July 13, 2011 @ 7:00 PM


Those Present: Area Plan Commission Members: John Steele, Joe Gillespie, Rick McMillin, Richard Placke, Joe Jonas and Denny Brown.

Commission Attorney: Tammy R. Davis

Executive Director: Larry J. Franzman

Recording Secretary: Cindy C. Orschell

John Steele opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance.

AGENDA: Rick McMillin motioned to correct the July agenda to read minutes of “June 8, 2011” instead of “June 3, 2011”, second by Joe Gillespie. AIF.MC

MINUTES: Rick McMillin motioned to amend the June 8, 2011 minutes with following type-o’s; “approved” to “approve” and “an” to “any”, Joe Jonas 2nd . AIF. MC. Rick McMillin motioned to approve the minutes as amended, Joe Gillespie 2nd. AIF. MC.

WTH PROPOSAL: Larry presented the board with a proposal from WTH Technology on adding the zoning designations as a layer on the GIS maps for the county. John questioned any ongoing maintenance on the program; Joe Gillespie felt we could handle the maintenance. Larry has budgeted for this proposal for 2012. It was questioned why the proposal went from $1,500.00 to 1,750.00? The first proposal was in 2007. Rick McMillin motioned for John to contact WTH Technology concerning the proposal, Joe Gillespie 2nd. AIF. MC.

ZONING & SUBDIVISON TEXT: John wants the text in sections on the website. It takes too long to download the document. The board agreed to look into it.

INCORPORATED TOWNS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: The Town of Oldenburg has submitted possible amendments to the APC office, and the Town of Brookville submitted their amendments today. Denny presented the Town of Cedar Grove’s to the APC board. The board has 45 days to make a recommendation. Denny feels the Commissioners need to be at the next meeting. Scott, County Commissioner will convey the invitation to the other Commissioners. Joe Gillespie motioned to schedule a hearing at the next scheduled meeting and invite the three Commissioners, Richard Placke 2nd. AIF. MC.

JOSH GRIMMIESSEN: Josh is wanting to create a 1.88 acre lot off of his parents farm that will make him the third lot on a drive and Section 80.09.01, A. Family Divisions Exempt, states family divisions are exempt, but it doesn’t state it is exempt from the road specifications under Section 80.08.08, Private Lanes; G.; therefore, he must have a 28’ wide gravel drive for the first 40 feet. The board recommended a variance.

AMENDMENTS: Scott McDonough, County Commissioner wants to put together a committee to compile and proofread the amendments.

BARRICKLOW COURT CASE: We had a court hearing on James Barricklow located on Snow Hill Road and he did not appear, so the judge is giving him thirty (30) days to try and get him in compliance. His case is under the old code and could be fined $2,500.00 per day.

ADJOURN – MOTION – Rick McMillin motioned to adjourn. Joe Gillespie 2nd. AIF. MC. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.