Level 3 Diploma in Aromatherapy (VTCT)
The following information is required for your safety and to benefit your health. Whilst essential oils and massage are totally safe when administered professionally by a qualified therapist, there are certain contra-indications that require special attention.
The information that you give will treated in the strictest confidence according to the Data Protection Act. It may, however, be necessary for you to consult your GP before any aromatherapy treatment can be given.
Date of initial consultation:Client ref. No.:
Telephone no: Daytime:Mobile:
Email address:
Date of Birth:Occupation:
Name of Doctor:Surgery:
Telephone no:
Date of last visit to doctor:
The following contraindications may prevent or restrict the treatment – in circumstances where you would like medical permission but it cannot be obtained clients must give their informed consent in writing prior to the treatment.
Do you have or have you ever suffered from any of the following:
- Cardiovascular conditions – thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, hypotension, heart conditions
- Haemophilia
- Any condition already being treated by a GP or another complementary practitioner
- Contagious skin disorder – impetigo, herpes simplex, herpes zoster or tinea corporis
- Skin allergies
- Medical oedema
- Osteoporosis
- Nervous/psychotic conditions
- Epilepsy
- Recent operations
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Any dysfunction of the nervous system – Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Neurone disease
- Cancer
- Undiagnosed pain
- Undiagnosed lumps
- When taking prescribed medication
- Severe varicose veins
- Recent head or neck injury
- Haemorrhage
- Meningitis
- Thrombosis
- Fever
- Contagious or infectious diseases
- Under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs
- Skin disorders – boils, folliculitis, warts, verrucae or tinea pedis
- Inflammation/swelling
- Pregnancy (abdomen)
- Breast feeding
- Cuts/Abrasions/Bruises
- Scar tissue (2 years for major operation and 6 months for small scar)
- Sunburn
- Abdomen (first few days of menstruation depending on how the client feels)
- Hormonal implants
- Haematoma
- Recent fractures (minimum of 3 months)
- Hernia
- After a heavy meal
- Hypersensitive skin
- Neck problems
- Migraine
Are you currently under GP/hospital care?
Current medical treatment
Current medication (list dosages)
Female clients
Is it possible you may be pregnant?
If pregnant, how many months (any history of miscarriage)?
Are you currently menstruating?
Number of pregnancies (with dates)
GP Referral required?YesNo
Clearance Letter sentYesNoDate:
Clearance Letter received?YesNoDate:
Is your general immunity/healthGOOD/AVERAGE/POOR?
Would you say your energy levels areHIGH/AVERAGE/LOW?
Would you consider your stress levels to beHIGH/AVERAGE/LOW?
Sleep patterns:
Do you suffer with any of the following:
Skin complaints:
Allergies/ Dermatitis/ Eczema/ Psoriasis/ Dry skin/ Sensitive skin/ Other
Muscular/skeletal problems: Back / Aches & pains / Stiff joints / Headaches / Other
Problems with circulation:
Varicose veins/ Oedema/ Chillblains/ Heart problems/ Excessively cold or hot/
Sweating/ Blood Pressure / Cellulite / Other
Respiratory problems:
Asthma/ Breathing difficulties/ Bronchitis/ Throat infections/ Sinusitis/ Colds/ Flu/
Digestive problems:
Constipation/ Indigestion/ Colitis/ Candida/ Heartburn/ Acidity/ Flatulence/ Other
Urinary problems:
Cystitis/ Thrush/ Fluid Retention/ Problems with urination/ Kidney disease/ Other
Nervous/Endocrine/ Stress related problems:
Anxiety/ Depression/ Headaches/ Migraines/ Insomnia/ Nervous tension/ Mood swings/ High or low energy levels/ Other
Female clients
Pre-menstrual tension/ Menopausal problems/ Problems with periods/ Other
Fertility problems (if appropriate)
Is there any other problem that has not been mentioned that you would like help with as part of this treatment?
Typical daily diet:
Do you eat regular meals?
Do you eat in a hurry?
Do you suffer from any food allergies?
If so, which ones?
Number of glasses of water consumed daily:
Number of cups of tea/coffee per day:
Supplements taken:
Typical weekly alcohol intake:
Do you smoke? Yes/NoIf so, how many per day?
Type of exercise taken (and how frequently):
Do you have any hobbies? Do you relax regularly, if so how?
Stress levels 1 – 10 (10 is the highest)At home?
At work?
Have you tried aromatherapy or any other complementary therapies before (state when and what the results were)?
Are you currently having any complementary treatment (give details)?
What is your skin type? Dry / Oily / Combination / Sensitive / Dehydrated
Postural Analysis:
Body Shape: Endomorph / Mesomorph / Ectomorph
Muscle Tone: Good / Poor
Would you say you are the correct weight for your height / overweight / underweight?
Do you have cellulite / fluid retention / oedema?
Extra notes:
I declare that the information I have given is correct and as far as I am aware I can undertake treatment with this establishment without any adverse effects. I have been fully informed about contra-indications and I am therefore willing to proceed with the treatment.
Client’s Signature:Date:
Therapist’s Signature: