Name of the course:“Nanoscale Phenomena”
Department responsible for the course or equivalent: Dpt of Chemistry, UNC at Charlotte
Lecturer (name, academic title, e-mail):Prof. J. Poler,
Semester when the course unit is delivered:1
Teaching hours per week:3
Level of course unit: Master level.
ECTS credits:5
Admission requirements:Course “Nanoscale Science” requirethe basic knowledge of the quantum theory, electronic structure of the atoms and molecules along with the bachelor’s level knowledge selected fields of mathematics, general physics, solid state physics, and general chemistry.
Course objectives (aims):This course is developed to give an advanced introduction into physics and chemistry of the nanodispersed and nanostructured matter, current physical-chemical methods of study of the systems and materials based on nanometer objects. The “Nanoscale Science” course is taught in the 1stsemester of MSc program.
Course contents:
The course is comprised of 5 units (and a UNIT 0). Each unit ends with a capstone project worked by the students individually with guidance from the professor.
Unit 0: Understanding the literature.
Students will be given a two week project that allows them to learn various scientific databases (such as WebofKnowledge) and become experienced with bibliographic databases (such as EndNote).
Unit 1: Scaling theory and the drive toward miniaturization.
Students will be taught Scaling Theory, Moore’s Law, past, current, and future methods of lithography.
Unit 2: Nanoscale interactions.
Students will be taught the theory and operation of scanning probe microscopy, spectroscopy, and lithography. Emphasis on the quantum mechanical description of a STM and AFM including how the instruments work (hardware and electronics…)
Unit 3: Molecular interactions.
Students will be taught the quantum mechanics, molecular dynamics, and electrostatics required to understand molecular interactions with solvent, solute, surfaces, and nanoparticles.
Unit 4: Electron, photon, and phonon interactions in nanomaterials
Students will be taught an introduction to crystallography and surfaces, then a specific focus on the properties of nanostructured carbons (C60, SWCNT, MWCNTs, graphene…). Students will be introduced to the solid state physics needed to understand Electron, photon, and phonon transport in nanostructured materials. Students will end the unit with a detailed description of nanoscale electronics, specifically a SWCNT-FET device.
Unit 5: QDots, Metalic NPs, and NanoBio
Students will be taught about the electron and photoin interactions of semiconductor and metallic nanocrsytals and about the properties of organized biological materials (DNA, RNA,…). Students will focus on a material of interest for their capstone project.
Student Papers: Students will submit a term paper written in English on a current topic in nanoscale science. The UNC Charlotte students will also give an oral presentation while the SFedU students will be required to ask the other students questions about the topic (or choose to give an oral presentation in English)
Planned learning activities and teaching methods – lectures with a variety of examples and practice.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Assignments for this course consists of : 5 projects, a midterm exam, and an end of term paper and presentation
1.Literature Search Project:due T 9/810%
2.AFM/STM Project:one week from end of unit10%
3.Molecule/particle interactions in solution Project
one week from end of unit10%
4.In Class Mid term Exam20%
4.Transport in nanostructured carbons Project
one week from end of unit10%
5.Quantum Dots, colloidal crystals Project
one week from end of unit10%
6.End of term Presentation in class,10 min pres. and 5 min Q&A10%
7.End of term Paperdue during final exam Content and grammar20%
A 10% per day late penalty will be applied to all assignments.100%
Course literature (recommended or required):
Textbook:“Introduction to Nanoscale science and technology” edited by Di Ventra, Evoy and Heflin, Springer 2004.
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