FEBRUARY 1, 2005

The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on February 1, 2005. The following members were present: Bill Groskreutz, Loren Lein, Barb Steier, Tom Loveall, and Tom Warmka, Commissioners. County Auditor John Thompson and County Attorney Brian Roverud were also present.

The meeting was called to order Chairman Loveall.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

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Warmka/Steier motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and official proceedings of the January 4, 2005 regular meeting.

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Discussion was held on the process in developing a tower ordinance.

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Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve agenda of January 18, 2005.

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The calendar was updated. Committee reports were presented.

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No member of the public appeared during public comment.

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Treasurer Dave Frank met regarding office business.

Steier/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve a loan of $8,323.38 to Bruce and LaDonna Bruellman of Bricelyn on Parcel No. 08.013.0501 in Emerald Township.

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Assessor Susan Wiltse met regarding office business. The Board was updated on the office activities.

Warmka/Lein motion carried unanimously to accept a tentative settlement with Aquila, Inc., aka Peoples Natural Gas for taxes payable 2003-2005.

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Lein/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve request of P. Siem to attend 2005 Legislative Day, Feb. 24 in St. Paul; T. Campbell and A. Hanna to attend Governor’s conf. March 8-10 in St. Paul; T. Duit to attend Mn juvenile officers conf. Feb. 2-4 in Duluth; and J. McDonald to attend Mn pavement conf. Feb. 17 in St. Paul.

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Steier/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve the lease with Blue Earth Valley Communications of Blue Earth for office space for the Planning and Zoning office and authorize the auditor to sign the lease agreement.

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Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve the South Central Drug Task Force agreement.

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Jean Bierly and Vic Vriesen of Interfaith Caregivers met to discuss the groups activities.

Warmka/Steier motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 05-CB-05 declaring February as Interfaith Caregivers month. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.

R e s o l u t I o n

Whereas, Interfaith Caregivers have served residents in Faribault County since 1997 through developing non-medical, volunteer-based support and assistance and have provided education and networking of volunteer services as a wellness outreach under United Hospital District along with other resources such as Hospice, Home Health, and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program in Faribault County and obtained grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Faith In Action Program, Region 9 Area Agency on Aging, the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Lutheran Brotherhood, Catholic Knights Insurance Agency, and Catholic Charities Works of Justice to fund the training, coordinating and development of Interfaith Caregivers and benefited from the generous support of area united way groups, church congregations and individuals and now aims to further encourage and equip volunteers in congregation-based care teams and is asking for the prayerful support of all persons in Faribault County;

Be it resolved that February 2005 is designated Volunteer Interfaith Caregiving Month in Faribault County.

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Public Works Director John McDonald met regarding office business.

Groskreutz/Steier motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 05-CB-06 authorizing the purchase of a transit bus for $51,891 from Grande American Bus Sales with the cost being allocated 20% local share and 80% state/federal share. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, Faribault County operates a transit system; and

WHEREAS, Faribault County wishes to purchase, through the State of Minnesota Cooperative Procurement Process, a vehicle to be used in the transit system; and

WHEREAS, the vehicle cost is allocated 20% local share and 80% State/Federal share; and

WHEREAS, Faribault County staff has reviewed the vehicle options offered by approved multiple contracting vendors; and

WHEREAS, the staff recommends purchasing a vehicle from Grande American for the reason of fleet consistency, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Faribault County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the purchase of anew transit bus from Grande American in the approximate amount of $51,891.00

Lein/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to purchase the following from the state contract:

Box and hoist from Crysteel, Inc. for $22,639.16 to maintain fleet consistency, two other bids were received from Aspen for $22,115.34 and from J-Craft for $23,251.08.

Sander from Aspen for $2,605.20, two other bids were received from J-Craft for $3,297 and from Crysteel, Inc. for $3,467.83.

Underbody, one-way, front hitch and wing from J-Craft for $18,102.88 to maintain fleet consistency, two other bids were received from Aspen for $17,430.48 and from Crysteel, Inc. for $21,561.89.

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Sheriff Scott Campbell and Chief Jailer Geary Wells met regarding the Law Enforcement Center issues.

A decision to hire a construction manager was tabled until February 17, 2005.

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Data Processing/Personnel Manager Brenda Ripley met regarding personnel issues.

Steier/Warmka motion carried unanimously to hire Scott Adams of Winnebago as full-time deputy sheriff effective February 13, 2005.

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Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to contract with Maximus of Oakdale for cost allocation study.

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Lein/Warmka motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $119,748.70 as follows:






DITCH FUNDS 3,069.72

$ 119,748.70

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The meeting was recessed to February 15, 2005.


Tom Loveall, Chairman John Thompson, Auditor

