JULY 28, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 1:04 pm by Doak Stewart, Area President. Gerald Young asked for conference suggestions and to use the room block. Ron Whitson talked about the TEKS. Connie Kathinar from Texas Young Farmers encouraged membership. Gerald Wilke from VATAT Credit Union encouraged membership and asked for members to use the credit union. Kyle McGregor of Tarleton State announced the invitational LDE’s are November 3rd. The spring CDE’s are March 26th and state is on April 23rd. Tom Maynard announced 2 million in scholarships. We will be using a new roster system. National FFA is looking to move dues to an affiliation fee based on enrollment.
Treasurer: Mark Jarzombek presented the treasurer’s report. The motion to accept the budget for next year was presented by John Osborne. The motion passed.
State Scholarship: There will be a question bank for next year. Scholarships will be due May 1st. Melvin Pouncy was re-elected. Kevin Sells will be up for re-election next year.
State LDE: Jack Winterrowd moved to recommend to have the state contest on a two day format. Motion passed. Ray Pieniazek moved that the state speaking contest follow the same format as State LDE’s on the heats. Melissa Loerwald was re-elected. Tim Tatsch asked to be taken off of the committee due to conflicts with animal industries committee. Brad Barnett, Stacey Sanders, and Warren Beard were nominated. Stacey Sanders was elected. Stacey Sanders will be up for re-election next year.
State CDE: Announced that there would have to be an elimination contest for Farm Business Management, Nursery Landscape, and Horticulture. Jack Winterrowd moved to hold the Farm Business Management area elimination contest at Sam Houston State University Invitational. Ray Pieniazek was re-elected. Justin Missildine is up for re-election next year.
Ag Mechanics: Mike Tondre was re-elected. Jay Trees was elected to replace Pat Real. Jay Trees will be up for re-election next year.
Horticulture: Pam Kempen moved that the Horticulture committee and executive committee make the decision on when the area elimination contest would be for horticulture. Motion passed. Josh Anderson and Jeremy Bonds nominated. Josh Anderson elected. Jack Winterrowd will be up for re-election next year
Rodeo Committee: Mark Parrish and Becky Maass nominated. Becky Maass elected. Doug Townsend will be up for re-election next year.
Wildlife: Regional contest will be April 14th in San Angelo. State contest will be on May 12th in Sinton. Don Harris re-elected. Dwayne Reiley is up for re-election next year.
State Awards and Degrees: Gary Adams re-elected. Steve Forsythe up for re-election next year.
State Officer Travel: Stacey Sanders will be the coordinator. A form will need to be filled out by each chapter and e-mailed to her.
State Convention: Larry Vinklarek announced that only a fourth of Area VII’s voting delegates were at some of the sessions. Encouraged teachers to have voting delegates on the floor.
Area Greenhand Camp: Camp will be on September 20th at Vista Ridge High School from 9 am to 4 pm. $15 per student.
Area Convention: Will be held May 19th and 20th at Texas State University.
Area Leadership Camp: Beverly Schroedter announced this year’s camp was great. Camp fees will go up next year. The date will be June 27th, 28th, and 29th.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Mark Jarzombek announced that hopefully area CDEs will have one registration. One week before the first contest at
SALE calf scramble will be e-mailed to you and must be back to Dennis Ellbracht by September 19th in Harper.
Texas Leadership Conference will be an $80 charge.
Area VII executive officers re-elected ( Doak Stewart-president, Kevin Sells-vice president, Mark Jarzombek-treasurer, Joe David Lehmberg- secretary).
Meeting adjourned at 4:04 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Joe David Lehmberg