Spanish SP 1 A/B

Course Outline Spring 2010

Dear Parents/guardians,

My name is David Galdamez and will have the pleasure of being your son/daughter’s Spanish teacher this semester. There are a few things that you and your child need to be aware of before we get started to make this a positive experience for everyone involved. Following this introduction, you will find the rules and procedures for the class as well as a short explanation of what we will be working on. Take a few minutes to read it with your child and when you are finished, sign the letter and return the piece with the signatures to me. I am looking forward to an exciting new school year at ArletaHigh School and I hope you are too.


This course is designed for U.S.-born students who have grown up with Spanish as a home language as well as for advanced English-speaking students of Spanish. The course includes a variety of literature and presents authentic language in context, provides cultural perspectives, and addresses all four basic language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the topics we cover in class lead students to connect their learning to the community in which they live and help them see the relationship between language, community and career.


–3-ring binder with inside pockets

–loose-leaf paper

–1 composition notebook

–notebook dividers

–2 pencils

–1 red pen

–2 ball-point pens (blue or black)


Homework: Homework will be given five times a week. It will be due at the beginning of the class the following day. It must be neat and have your name on it. If I cannot read it, it will not be graded. Late work must be turned in the day after the student returns. However, points will be deducted accordingly if too late. If a student is legitimately absent, his/her homework will be accepted upon his/her return and a make up assignment will also be assigned to make up missed participation points due to the absence.

Textbooks: The class text is Nuevas Vistas. The book’s appearance and making sure it is returned to the teacher at the end of the semester is the sole responsibility of the student. Texts not returned will be reported to the textbook room and a hold will be placed on the student until the book is either replaced or paid for.

Classwork: Students are expected to turn in papers with a proper heading (name, date, period, title), pen, pencil or typed; neat and legible. It is required that the date on each paper be posted in Spanish. Credit will be given in each class for written assignments as well as oral participation.

Quizzes: Quizzes may be given at any time and may or may not be announced.

Tests: A test will be given after the class has finished covering a particular topic or unit and will always be announced in advance. No surprises here! If you miss either a test or a quiz you must ask me for a make up exam. Be responsible.


Our class will be graded on a point system. Each student will receive points for tests, agendas, projects, group activities, skits, spelling tests, class participation, and homework. Please note that the Arleta High Spanish department has collectively decided to adopt a new grading scale. The Spanish department will no longer give D’s; students will receive an F for anything less than 67% in the class. Students who do not receive credit for a lower level class will not advance to the next level. Students who earn a 67% in the class will receive a C. The grading scale is as follows:

100-90% = A

89-80% = B

79-67% = C

66% -> = F

Other rubrics will be provided along with other specific class assignments.


  1. Be prompt – if I begin taking attendance and you are not in your seat you will be considered tardy.
  2. Be prepared – bring all necessary materials to class. (Textbooks, paper, pen, etc.)
  3. Be courteous and respectful. Don’t be mean to others.
  4. Raise your hand and wait for permission to stand up or speak when appropriate.
  5. Leave the classroom as clean as it was when you entered it. (NO FOOD OR GUM ALLOWED).


Student: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in room B320.

Name ______Date ______

Parent/guardian: My child has discussed the course outline and classroom discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature ______Date ______