TWO Instructions for New Users

September 11, 2011

Summary: This introductory lesson is a summary of the major steps required to prepare a tax return at a site that is using TaxWise Online (TWO). It is intended for first-time users of TWO or those who want to experiment with TWO to become familiar with it. Local procedures will obviously prevail however, once your workstation is turned on and is online, the basic tax return preparation process will be very similar to that described here. If you’re familiar with TaxWise desktop, you will find the mechanics of starting through finishing a return is quite similar. Do not try to memorize the information presented here; just read through it initially. You will find that preparing a return in TWO is a lot easier than you may have expected.

Note: EROs and Site Managers should refer to IRS PUB 3189 and/or the Extranet documents, “TWO Instructions For EROs,” “Suggested Default Template for TWO,” and “Suggested User Settings for TWO” for information on setting up TWO for use by Counselors

Procedures: Unlike the desktop version of TaxWise you will be connected to the TaxWise on-line server through an Internet connection. Your TC or ERO will have assured that all necessary security precautions are in place before you ever log on. Don’t go to any Web sites that are not approved by your Site Manager while you are on-line. Also, since the TWO servers in Georgia provide the forms, and since your entry data is sent to the server, you may notice a brief pause as you move from form to form. Note that there is never any taxpayer data on your computer; it is all on the TaxWise server - a real security advantage. Also, TWO will always use the latest version of TaxWise with all of the updates. After doing a quick read of this document, you should go online from your home or site computer (assuming you have a high-speed internet connection) and do one or more practice returns in the TWO training site at: . To do this, you need to get the proper Client ID, User Name, and initial password from your Site Manager or ERO so you can log into the site.

Open the browser, navigate to the TWO training site URL, and sign in to TaxWise online. Some sites will have a link to the TWO training site on the desktop to make it easier to connect to the site. In either case you will get the below screen.

Your Client ID, Username, and Password is for your unique account. One word of caution: if you have made two attempts and been unable to sign-in please stop and notify your Site Manager/ERO as you will be locked out after the third incorrect attempt. Your Site Manager/ERO will then help you get online. If you do make too many tries and get locked out of your account, contact your ERO or Site Manager to reset the password. DO NOT call TaxWise support personnel.

Also, if you have not entered any data or used TWO for 20 minutes, TWO will automatically log you out as a security measure. Before that happens, a warning will appear informing you that you will be logged out in 5 minutes unless you take some action.

The first screen you will see after you have logged in will be similar to the one shown below. Please note the GREEN background; this indicates that you have signed into the TWO training site. For the moment ignore the icons and take a look at the main part of the screen, which is entitled Help Center. Here you have immediate access to several publications including the PUB 3189, links to the IRS website as well as to state tax web sites, TWO User Guide, etc..

There will always be a row of icons at the top of the TWO web page. The icon set will change (based on your permissions) after you have opened a return. From the Return Tasks window one can also search for existing returns using the search box, or open all active returns that were prepared by your username. If you have the appropriate permissions, e.g., you are identified as a SuperUser, you will be able to see all returns prepared by all users. The search box can search for returns based on Social Security Number, last name, first name, etc. You should not open all active returns in the presence of a client since multiple social security numbers will be displayed along with the names of persons holding those numbers - use the search box instead. You can also view Accepted Returns, Active Returns, Paper Returns, Rejected Returns, and All Returns.

Selecting the new return icon gives you the display below to start a new return. After entering the social security numbers you should click on the Go to Tax Forms option, although there is also an option for using an interview method. The interview option may be useful for first-time counselors, but experienced counselors will find the interview option cumbersome.

If a tax return was e-filed in the previous season, either by desktop or TWO, with this Social Security Number (and from this EFIN), you will receive the usual carry-forward message which gives you the option of using the data from that return as a starting point for this year’s return.

Choosing the carry-forward option will then cause population of the forms tree in a manner similar to that of the desktop version and will open the Main Information Sheet so you can validate and correct the carry-forward data and fill out blank fields of the form. Note that the row of icons across the top has now changed giving options to do additional functions with this particular return. Each of these is self-explanatory - some will be described in more detail, later. You may want to minimize the Refund Monitor by clicking on the two tiny arrows in the upper right-hand corner of that window.

· The Return Summary icon will display Federal and State summary information about the return.

· The Return Query icon allows review or modification of any tax return you have done (or returns that anyone at the site has done if you have the appropriate permissions) after you have inserted the SSN in the Search window. You can also enter and search by taxpayer name.

· The Forms List is a list of all available tax forms in a manner similar to the Desktop version. You can search for a form from the Forms List by entering the form number, e.g., W2, 1099R, etc., or by doing a text search, e.g., wages, pension, etc.

· If you have opened the interview option by mistake you can click on an icon that will be identified as “Switch to Forms.” (This view shows the “Switch to Interview” option since we started the return using the Forms option.)

There are a few keyboard sequences to perform some operations in TWO that differ from, or are in addition to, those of the desktop version of TaxWise:

· In addition to F9 for linking you can just click on the small gray arrow icon next to the field: This will open a small box, with an option of linking, which will subsequently display a list of open or new forms. Clicking this arrow will also allow you the option to open a calculator.

· In addition to F10 you can click the Save Return icon. Information entered onto a form is immediately transferred to the TaxWise server where it is saved. You may press F10 or click the Save Return icon at any time. However, generally, data is saved when you click a new form or close the return – it is not necessary to click the Save Return icon before closing the return.

· To eliminate the red in a field, i.e., make the field required/not required, where appropriate, you will need to use a Ctrl-Spacebar sequence or F3 as used on the desktop version.

· Please contact the Site Manager if you need to overwrite a field (which should be rarely required).

· If you wish a full-page view of a form you may click the F11 key, which hides the browser toolbars. You can toggle back by pressing the same F11 key again.

Note the Loaded Forms window is on the left side of the screen just like the desktop version of TaxWise.

Forms that are shown in green have been completed. Those shown in red have the same meaning as in desktop; those forms require additional data. Forms that are grayed out have been defaulted into the forms tree but aren’t used in this particular return. From this window you can also print an individual form by clicking on the Print Form icon in the Loaded Forms window. If you need a form that is not in the tree just click on the Forms List icon at the top of the screen or the “Add” icon in the “Loaded Forms” window.

If you need to add or delete a form that is already open, such as a W-2, go to the tree display and move your mouse pointer to the desired form (don’t click on it yet) and note that a small “+“ and a small “x” are displayed beside the form name. Clicking on the “x” will delete the selected form from the tree and clicking on the “+” will add a new blank copy of the selected form.

Prepare each form as you would in the desktop version. You will find that most forms that we use will be defaulted in the forms tree when actually preparing returns at the site. Meanwhile you may need to click on the Forms List icon to retrieve a different form. If at any point you need to close the return just click on the Close Return icon. You can retrieve it later for further review or data entry.

When you have input all of the data, make sure all the “red is out” of the forms on the tree. If so, you should run diagnostics on the return by clicking on the icon on the toolbar. The Diagnostics window is shown below, just after clicking on the Run Diagnostics icon.

The usual information will be shown, enabling you to correct entries, fill out additional forms, etc. It is necessary to pull down the slider on the right side of the diagnostics window in order to see the entire contents of the window. The Create e-File(s) button will always be shown at the bottom of the diagnostics window if this return qualifies for e-filing. Follow local procedures at this point to Quality Review, e-file and finish the return. The Quality Reviewer may choose to create the e-files and print the return or they may ask you to do this. If you do this, click on the Create e-Files(s) box and wait until this process is complete. Unless there is an error needing correcting you will get a message indicating that the e-file has been created along with a blue message to “Print this return” – clicking that message will print the return.

You may also print a Client Letter if that is the procedure at your site. Click on the Client Letters icon on the toolbar - that will bring up a window where you select the appropriate client letter for the return. Selecting that letter will result in a window displaying the letter. Click on the Print box at the bottom and proceed to print out the letter. If you print the Client Letter before the return, it will become the top item on the printed copy of the return. The Client Letter must be printed separately, as it is not included in the print packets of the return.

Printing the return requires some additional steps when compared to the desktop version. The print packet defaults have been set in TWO by the ERO or TC. In addition to printing the return from the diagnostics window, you can click on the Print Return icon at the top of the screen. This will create a message window that states, “A PDF is being generated for this return.” Next you will see the below window.

Click the blue “Open in a new window” message for the next screen to appear, which will give you a preview of the PDF file that is now ready for printing. The top portion, only, is shown below. You may cycle through all of the pages to view the return or just click on the print icon. The traditional Windows printer screen will appear. Click OK to print the return. Note that you can just print selected pages if you desire. This is appropriate when you have printed the return, for example, and then decide to add Estimated Payment forms. Rather than print the forms out one by one, just click Print Return and select the page number range for the forms and print them. The PDF print file can then be opened and printed when connected to TWO.

(Note: The above is not an actual return)

The print packets that have been previously defaulted will print one complete copy of the return with the appropriate number of forms. The exact number and sequence of the printed return is determined by the person setting up TWO and can vary from site to site.

You can click on the “Return Summary" icon to display the return status and discuss the return with the Taxpayer.

If for any reason the return can’t be finished you must follow local instructions for assuring that your Electronic Return Originator (ERO), who submits the e-file for processing by the IRS Service Center, knows the status of the return. Your ERO will be able to view any return prepared at the site, so he/she needs to know the status so a return isn’t missed. Another way to show the ERO the status of the return is by making an entry in the Return Stage that can be accessed from the “Return Summary” window as shown below. This is the recommended procedure.

(Note: The above is not an actual return)

NOTE: You are not allowed to keep any taxpayer forms for documents at the site or to be given to your ERO. The only exception is when the return requires a Form 8453 with appropriate attachments to be mailed to the IRS. Those documents should be provided to the ERO who will then mail them to the appropriate IRS Service Center.

Your ERO or TC will have created default values for the Return Stage – you merely have to select the appropriate one from the drop down box. The return status will then be clearly visible to the ERO when he creates the list of returns to be e-filed.

You may have local procedures to assure that the client log is properly filled out too.

Remember, practice is important and available from the TWO training web site - just remember the differences from the desktop version. Also, remember that a practice return SSN must contain the last four digits of the site EFIN, which can be supplied by your Site Manager.

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