The Brenchley Fire Risk Assessment
Last Revised Date:
November 2016
Assessor: R Wilson, A Rowswell & R Johnson / Signed:

General Overview

To avoid our main risks of fire we have incorporated the following procedures

Electrical Safety Procedures

  • All electrical appliances PAT tested annually
  • No other materials stored in electrical rooms
  • Electrical room doors kept locked
  • Metal bins installed in electrical room
  • No smoking ANYWHERE inside the building
  • Correct (electrical) fire fighting appliances in electrical rooms
  • No drinks allowed in electrical rooms or near electrical equipment

Note: As of July 1st 2007 it is illegal to smoke in any public building in the UK

Smoking Safety Procedures

  • Cigarette buts and matches from outside smoking area disposed of in metal bins and doused with water
  • No smoking signs at all entrances
  • Ashtrays provided in outside smoking area
  • No smoking inside building

Other Safety Procedures

  • Intoxicated persons, if behaving dangerously (including risk of fire) will be escorted from the building (see Violence Policy & General Risk Assessment)
  • The Brenchley staff are trained and tested on a regular basis in Fire Safety and Evacuation Procedures

Venue Information

  • Number Of Staff: 25-30 approx
  • Opening Hours:10am – 11pm (Monday – Thursday & Sunday), 10am – 12am (Friday & Saturday)

This Fire Risk Assessment has been produced including the following areas;

Ground Floor

  • Entrance Lobby
  • Main RoomBar Area
  • Main Kitchen
  • Toilets
  • Cleaning & Storage Rooms
  • Outside Smoking Area


  • Beer Cellar
  • Electric Room
  • Boiler Room
  • Storage Rooms

General Fire (Evacuation)

Ground Floor

Area: Entrance Lobby

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Customers Entering and Exiting premises / Fire in lobby
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Customers
Staff / All Fire Appliances in working order.(Checked quarterly)
All Fire Appliances in correct position.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated. / Low / Portable ramp available for disabled people / None

Area: Main Room & Bar Area

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Customers Drinking & Dancing / Fire in bar area
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Customers
Staff / All Fire Appliances in working order.(Checked quarterly)
All Fire Appliances in correct position.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated.
All electrical appliances PAT tested / Medium / None / None

Area: Main Kitchen

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Food storage, preparation & cooking / Fire in Kitchen
Specific Fire Hazard:Fryers / Staff / Metal bin in place.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All Fire Appliances in working order. (Checked quarterly)
All Fire Appliances in correct position.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated. / Medium / Fire Blanket / None

Area: Toilets

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Using WC Facility / Fire in Toilets
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Customers & Staff / Metal bin in place.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All Fire Appliances in working order.(Checked quarterly)
All Fire Appliances in correct position.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated. / Low / None / None

Area: Cleaning & Storage Rooms

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Storage of cleaning equipment / Fire in Cleaning Cupboard
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Staff / All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated.
Door kept locked shut.
No Flammable materials stored here / Medium / None

Outside Smoking Area


/ Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Customers smoking / Fire in smoking area
Specific Fire Hazard: Fire in ashtray / bins / Customers
Staff / Metal ashtrays/bins / Low / Checked regularly and ashtrays emptied when full / None


Area: Beer Cellar

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Beer Storage / Fire in cellar
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Staff / All Fire Appliances in working order.(Checked quarterly)
All Fire Appliances in correct position.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated. / Low / None / None

Area: Electrical Room

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Checking Fuses
Switching on Amps
Switching on Lights / Fire in Electrical Room
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Staff / All Fire Appliances in working order.(Checked quarterly)
All Fire Appliances in correct position.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated.
All electrical appliances PAT tested.
No other materials stored in room.
Door kept locked
Metal Bins
No drinks allowed near electrical equipment / High / None / None

Area: Boiler Room

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Checking Boiler Operation / Fire in Boiler Room
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Staff / All Fire Appliances in working order. (Checked quarterly)
All Fire Appliances in correct position.
All Fire exits clearly marked.
All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated.
All electrical appliances PAT tested.
No other materials stored in room.
Door kept locked
Metal Bins
No drinks allowed near electrical equipment / Low / None / None

Area: Storage Rooms

Task / Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Storage of cleaning equipment / Fire in Cleaning Cupboard
Specific Fire Hazard: None / Staff / All fixtures and fittings at least two hour fire rated.
Door kept locked shut.
No Flammable materials stored here / Medium / None

General Fire: Evacuation


/ Hazard / Persons
Affected / Control Measures / Risk Factor / Additional Control Measures / Action Plan
Evacuating Customers and Staff safely from the building / Controlling flow of people without panic.
Specific Fire Hazard: None / All / A fire alarm system is installed and maintained.
The premises are regulated by the fire authority and checked regularly to ensure standards are maintained.
Fire extinguishers are placed at specific points throughout the premises.
All fixtures and fittings are fire retardant. / Low / Evacuation Training is carried out
No chains or locks permitted on any Fire Exits at any time / None

The Brenchley Fire Risk Assessment