Please note that all Jewish Holidays begin at sundown the evening before the date indicated and conclude at sundown on the last date indicated.

This calendar is designed to assist you in scheduling exams, projects and other school and work activities. Many holidays prohibit Jews from attending school or completing assignments for school or work. The degree of observance may vary among individuals. Most important holidays, where Jews are likely to be absent from school or work, are marked with an *. In addition, children are particularly involved on the evenings of the holidays of Purim and Simchat Torah.

Year / 2016-2017 / 2017-2018 / 2018-2019 / 2019-2020 / 2020-2021
Jewish Year / 5777 / 5778 / 5779 / 5780 / 5781
Rosh Hashanah* The Jewish New Year and the / Mon-Tues / Thurs-Fri / Mon-Tues / Mon-Tues / Sat-Sun
start of the Ten Days of Penitence. / Oct 3-4 / Sept 21-22 / Sept 10-11 / Sept 30-Oct 1 / Sept 19-20
Yom Kippur* The Day of Atonement. A solemn / Wed / Sat / Wed / Wed / Mon
day devoted to fasting, prayer & repentance. / Oct 12 / Sept 30 / Sept 19 / Oct 9 / Sept 28
Sukkot* First 2 days of Tabernacles and the / Mon-Tues / Thurs-Fri / Mon-Tues / Mon-Tues / Sat-Sun
Oct 17-18 / Oct 5-6 / Sept 24-25 / Oct 14-15 / Oct 3-4
Shemini Atzeret* 8th Day of Assembly / Mon-Tues / Thurs-Fri / Mon-Tues / Mon-Tues / Sat-Sun
Simchat Torah* Celebrates the annual cycle of Torah / Oct 24-25 / Oct 12-13 / Oct 1-2 / Oct 21-22 / Oct 10-11
Reading; Rejoicing of the Law (Torah)
Chanukah Festival of Lights. Victory of the / Sun-Sun / Wed-Wed / Mon-Mon / Mon-Mon / Fri-Fri
Maccabees and Rededication of the Temple / Dec 25-Jan 1 / Dec 13-20 / Dec 13-20 / Dec 23-30 / Dec 11-18
Purim Celebrates the deliverance of the Jews / Sun / Thurs / Thurs / Tues / Fri
of Persia from death. / March 12 / March 1 / March 21 / Mar 10 / Feb 26
Passover* First 2 days of holiday celebrating the / Tues-Wed / Sat-Sun / Fri-Sat / Thurs-Fri / Sun-Mon
freedom of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. / April 11-12 / Mar 31-April 1 / April 20-21 / April 9-10 / Mar 28-29
Last 2 days ofPassover* / Mon-Tues / Fri-Sat / Thurs-Fri / Wed-Thurs / Sat-Sun
April 17-18 / April 6-7 / April 26-27 / Apr 15-16 / April 3-4
Shavuot* Festival of Weeks and marks the giving / Wed-Thurs / Sun-Mon / Sun-Mon / Fri-Sat / Mon-Tues
of the Law (Torah) at Mount Sinai. / May 31-June 1 / May 20-21 / June 9-10 / May 29-30 / May 17-18
The Sabbath occurs every week from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. The Sabbath is one of the holiest days of the Jewish Calendar / This calendar is distributed as a service of the Jewish Federation of CNY with the support of the Syracuse Rabbinic Council. If you have any questions, contact Judith Stander, Federation Associate by phone at
315-445-0161x114 or by email at
Updated August 5, 2016