Community Feedback Form
Draft Browning Street Conservation Reserve Action Plan

Council has prepared a draft Action Plan to guide the future use and management of the Browning Street Conservation Reserve. The plan includes a proposedvision for the reserve and a set of potential management actions to achieve the vision.

The draft Action Plan is now available for public comment. Following review of the community’s feedback, the plan will be updated and submitted to Council for final adoption.

To access a copy of the draft Action Plan visit

Please return your completed feedback form by Friday 1 September 2017.

Completed forms can be mailed to Michelle Wyatt, Macedon Ranges Shire Council, PO Box 151, Kyneton, Vic 3444 or emailed to

If you have any queries about the project, contact Michelle Wyatt, Environment Coordinator on 5421 9678.


Macedon Ranges Shire Council will only collect information from you with your knowledge and consent. Council will use personal information provided by you for the purposes for which it was collected. Personal information you provide to Council is protected by the Privacy and Data Protection Action 2014. Council will not disclose your personal information to a third party unless required by law

Feedback Form

  1. A draft vision for the reserve is provided below.

The Browning Street Conservation Reserve will be a conservation area that protects and enhances the nationally threatened Black Gums (Eucalyptus aggregate), that facilitates pedestrian connections from Ladye Place to Bowen Street, that clearly delineates between the public and private realm and that raises awareness amongst the community about the site’s natural and cultural values.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how well does this vision align with your vision for the reserve?

Aligns perfectly with my vision / Does not align at all with my vision
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
  1. What changes would you make to the above vision?


  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how strongly do you support the following potential actions in the draftAction Plan?

Strong Do not
support support
at all
Potential action / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
  1. Remove all internal fencing across the reserve and other private property.

  1. Create a 1.2 metre wide crushed rock footpath that meanders through the reserve (see Figure 13 and 14 in the draft Action Plan).

  1. Place bollards on the Ladye Place end of the reserve to prevent vehicle access

  1. Prepare a revegetation plan. Replant with indigenous understorey species over three years to replace the grassy weeds.

  1. Revegetate the boundary with private property to create privacy screening.

  1. Plant outside the dripline of the trees. Work with Landcare and the local residents to undertake these plantings.

  1. Remove all pine trees within the reserve and on Bowen Street.

  1. Build a footbridge over the open drain on Bowen Street to allow safe pedestrian access. Construct two culverts over Bowen Street and the drainage easement in the centre of the reserve.

  1. Fence the existing drainage line from Mount Macedon Road to Five Mile Creek if deemed necessary.

  1. Install interpretative information signs about Black Gums at each end of the reserve.

  1. Commission a Cultural Heritage Management Plan if required by the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

  1. Undertake annual woody weed and herbaceous weed control.

  1. Slash annually in late spring/early summer to reduce the grassy seed bank and biomass and provide the Black Gums with the conditions for seed germination.

  1. Monitor the Black Gum recruitment. If no recruitment occurs in the first three years consider replanting

  1. Do not allow further vehicular access to or along Browning Street.

  1. Does your property immediately adjoin the Browning Street Conservation Reserve?

Yes / No
  1. Additional comments







Demographic information

  1. Gender

Male / Female / Other

  1. Age Range (please circle)

0-10 / 11 - 17 / 18-25 / 26-35 / 36-45 / 46-60 / 61-75 / 76-90 / 91+
  1. Contact details (optional)

Name: ______

Residential address: ______


Phone number: ______

Email address: ______

  1. Do you want to stay up-to-date with the project and find out about other environmental programs and events in the Macedon Ranges by subscribing to Council’s Environment eNewsletter?

Yes / No

Email address:

As per question 8

Different email address: ______