27. The Dance of Days
When a cell reproduces, the chromosomes dance with in a spindle like some Maypole carnival. In sexual reproduction, meiosis, the chromosomes of male and female parents cross over in a free form dance of stages that creates new life. God has made most things in creation in pairs. In atomic physics there is a vigorous interplay between positive and negative forces, ripples and waves of quantum energy are given out and absorbed and inversing. There is much spinning and curved spiraling, in and outwards, in the dance of enfolding and releasing time/energy. In the cosmos the heavenly bodies swirl in an ordered way on a vast scale.
At the close of the age, The Bridegroom will come for His bride, and the wedding dance of ultimate love will crescendo what all creation’s dancing down the ages has exhibited as a prelude.
As you approach work today, maybe you can think on all this, and cross into the faith zone. Hear in the birdsong, wind or urban noise the wedding music. Rather than doggedly stepping through your day. You can choose to glide and slide in graceful swirls with your Partner, who will guide you adroitly about and through your hours. You are no lonely wall flower, you are chosen and special and the envy of all, for the finest dance partner is yours! Even if the music is a cacophony in passages of your day, He has charted a way through. You don’t have to dance to the audiences of the world and try to impress them any more. You dance to please the One who is affectionate and full of grace.
Let wilderness turn cartwheels,
Animals come dance!
Put every tree in the forest in the choir.
Psalms 96:12
But ask the animals what they think-let them teach you:
Let the birds tell you what is going on,
Put your ear to the earth –learn the basics
Listen-the fish in the oceans will tell you their stories
Job 12:7-8
I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt, O Virgin Israel. Again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful.
Jeremiah 31:4
Praise Him with tambourines and dancing.
Psalms 150:4