At April 2011
Erewash Housing Strategy 2011 – 16
Forward Plan 2011-12
This Forward Plan for the Housing Strategy outlines how we plan to deliver specific areas of housing services over the next one to two years.
Clearly, there are many things which we have had to consider doing differently from before - due to cuts in finance and resources, changed partnership working, possible changes to legislation and regulation etc
We have outlined delivery under headings:
- What the objective is
- The particular area of work which will assist in delivering the objective
- Changed/possible changes which will affect delivery (including dates these changes will/may be implemented)
- Impact of these changes
- What options we now need to consider to deliver the objectives in light of the changes (including impact on other objectives/joint working to meet objectives)
- What methods of delivery we know we will be using over the next 12 months
- Specific actions needed over the next 1 - 2 years (The main actions are highlighted in blue, and formulate the separate Action Plan for the next year)
The Objectives are those outlined in the Housing Strategy.
The Areas of Work generally reflect those outlined in Appendix E of the Housing Strategy, but these have been subject to some amendments made in March 2011.
By / Ref / Area of Work / What changes/possible changes / Impact / Methods of delivery will be using over next 12 months / Other options to consider / Specific actions needed over next 1 – 2 yearsTP
PS / E.1 / Understanding and responding to housing and housing-related needs / Restricted funding for research generally / Need to be selective about research / Commissioning and carrying out research which will impact on delivery / Continue with
- Disabled Housing Needs Research – to be completed by end 2011.
- Stock condition survey update to be completed 2011
Objective: Deliver affordable housing across the Borough
TP / E.2 / Deliver as much affordable housing as possible to meet identified needs /
- Restricted HCA funding.
- New “Affordable Rent” model
- Drastic cuts in EBC Social Housing Grant
- Fewer numbers of new affordable housing. HCA funded schemes and converted re-lets may not be genuinely affordable Increased homelessness and people in debt
- S106 negotiations for genuinely affordable units without grant
- Use of remaining EBC Social Housing Grant to encourage external funding/best meet needs
- HCA funding (but will be Affordable Rents
- Use of agreed council land sites for affordable housing
- Work with Housing Association s to take a “wait and see” approach – even if this means no HCA funded new housing in the borough in the short term
- Advise of general “stance” on HCA funded “Affordable Rent” housing. By March 2011
- Develop Tenancy Strategy to advise HAs on our broad objectives for “affordable” housing. Within 12 months of the Localism Bill being implemented.
- Put case for increased EBC Social Housing Grant from 2012
TP / E.3 / Achieve the right mix, tenure and proportion of affordable housing on new developments – based on robust evidence of need /
- New “Affordable Rent” model
- “Flexible Tenancies”
- New Affordable rent model and flexible tenancies may not meet needs
- Try to achieve mix based on existing evidence – counting “Affordable Rented” as “intermediate affordable housing
- Accept “Affordable Rented” housing, as an adequate model to meet needs of those normally met through social rented housing
- Re-do evidence of need, to show need for social rented, affordable rented, shared ownership, other products etc
- Develop Tenancy Strategy to advise HAs on our broad objectives for “affordable” housing. Within 12 months of the Localism Bill being implemented.
- Consider revising evidence base, with other local authorities
TP / E.4 / Use Council’s Capital funds and assets to meet needs and access external funding / Drastic cuts in EBC Social Housing Grant
Unlikely to allocate council-owned land for affordable in the near future / Reduced capacity to access external funding and meet needs. /
- Use of remaining EBC Social Housing Grant to encourage external funding/best meet needs
- Use of agreed council land sites for affordable housing
- Deferred payments system for council land being used for affordable housing
- Part of rents used to provide revenue funding for council, in exchange for land
Put case for allocation of council land for affordable housing from 2012 onwards
TP / E.5 / Work with external funders to access funding to meet identified strategic priorities / See E2 & E4 above
PS / E.6 / Encourage the use of empty or market properties for affordable housing /
- Drastic cuts in EBC Social Housing Grant
- HCA proposals to fund Empty Properties Schemes
- No Council funding to enable empty properties schemes as previously
- Possible to get HCA funding for Empty Properties Affordable Housing schemes
- Await details of HCA funding for Empty Properties
TP / E.7 / Use planning powers to increase the supply of affordable housing /
- Possible change to the overall “target” number of new homes to be delivered
- More challenges on grounds of viability
- Possible increase in opportunities to secure s106 units.
- More time and work to assess viability. Possible reduction in amount/tenure of affordable housing units secured on “unviable” sites
- Robust s106 agreements
- Use of Three Dragons model to assess viability
- Reduction of threshold for affordable housing requirement
TP / E.8 / Manage and maintain affordable housing
(Housing Associations) /
- HAs “stock rationalisation”
- “Flexible Tenancies”
- Fewer HAs in the borough
- Tenancies of e.g. 5 years – more turnover, review of situation; homelessness; re-lets available
Objective: Increase the number of homes in the borough to provide choice and meet needs
AR / E.9 / Use local development plans to strategically plan and influence the development of housing. / LDF Core Strategy not be adopted until 2012. / Revision of development plans, planning policy documents will be delayed until 2012/2013 onwards / Continue to use existing saved policies and planning policy documents / None at present / Work with planning policy section to start to revise policies and planning policy documents. By March 2013
Objective: Improve and renovate private housing sector
PS / E.11 / Make available grants to improve and repair properties. Continue to bring properties up to Decent Homes and other standards / Withdrawal of central government funding and pressures on EBC funding / Possible withdrawal of all grant aid (not Disabled Facilities Grants) /
- Enforcement
- Equity Release
- Design new service taking account of funding changes.
- Identify potential partners to assist.
- Monitor impact on housing standards and residents.
PS / E.12 / Offer advice and assistance on maintaining homes and accessing grants / See above re. grant aid / Provision of advice will be unaffected. In the absence of grant aid Equity Release may be an option. In cases of serious housing defects, enforcement will be considered / Equity Release.
Working with partners / Set service standards and parameters.
PS / E.13 / Regulate private rented sector housing via enforcement, licensing and inspection powers / Withdrawal of funding for Decent Homes Grants / Reduction of funding may mean that no grant aid can be given / Increase in the amount of enforcement action undertaken. / Using existing staff resources / Provision of access to equity release to allow owners to undertake their own maintenance etc.
PS / E.14 / Promote landlord accreditation schemes / Withdrawal of funding from partner organisations (i.e. DASH) / DASH will require funding from all participating authorities / Unknown at this time / Not determined / Actions will depend on final budgets
PS / E.15 / Deliver the Private Sector Housing Strategy / The Private Sector Housing Strategy will need to be re-drafted to take account of funding reductions / Likely change in emphasis away from grant aid / Various options currently under consideration / Not known / Level of funding will need to be known before any decisions can be made. Various draft scenarios are being developed but which is adopted will depend on political decisions.
Objective: Improve the energy efficiency & reduce carbon emissions of homes
PS / E.16 / Ensure all residents are provided with access to clear energy and carbon emissions reduction advice / None predicted / N/A / Same as existing, i.e. direct contact via telephone, email or home visit. Attendance at fetes, carnivals etc. Mail-outs, energy calendar etc. / N/A / N/A
PS / E.17 / Enable and encourage the provision of affordable warmth in private sector homes, through advice, grants, discounted measures and partnership initiatives / Introduction of Green Deal (2012).
Warm Front budget reduced / Unknown – full details of scheme yet to be published. Reduction in number of grants paid. Increased excess winter deaths. / Unknown at this time / Unknown at this time / Value of green deal will be evaluated once full details released
PS / E.18 / Raise awareness of fuel poverty, energy efficiency and carbon reduction measures / Introduction of Green Deal (2012).
Warm Front budget reduced / Unknown – full details of scheme yet to be published. Reduction in number of grants paid. Increased excess winter deaths. / Unknown at this time / Unknown at this time / Value of green deal will be evaluated once full details released
RS / E.19 / Encourage new homes to be as energy efficient and “eco-friendly” as possible / Higher energy efficiency levels for affordable homes not likely to be adopted / Fewer ways to influence / Encouragement by planners and strategic housing officers, particularly regarding measures to reduce fuel bills / None
Objective: Tackle empty properties and bring them back into use
PS / E.20 / Encourage Empty Properties to be brought back into use for affordable housing / See E6 above
PS / E.21 / Make available grants to encourage bringing empty properties back into use /
- Reduction in funding from central govt and EBC to enable empty properties grants
Liaise with partners to identify possible alternative sources of funding.
PS / E.22 / Use appropriate legislation to tackle problems associated with empty properties / Reduction of available funding / Removes ‘grants’ as an incentive to owners
Little prospect of offering assistance to owners or taking action which requires the availability of capital / Concentration on dealing with issues created and liaison with planning colleagues re. use of 215 powers
Enforcement of appropriate legislation to tackle the individual impacts of the property on the local environment / Accessing alternative sources of funding / Establish more proactive system of managing empty homes.
Liaise with partners to identify possible alternative sources of funding.
Objective: Address Rural Housing Needs
TP / E.23 / Work with partners to meet identified Rural Affordable Housing Needs / Reduced HCA funding/no specific allocation for rural.
Affordable Rents and Flexible Tenancies / May not get rural housing schemes funded
Possible impact on affordability & sustainability / Working with Waterloo and EMHA towards delivering the affordable housing demonstrated as needed in the Rural Housing Needs Surveys
(subject to funding) / Working with Waterloo and EMHA to identify other sources of funding, if no HCA funding. / None
TP / E.24 / Highlight and address issues for sustainable communities in rural areas / Neighbourhood Plans/”Localism” / Local people may have more say/influence in housing and facilities in their villages / Where issues highlighted through rural affordable housing development – refer and work with appropriate colleagues/agencies / None / Monitor possible effects/implementation of Localism Bill/Neighbourhood plans
AR / E.25 / Help deliver rural affordable housing through implementation of “rural exception” planning policies /
- Affordable Rents
- Flexible Tenancies
- Work with Housing Associations to identify and develop appropriate rural exception sites for needs identified.
- Identify likely rural exception sites through Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments
Assess impact of Affordable rents and flexible tenancies on Planning Policy GB7
Objective: Address the housing needs of people with physical disabilities
PS / E.26 / Increase understanding and awareness raising of physical housing needs of people with physical/sensory disabilities, of all ages and tenures / None / n/a / Continue with Disabled Housing Needs Study – to be carried out with 14 other Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Local Authorities / Complete Disabled Housing Needs Study by end December 2011
PS / E.27 / Consider and implement options for meeting these housing needs / None at present / n/a / As applicable dependent on findings and recommendations in the study / None
RS / E.28 / Encourage the building of properties to Lifetime Homes standards / Requirement for affordable and all new build properties to be to Lifetime Homes standard by 2011/2013, may not be implemented / Less opportunity to secure Lifetime Homes properties / Ensure as many as possible affordable properties which have EBC funding or land, are built to Lifetime Homes standard / None / Assess impact and effectiveness of provision of Lifetime Homes
Objective: Tackle and prevent homelessness
SD / E.29 / Prevent Homelessness through the provisions of good quality housing advice, appropriate support and access to homeless prevention initiatives /
- Increase in homeless grant funding.
- Additional £10,000 CLG grant to fund youth projects
- Able to maintain same staffing levels in team.
- Able to sustain schools programme for a further year.
- Provide mediation training in team.
- Fund some pre-tenancy training.
TP / E.30 / Ensure good quality temporary accommodation is available where necessary / Potential increase in demand on service as economic situation worsens / Greater use of B&B as temporary acc. / Consider improving and extending existing leasing scheme to enable easier access to PRS. / Review of existing leasing scheme.
SD / E.31 / Enable and encourage people to access private rented accommodation /
- New guidance on use of DHP for other housing related costs including rent in advance, bond, removals etc.
- Potential change to legislation to allow discharge of homeless duty to PRS if one year tenancy.
- Work with Housing Benefits to agree use of DHP.
- Work with Landlords or offer incentives to get one year tenancies.
TP / E.32 / Ensure appropriate emergency and supported accommodation is available for vulnerable people / Possible cuts to Supporting People funding for supported accommodation / Closure/
Reduction in supported accommodation available / No planned increases or developments / Monitor impact of possible Supporting People cuts
Review appropriateness of referrals to supported accommodation to make best use of resources
TP / E.33 / Ensure timely move-on is available from supported and temporary accommodation / Reduction in funding and opportunities for new affordable accommodation
Increase in homelessness
Potential loss of Derbyshire move-on post. / Fewer affordable units for single people available for let/relet
No great impact anticipated / Continue to promote R2M form. Provide regular training on HO system.
SD / E.34 / Enable financial inclusion. /
- Loss of DWP Financial Inclusion Champions Team.
- Loss of pfeg working with school age children.
- Loss of regional Illegal Money Lending Team.
- Lack of funding leading to reduced capacity for free debt advice and all forms of FI activity from all appropriate agencies.
- Greater numbers of the community experiencing serious debt issues, leading to repossessions and evictions.
- Also clear links from this to affected physical and mental health due to stress.
- Potential for financial education (capability) to significantly reduce for both adults and children, leading to longer, ongoing money management/
- Increase in the activity of illegal money lending potentially causing homelessness due to fleeing violence and knock on effects on the local community, both social and economic.
- Continue to work with partners to secure funding for various FI initiatives.
- continue to raise public awareness of all partners and agencies who can provide FI/money advice/support services.
Ensure Vulnerable People have access to suitable housing and support
SD / E.35 / Ensure appropriate supported accommodation is available for vulnerable people to meet needs identified / See E32
SD / E.36 / Ensure Floating Support is available for vulnerable people to meet needs identified / Increase in Floating Support Schemes over last 2 years /
- May be now sufficient Floating Support schemes to meet needs
TP / E.37 / Ensure suitable provision of support and accommodation for high risk/high needs individuals / Possible/actual cuts in Supporting People funding /
- Existing supported accommodation providers unable to cope with needs
PS / E.38 / Private Sector Housing Strategy focussed to deliver assistance to vulnerable households / Withdrawal of external funding for decent homes programme / Reduction or termination of decent homes grant programme / To be confirmed. One option being considered is Equity Release / Not known / Strategy to be revised once budget finalised.
PS / E.39 / Make available grants for disabled people to enable them to remain independent in their own homes / Possible reduction in funding / Increase proportion of budget spent on administration / To be confirmed once decisions on service delivery have been finalised / Final decisions on future service design will be made once budgets are finalised
TP / E.40 / Ensure provision of integrated services, equipment and devices, (MEDIQUIP/TELECARE) / Tessa to check with DCC and TVH
SD / E.41 / Enable financial inclusion / See E34 above
Objective: Make Neighbourhoods Safer
KT / E.43 / Ensure Landlords and residents in all tenures have access to anti-social behaviour advice and support / Lack of staffing and funding could impact on availability of staff time / Availability of staff time would impact on ability to carry out action. / Various events and projects run at key times with key partners to promote services / Contained within Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan 2011-2014
KT / E.44 / Widely disseminate information and raise public awareness on tackling anti-social behaviour and noise nuisance to all residents. / Lack of staffing and funding could impact on availability of staff time / Availability of staff time would impact on ability to carry out action. / Various events and projects run at key times with key partners to promote services / Contained within Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan 2011-2014
KT / E.45 / Work with private landlords and Housing Associations to intervene at an early stage to try and prevent homelessness in cases of anti-social behaviour / Lack of staffing and funding could impact on availability of staff time / Availability of staff time would impact on ability to carry out action. / Partnership working continued to be promoted to ensure consistent working practices. / Contained within Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan 2011-2014
PS / E.46 / Provide advice and security measures for communities to reduce acquisitive crime, including supporting vulnerable people / Lack of staffing and funding could impact on availability of staff time and ability to purchase equipment / Residents would only receive advice on how to protect themselves and property and not necessarily any equipment. / Various events and projects run at key times with key partners / Contained within Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan 2011-2014
KT / E.47 / Provide appropriate support and response to reports or fears of crime and anti-social behaviour / Lack of staffing and funding could impact on availability of staff time / Availability of staff time would impact on ability to carry out action. / Various events and projects run at key times with key partners / Contained within Erewash Community Safety Partnership Plan 2011-2014
KT / E.48 / Work to reduce the incidence of burglaries in new buildings by influencing design through the LDF and development control process / Changes to LDF process and timing / May not be a separate Supplementary Planning Document re Design / Encourage through planning and pre-application discussions
Include broad encouragement in the LDF / Consider whether can do a Supplementary Planning Document
Objective: Provide and sustain employment and training opportunities through housing projects
TP / E.49 / Encourage and monitor the use of local suppliers and companies in delivering housing and housing related services / None / None / In Council & housing partners contracts and sub-contracts, conditions re use of local suppliers etc.
TP / E.50 / Work with housing partners to employ local staff and to provide training and apprenticeship opportunities / Cuts in funding for Council and Housing Partners / Less opportunity for employing new staff and training & apprenticeship opportunities / In Council & housing partners contracts and sub-contracts, conditions re use employment and training of local people. / Implement affordable housing partners training scheme
TP / E.51 / Prioritise housing and regeneration developments which will sustain local employment and businesses / Cuts in funding and opportunities for housing and regeneration developments / Other priorities may take precedent / Where possible, prioritise in council and housing partners developments. / None / None
Objective: Support wider plans to create sustainable communities through Housing and Regeneration initiatives
SD / E.52 / Ensuring housing and regeneration initiatives contribute positively to health, employment, education, economic development, social inclusion and transport issues / Structural and funding changes to partner organisations in health, employment, education, economic development etc / Possible disruption to partnership working for a while / Consider health, employment, education, economic development, social inclusion and transport issues on all housing developments.
Work in partnership, where possible, to deliver holistically / None
Objective: Provide a mix of housing tenures, types and sizes in order to create mixed and balanced communities
PS / E.53 / Provide robust evidence and understanding of housing tenures, types and sizes required to meet the needs of communities / None / n/a / Continue with Older People Research & Disabled Housing Needs Research.
Use existing evidence from Dwelling Size, Housing Needs, Housing Market Area, Rural Housing Needs, Private sector housing research/studies / Assess whether/when evidence to be updated
PS / E.54 / Avoid “ghettos” of specific tenure, types and sizes of property in one area / None / n/a / Pepperpotting of affordable housing on s106 sites
Work with planners to develop larger mixed community sites / None / None
The Forward Plan will be reviewed by June 2012