NYU Abu Dhabi Course Equivalencies for
Fulfilling NYU Steinhardt CORE Requirements
Division / Subject Area / Steinhardt CORE DesignationAnthropology / ANTH-AD / Societies and Social Science
Arab Crossroads / ACS-AD / Societies and Social Science
Arabic / ARABL-AD / Foreign Language
Arts and Humanities Colloquia / AHC-AD / Expressive Culture
Biology / BIOL-AD / Natural Science
Business and Organizational Studies / BUSOR-AD / Unrestricted Elective
Chemistry / CHEM-AD / Natural Science
Chinese / CHINL-AD / Foreign Language
Computer Science / CS-AD / Unrestricted Elective
Core Curriculum: Art, Technology, and Invention / COREA-AD / Expressive Cultures
Core Curriculum: Ideas and Methods of Science / COREI-AD / Natural Science
Core Curriculum: Ideas and Methods of Science: Experimental Discovery in the Natural World / COREX-AD / Natural Science
Core Curriculum: Pathways of World Literature / COREP-AD / Text and Ideas
Core Curriculum: Structures of Thought and Society / CORES-AD / Societies and the Social Sciences
Economics / ECON-AD / Societies and the Social Sciences
Education / EDUC-AD / Liberal Arts
Engineering / ENGR-AD / Unrestricted Elective
Film and New Media / FILMM-AD / Expressive Culture for critical studies/theory courses; Filmmaking and studio courses count as Unrestricted Electives.
History / HIST-AD / Societies and Social Science
Language / WRIT-AD / Liberal Arts Elective
Law / LAW-AD / Unrestricted Elective
Literature and Creative Writing / LITCW-AD / Unrestricted Elective for all writing courses; Literature courses fulfill Expressive Cultures.
Mathematics / MATH-AD / Quantitative Reasoning
Multidisc: The Ancient World / MDANC-AD / Liberal Arts
Multidisc: The Environment / MDENV-AD / Natural Science
Multidisc: Interactive Media and Technology / MDMED-AD / Unrestricted Elective
Multidisc: Peace Studies / PEACE-AD / Societies and Social Science
Multidisc: Urbanization / MDURB-AD / Societies and Social Science
Museum Studies / MUSST-AD / Expressive Culture for critical studies/theory courses; Studio courses count as Unrestricted Electives.
Music / MUSIC-AD / Unrestricted Elective for Music Practice courses; Expressive Culture for History, Theory, Criticism courses
Philosophy / PHIL-AD / Texts and Ideas
Physics / PHYS-AD / Natural Science
Political Science / POLSC-AD / Societies and Social Science
Psychology / PSYCH-AD / Societies and the Social Sciences
Science / SCIEN-AD / Not available for Steinhardt students
Social Sciences / SOCSC-AD / Societies and the Social Sciences
Social Research and Public Policy / SRPP-AD / Societies and the Social Sciences
Theater / THEAT-AD / Unrestricted Elective for Arts Practice courses; Expressive Culture for History, Theory, Criticism courses
Visual Arts / VISAR-AD / Expressive Culture for critical studies/theory courses; Studio courses count as Unrestricted Electives.