are supervised to wash their hands with the support of staff in small groups. Children’sday books are put by each table ready to be completed and before starting to eat the children all join in with the lunchtime rhyme.

Staff set a good example and eat with the children to show good table manners. Meals are organised so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate in small groups. During meals times children are encouraged to use their manners and say please and thank you as well as encouraged to engage in conversation.

Staff use these times to help children develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves. Staff support children to make healthy choices and understand the need for healthy eating.

Any child who shows signs of distress at being faced with a meal he/she does not like will have his/her food removed without fuss. If a child does not finish his/her first course he/she will be given a small helping of dessert. Children not on special diets will be encouraged to eat a small piece of everything.

Children will be given the time to eat at their own pace and not rushed. Quantities offered will take account of the ages of the children being catered for.

When they have finished children are encouraged to take their cup and plate to be washed and encouraged to ask if they may leave the table. All children are given a flannel after they have finished eating to clean their hands and face.


LDC (SnackAndLunch Procedure July 13 )