Each person is responsible for the finances of his/her trip. While many fund-raising opportunities are available it is up to each individual to meet the financial deadlines for the trip.

Base Cost per individual: $1100.00

Deadlines:March 30 - $300*, April 30 - $300, May 30 - $300, June 15 - $200

Amount must be paid in full by June 15th *Must be turned in with Missions Application

1. The base trip cost includes:

  • Ministry set-up: tracts, literature, t-shirts
  • All costs for lodging and food (3 meals)
  • International round-trip airfare
  • Transportation in-country
  • Journey 2006 Summer Camp (training and preparation)
  • Administrative costs (mailing, advertising, etc)

2. The base trip does not include:

-Money for laundry, souvenirs, snacks, free day activities, immunizations, and birth certificates.
-Any costs associated with an early return as a result of a serious violation of rules set forth by Whole Life Ministries or any family emergency.

3. WLM Fundraising Projects

Bowl –A-Thon – March

This is a huge fundraiser. You don’t even have to be a good bowler to raise between $400 and $600.

Pledge sheets will be given out on Tuesday, March 7

Pledges taken from March 7-March 21

Bowling on March 24

Collection of money begins March 26

Money due Tuesday, April 4

Spaghetti Lunch – April

Tickets (adults and children) will go on sell April 16-27 to the congregation

Plates will be picked up on Sunday, April 30 immediately following the service

Bake Sales – April and May

Dessert Theatre – May

We are still working on this one. Details to come later.

Scripture – A- Thon – May/June

This is a huge fundraiser. You memorize 20 scriptures and get people to sponsor you per scripture. You could raise between $200 - $300 easily.

Scriptures will be given on Tuesday, May 9

Pledge sheets will be given out on Tuesday, May 16

Pledges taken from May 16 - 25

Saying scripture on Tuesday, May 23

Collection of money begins Sunday, May 28

Money due Tuesday, June 6

Car Washes – May and June

  1. Personal Fund-raising Ideas

Support Letter to friends and family

  • Remember, you are not begging for money. You are working hard to go on a mission trip, while offering others an opportunity to support you through prayer, encouragement and finances.
  • Be personal. This is not a science report. You’re talking to your family, friends and various acquaintances. Liven it up with unique paper, and try sending a snapshot of yourself or the country you’ll be traveling to or doing something else creative.
  • Double and triple check your letter. Before sending it, make sure it looks clean, that you’ve used proper grammar, and that you haven’t misspelled anything.
  • Please to do not send them to members of WLM unless they are members of your family. WLM Members are supporting all of our other fund-raisers.
  • A copy of the letter can be found on the youth page at


Yard work

Yard Sales

Car washing

Safety is our number one priority. Global Expeditions´ staff regularly monitors the website for the U.S. State Department and Homeland Security for travel warnings and updates on our overseas relations. We are also in constant contact with our Global Partners who live and work in the areas we plan to visit. We evaluate the country's political and physical environment in regards to the safety of our teams both before and throughout the trip. In the event that travel is not advised by the U.S. government or the expert opinion of our Global Partners; also in the event of an unforeseen uprising/situation your young person will be relocated to a different project of similar price if the cancellation takes place prior to departure or to a nearby safe location if the change is required while they are overseas/on their trip.