The following is a list of books, reports, articles, and topical papers written in whole or in part or edited by Arlon R. Tussing, produced under his direction or with his collaboration, or produced by principals of Arlon R. Tussing and Associates Inc. [ARTA Inc.] from 1965 through 2000. They deal with oil and natural gas, fisheries, and other natural resource industries, electric and other public utilities, national and regional economic development, international trade, and public finance. Authors and co-authors of works in this list, in addition to Tussing, include Connie C. Barlow, Gregg K. Erickson, Susan R. Fison, David B. Hatcher, Lois S. Kramer, Samuel A. Van Vactor and others, and are indicated by brackets {} preceding the reference. Institutional sponsors, in addition to ARTA Inc., have included the University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research, the Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska, the United States Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, the Alaska Legislative Affairs Agency. These and other organizations or firms are typically shown with individual entries.

Inquiries about listed University of Alaska publications should be addressed to the Institute of Social and Economic Research, Anchorage AK 99508; (907) 786-7710; fax (907) 786-7739; or A shorter list available from this source, Alaska-Cambridge Papers on Northeast Asian Energy [2 pages] focuses on recent and forthcoming publications on energy economics in and affecting East Asia, Alaska and/or adjacent regions.

Information on how to obtain copies or reprints of other listed books and public documents, including most out-of-print references, can be obtained by communicating with Ann Kalberg at Arlon R. Tussing and Associates, Inc., (ARTA) at P.O. Box 1380, Mercer Island, Washington 98040, or by e-mail via .

A list of clients and sponsors of research appears at the end of this Publications List.

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Kogyoka Katei ni okeru, Rodo Tonyu no Kozo Henka [“Structural Changes in Labor Inputs During Industrialization”] Keizai Kenkyu[Economic Research], 1965.7.

Employment and Wages in Japanese Industrialization: A Quantitative Study of Yamanashi Prefecture in the Meiji Era. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Washington, 1966.

"Foreign Trade and Criteria for Resource Development," in E. Viereck (ed.), Alaska Science Papers. College, Alaska: Alaska Section, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1966.

Review of W. W. Lockwood (ed.), The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan. In The Journal of Economic History, June 1966.

"Japan Trade in Alaska's Economy," Alaska Review of Business and Economic Conditions, Vol. III, No. 3. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, October 1966.

The Long-Term Outlook for Passenger Transportation between Japan and Alaska. Prepared testimony of Arlon R. Tussing before the Civil Aeronautics Board, Transpacific Route Investigation, Honolulu, February 1967.

"The Labor Force in Meiji Economic Growth: A Quantitative Study of Yamanashi Prefecture," Journal of Economic History. March 1966. This article was revised and republished in Kazushi Ohkawa, Bruce F. Johnson, and Hiromitsu Kaneda, Agriculture and Economic Growth: Japan's Experience. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1969; and Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1970.

{Ichirou Inukai and Arlon R. Tussing} "Kôgyô Iken [], Japan's Ten-Year Plan, 1884," Economic Development and Cultural Change, September 1967.

{Arlon R. Tussing, editor and contributor} Alaska-Japan Economic Relations: The Potential Contribution of Trade with Japan to Alaska's Economic Development. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, 1968.

{Douglas N. Jones, Arlon R. Tussing, et al.} Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska, A Subregional Economic Analysis of Alaska. Anchorage, 1968.

{Arlon R. Tussing, contributor} Alaska Natives and The Land. Anchorage: Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska, 1969.

Disposition of Public Lands for Oil and Gas Development and Pipeline Construction. Testimony of Arlon R. Tussing at U.S. Department of the Interior Trans-Alaska Pipeline Hearing. Fairbanks: 29 August, 1969.

{Arlon R. Tussing, Richard W. Fischer & Gene Erion} Studies on Alaska Regional Inflation. Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska, Anchorage, 1969.

{Arlon R. Tussing and Gregg K. Erickson} Mining and Public Policy in Alaska: Mineral Policy, the Public Lands, and Economic Development. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, June 1969.

Review of John Baxter Will (edited by George A. Lensen), Trading Under Sail Off Japan,The Journal of Economic History, September 1969.

{Arlon R. Tussing, Robert D. Arnold, David M. Hickok, and Esther C. Wunnicke} "The Federal Field Committee Proposal for Settlement of Alaska Native Claims" Submitted at the request of U.S. Senate and House of Representatives Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs. Anchorage: Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska, October 1969.


Economic Planning for Fishery Development. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, 1970.

{Arlon R. Tussing, George W. Rogers and Victor Fischer} Economic Impact of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Fairbanks: Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, University of Alaska. For Office of the Secretary, Department of the Interior. Revised and published as Alaska Pipeline Report. Fairbanks: University of Alaska. 1970.

"An Alaskan View of the Economics of Petroleum Development" In George W. Rogers (ed.), Change in Alaska: People, Petroleum and Politics. College, Alaska: University of Alaska Press; and Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1970.

Review of James A. Crutchfield and Giulio Pontecorvo, The Pacific Salmon Fisheries. In The Journal of Economic Literature, July 1970.

"The Trans-Alaska Pipeline, Political Leadership, and the News Media in Alaska" [What is really holding up the Trans-Alaska Pipeline?] Remarks to the Anchorage Press Club, July 22, 1970.

"Eleven Years of Alaska Prices: A Comparison of Anchorage Living Costs with United States Urban Averages, 1960-1970" Alaska Review of Business and Economic Conditions, September 1970.

{Gregg K. Erickson and Arlon R. Tussing} Economic Considerations in the Control and Management of Water Pollution in Alaska. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, Institute of Water Resources, 1970.

{J. C. Marr, Arlon R. Tussing, D. K. Ghosh, Giulio Pontecorvo and Brian I. Rothschild} Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, A Plan for Fishery Development in the Indian Ocean. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and United Nations Development Programme, 1971.

"Man and the Land: Multiple Use, No Abuse," Northern Engineer, Winter 1971.

The three papers listed immediately below were republished in G. S. Harrison (ed.), Alaska Public Policy. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press; and Seattle; University of Washington Press, 1971.

(a)"Oil in Alaska's Economy".

(b)"Issues of Land-Use Determination in Alaska: For an Alaska Omnibus Land Act" Remarks at a Battelle Memorial Institute conference on Land Management in the 70's: Concepts and Models, Seattle, September 11, 1970. In W. L. Bathke and W. A. Haney (eds.), Land Management in the 70's, Concepts and Models. San Francisco: San Francisco Press, 1972, and

(c) "When the Alaska 'Land Freeze' Ends: Issues and Policy Associated with the Expiration of Public Land Order 4582" (Originally prepared for the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior. Anchorage, Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska, November 1969.)

{Arlon R. Tussing and Monica E. Thomas} "Prices and Costs of Living in Urban Alaska, 1971," Alaska Review of Business and Economic Conditions, September 1971.

Review of

(a)James C. Burrows and Thomas A. Domencich, An Analysis of the United States Oil Import Quota;

(b) The Cabinet Task Force on Oil Import Control. The Oil Import Question: a Report on the Relationship of Oil Imports to the National Security; and

(c) M. A. Adelman (ed.), Alaskan Oil: Costs and Supply.

In The Journal of Economic Literature, September 1971.


Fishery Economics. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, 1972.

{A. R. Tussing, T. A. Morehouse, and J. D. Babb (eds.)} Alaska Fisheries Policy. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press; and Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1972. Tussing was author of component papers listed immediately below.

(a) {J. A. Gulland, A. R. Tussing, et al.} "Fish Stocks and Fisheries of Alaska and the Northeast Pacific Ocean"

(b) "Marine Education in Alaska: Supply and Demand Considerations"

{A. R. Tussing, editor} U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Survey of Energy Consumption Projections. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.

"An Attempt to Make Sense Out of the Alaska Pipeline Controversy" Prepared for Senator Henry M. Jackson, August 4, 1972.

{A. R. Tussing and Pamela E. Rich} The National Parks System in Alaska: An Economic Analysis, Fairbanks: University of Alaska, 1973.

"Fisheries of the Indian Ocean: Economic Development and International Management Issues" In L. M. Alexander (ed.), The Law of the Sea: The Needs and Interests of the Developing Countries. Kingston: University of Rhode Island, 1973.

{Arlon R. Tussing and Robert D. Arnold} "Eskimo Population and Economy in Transition: Southwest Alaska." In Le Peuple Esquimau Aujourd'hui et Demain, proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of the Fondation Française d'Études Nordiques. Paris and the Hague: Mouton, 1973.

Review of Thomas A. Stauffer, "Estimated Economic Cost of U.S. Crude Oil Production" In The Journal of Petroleum Technology, June 1973.

{Arlon R. Tussing and Robin Ann Hiebert, with Jon G. Sutinen} Fisheries of the Indian Ocean: Issues of International Management and Law of the Sea. Washington: Resources for the Future, Inc., 1974.

U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, The Trans-Alaska Pipeline and West Coast Petroleum Supply, 1977-1982. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974.

Fishery Management Issues in the Indian Ocean. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Indian Ocean Fishery Commission, 1974.

Fishery Development Perspectives: South China Sea. Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Indo-Pacific Fishery Council. Symposium on the Economic and Social Aspects of National Fisheries Planning and Development. Jakarta, October 30, 1974.

"Energy Resources and Demand," Conference Board Record, April 1974, also in Business Economics, May 1974,: adapted as: "Prices, Profits and Protectionism" in U.S. Senate, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Energy Policy Papers. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.

"Towards a Rational Policy for Oil and Gas Imports" In M. L. Joseph, N. C. Seeber, and G. L. Bach (eds.), Economic Analysis and Policy: Background Readings for Current Issues. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1974.

"Processes and Costs Imposed by Environmental Stress" In T. Smiley and J. H. Zumberge (eds.), Polar Deserts and Modern Man. Tucson: University of Arizona, 1974.

"New Priorities for Energy and the Environment," Northern Engineer. April 1974.

"Three Classes of Energy Resources," Energy Policy (London), September 1974.

"The Price of Petroleum," Conference Board Record, September 1974.

{Arlon R. Tussing and Monica E. Thomas} "Consumer Prices, Personal Income and Earnings in Alaska," Alaska Review of Business and Economic Conditions, October 1974.

Report of Arlon R. Tussing, Chairman, from a Panel on Oil Import Problems and National Security. Reston VA: Mitre Corporation, September 4, 1974.

{Arlon R. Tussing and Benjamin Cooper} U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Economic Analysis of President Ford's Energy Program. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1974.


Fiscal Options and the Tax on Oil and Gas Reserves," Memo to Alaska Commissioner of Revenue Sterling Gallagher. March 11, 1975.

"Analysis of Transportation Proposals for North Slope Natural Gas," For the Attorney General, State of Alaska. March 28, 1975.

"The Two-Tier Price System for Petroleum" A brief description and policy analysis for Senator Henry M. Jackson. April 4, 1975.

"A System of Competitive Contract Exploration for the OCS: An Alternative to Government Exploration." For Senator Lee Metcalf. April 17, 1975.

"General Principles Regarding Oil Pricing," For Senator Henry M. Jackson. April 19, 1975.

"Preliminary Discussion of Regulatory Alternatives for Petroleum Product Prices." For Nova Scotia Board of Public Utility Commissioners, April 22, 1975.

"The Limits to Growth Control" [Alaska's Genie is Out of Its Bottle.] For Governor Jay Hammond. April 1975.

"The Pipeline Boom Has Increased the Difference Between Anchorage Living Costs and the U.S. Urban Average," Research Summary. Anchorage: University of Alaska Institute of Social and Economic Research. May 1975.

Statement at Inquiry on Field Prices of Natural Gas. For the British Columbia Utilities Commission. Vancouver, May 28, 1975.

Critique of Robert R. Nathan testimony on oil pricing policy, and crude-oil cost analyses by LaRue, Moore, and Schaefer. For U.S. Senate National Fuels and Energy Policy Study. July 1975.

"Potential Impact on Alaska of Natural-Gas Deregulation," For Governor Jay Hammond, July 21, 1975.

"A Note on Recent Developments Regarding Gasoline Prices and Inventories," For U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. July 21, 1975.

"Impact of Federal Petroleum-Pricing Policy on Alaska." For the Alaska Oil and Gas Royalty Board. July 23, 1975.

"Do Crude Oil Price Controls Actually Limit Gasoline Prices?" A reply to The Wall Street Journal's July 22, 1975, editorial, July 24, 1975.

"The Federal Legislative Picture and its Implications for Alaska." For the Alaska Royalty Oil and Gas Development Advisory Board. August 4, 1975.

"United States Energy Policy and Management." Paper prepared for the 13th Pacific Science Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 21, 1975.

"Inventory Profits and Working Capital" [. . . as components of petroleum-product prices.] For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Product Pricing. August 26, 1975.

"Banking on Inflation: A Non-subsidy Approach to the 'Affordable' Financing of Single Family Housing." For Senator Henry M. Jackson. September 18, 1975.

"Questions and Comments on [petroleum refining and marketing] Industry Structure and Performance, and Regulatory Options for Ontario." For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Product Pricing. September 24, 1975.

"Comments on Remarks of Chief M. O. Feyide, Jahanagir Amouzegar, Thomas Enders, M.A. Adelman and Paul Frankel," at a Salomon Bothers seminar on Petroleum Economics Under Existing OPEC Pricing and Supply Policies. London, November 20-21, 1975.

Review of the National Energy Board's September 1975 Canadian Oil: Supply and Requirements. For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Product Pricing, December 5, 1975.


{Arlon R. Tussing, editor and contributor} U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. The Economic Cost of Crude Petroleum. Washington, D. C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976.

Yamanashi-ken no Kogyoka ni okeru, Koyo to Chingin [Employment and Wages in the Industrialization of Yamanashi Prefecture]. Kofu: Yamanashi Prefectural Government, 1976.

"The Role of Petroleum Liquids and Gas in U.S. Energy Supply over the Next 25 Years." Paper presented at the 1976 meeting, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston. Condensed in The Professional Engineer, April 1976.

Opportunities for Cooperative Resource Management in Alaska. For the Joint State-Federal Land-Use Planning Commission for Alaska, April 19, 1976.

"The Role of Public Enterprise" In Michael Crommelin (ed.), Mineral Leasing as an Instrument of Public Policy. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1976.

"An Inkling of the Long Journey" [Obstacles to financing and construction of a natural-gas pipeline from the Arctic.] Northern Perspectives, Volume 4, No. 4, 1976.

"Energy Policy in Alaska" Some preliminary considerations regarding energy research and policy formation at the State level. For the Division of Policy Development and Planning, Office of the Governor. January 11, 1976.

"Public Policy Issues in Gasoline Retailing" For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Products Pricing, January 15, 1976.

"Natural Gas Policy Issues: The Federal Legislative Failure and Its Implications for Alaska." For the Alaska Royalty Oil and Gas Development Advisory Board, 1976.

"Summary of Remarks at Two Meetings on OPEC," Offshore Petroleum Management Systems, Houston (January 27, 1976) and Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C. (January 28, 1976).

"Measures for Dealing with [Oil] Supply Interruptions." For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Products Pricing, April 7, 1976.

"Regulatory Alternatives for Petroleum Prices." For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Products Pricing, April 7, 1976.

Proposal for a Special Commission on Taxation and Management of Natural Resources. For the Division of Policy Planning and Research, Office of the Governor, State of Alaska, 1976.

Statement on methanol fuel proposals. For the Alaska State Senate, State Affairs Committee, April 9, 1976.

Review of Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, An Energy Strategy for Canada. For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Products Pricing, May 7, 1976.

"Refiner and Distributor Margins in Heating Oil Markets.” For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Products Pricing, May 21, 1976.

Review of competing proposals for a transportation system to carry natural gas from Alaska's North Slope to markets in the Lower-48 states. For Alaska Senate President Chancy Croft, May 26, 1976.

"Long-Term Petroleum Supply Options for Ontario." For the [Ontario] Royal Commission on Petroleum Products Pricing, June 8, 1976.

"Natural Gas Supplies for the West," Presented at a National Economic Research Associates, Inc., Workshop on Economic Growth in the West as Related to Energy Problems. Los Angeles, August 26, 1976.

"Proposal for a California Gas-Purchasing Agency;" "Interstate Transportation of State-Owned Gas;" and "Status of Alaska's North Slope Royalty Gas" For the California Energy Commission, October 8, 1976.

A note on West Coast Prices of North Slope Oil. A critique of the Federal Energy Administration's draft report on the West Coast crude-oil surplus. 27 October, 1976.

Statement on natural-gas supply policies. Before the California Energy Commission, November 10, 1976.


"Notes toward an estimate of the cost of producing Prudhoe Bay crude oil." For the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, 1976.

{Arlon R. Tussing, editor and project leader} Electric Power in Alaska. Anchorage: University of Alaska, 1977.

Statement before a joint Senate-House hearing of the Alaska Legislature on the proposed sale of State royalty natural-gas to Tenneco Inc., Southern Natural Gas Company, and El Paso Alaska Inc. Juneau, February 2, 1977.

The Other Alaska Pipeline: A High-Risk or Low-Risk Road? Invited Article for Washington Post Op-Ed Page. (Not run.) March 1977.

Assuring compatibility between Canadian and U.S. decisions regarding Arctic natural-gas transport systems. Prepared testimony of Arlon R. Tussing on behalf of Foothills Pipelines Ltd. before the National Energy Board, Ottawa, March 14, 1977.

"Price and Transportation Policies Affecting the Value of North Slope Crude Oil" Statement to the Federal Energy Administration on behalf of the Alaska State Legislature, Anchorage, March 23, 1977.