Arizona Ecological Services Office participation assistance for US Fish and Wildlife Service Jaguar Recovery Team meetings in 2011
Request for Proposals
I. Overview Information
Federal Agency Name: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Office (AESO)
Opportunity Title: Participation assistance for US Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Jaguar Recovery Team meetings in 2011
Opportunity Number: F11AP00015
Announcement Type: This is a notice of federal assistance available from the Arizona Ecological Services Office
II. Full Text of Announcement
Funding Opportunity Description
The jaguar (Panthera onca) was first listed under the under the Endangered Species Conservation Act of 1969, and in 1997, was subsequently designated as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Southwest Region has the lead for recovery of this species. The jaguar was addressed in Listed Cats of Texas and Arizona Recovery Plan (with Emphasis on the Ocelot) (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1990), but only general information and recommendations to assess jaguar status in the U.S. and Mexico, and protect and manage occupied and potential habitat in the U.S., were presented. No specific recovery actions or recovery criteria for the jaguar were presented. As such, the Service is currently working to develop a recovery strategy and plan for the jaguar with emphasis on the species in the northern portion of its range. To initiate this effort, the Service will hold a number of meetings with the Jaguar Recovery Team (Team) to develop recovery related documents. The purpose of this Grant is to provide funding to the recipient to support these meetings in 2011. Specifically, the recipient will support participants’ attendance at Jaguar Recovery Team meetings, including air travel, meals, lodging and other travel and meeting attendance expenses for Jaguar Recovery Team participants approved by the Service.
III. Eligibility Information
Eligible Applicants:
Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations.
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement:
No match is required.
Arizona Ecological Services Office Funding Priorities:
The AESO may award funds to applicants for activities that meet Team meeting assistance objectives. You MUST contact the Project Coordinator to discuss Team meeting assistance objectives:
Erin Fernandez, Project Coordinator
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Arizona Ecological Services Office
201 N. Bonita Avenue, Suite 141
Arizona 85748
Phone No:520.670.6150 x238
IV. Application and Submission Information
Proposal submission must be completed electronically via email to the contact listed above (i.e., Erin Fernandez, Arizona Ecological Services Office). All proposals should be submitted as a single MS Word Document and should be accompanied by Standard Form (SF): SF-424, SF-424a, and SF-424b.
Content and Form of Application
A complete application package will include the following:
1. A project proposal (described below)
2. Standard Form (SF) SF-424, SF-424a, and SF-424b (available at
Submission Dates and Times:
Proposals must be submitted electronically via email to the Project Coordinator (identified under Section III above) by midnight Mountain Standard Time February XX , 2011. However, first you MUST contact the Project Coordinator to discuss Team meeting assistance objectives.
The Government recognizes that some applicants may not have access to email and in those cases, the Project Coordinator will inform you of the procedure for submitting a proposal by fax or mail.
Proposals submitted later than midnight Mountain Standard Time February X , 2011, will not be considered for funding. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure AESO receipt of their proposal by the deadline. The AESO Office bears no responsibility for misplaced or mishandled proposals when the applicant did not alert the Project Coordinator to the incoming proposal and method of transmission prior to the submission deadline.
Proposal Format:
You MUST call the Project Coordinator (identified under Section III above) to discuss Team meeting assistance objectives. She will provide the necessary details regarding the proposal format and the submission of additional information, i.e., the standard form (SF) that is required as a face sheet for applications for Federal assistance
Review and Selection Process:
The Project Coordinator will describe the process to be followed regarding review and recommendation of project proposals when you call to discuss the current project priorities/needs of the partnership (see under Section III above).