AREAS 2 and 5 COMBINED MEETING in Indianapolis

The University Place

850 West Michigan Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-5198

March 31 – April 1, 2011


Deadline for room block reservations are March 7th at 5:00 p.m. For the group discount rate of $99, you must request to reserve your room under the group block Dietetic Educators Practice Group of the ADA. Contact the Hotel Reservations Department at 317-231-5160 or 1-800-627-2700. Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. on day of arrival and check-out time is 11:00 a.m.on day of departure.

Directions to Hotel:

From I-65 (north and south), take Exit 114 to Martin Luther King Jr./West St. South to Michigan St., west on Michigan to University Blvd. (less than half-mile). Turn right (north) on University Blvd. to North St. (one block). Turn right (east). Entrances to University Place on right.

From I-70 (from west, including from airport), take Exit 79A. Turn north (left) at light and follow street until it turns into West St. Take to Michigan St. Turn west (left). See above.

From I-70 (from east), turn onto I-65 from north (need to get into far left lane of I-70) and take Exit 114. See above.

From I-74 (from west), take Crawfordsville Road exit, continue on Crawfordsville Road to 16th St. Turn right (south) on Capitol to Michigan Street, west to University Blvd. (just over a halfmile). See above.

From the airport:Carey Indiana is a share ride service. It is $16.00 for a one way trip to and from the airport. Note that no reservation is needed when traveling from the airport and they are located at ground transportation. For return trips to the airport a reservation is needed. Contact them at 800-888-4639 or

University Place’s 370-car underground garage is located just east of the hotel entrance.

Membership Status / Before 3/24 / After 3/24
ADA-DEP Member / $160 / $190
ADA Non-DEP Member / $200 / $230
Non-ADA Member / $235 / $265

An optional $1.00 may be paid for the DEP Student FNCE Scholarship Fund.

Areas 2 and 5 DEP Program Meeting Schedule

Thursday, March 31, 2011

7:00–8:15 a.m.Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:15 Welcome and Announcements

Amy Knoblock-Hahn, DEP Coordinator Area 2
Vicky Getty, DEP Coordinator Area 5

8:30-9:30CADE Update

Ulric K. Chung, AB, MCS, PhD
Executive Director, CADE

Jane Allendorph, MS, RD, LDN

Harper College, Palatine, IL

Professor, Coordinator, Dietetic Technician Program

Chair, CADE Board of Directors

Jamie Asher, MPS

Program Accreditation Manager

Learning Need Code: 6000Level: 2CPEU: 1 hr.


  1. Discuss the process for updating the 2008 CADE accreditation standards.
  2. State the status of issues that CADE has undertaken in response to dietetic educators’ concerns.
  3. Ask questions and provide feedback related to dietetic education accreditation issues.

9:30-10:30 a.m.CDR Update: Registration Examinations from Dietetics Practice Audit to Examination

David Holben, PhD, RD, LD

Professor, Food and Nutrition; Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics

School of Human and Consumer Sciences, Ohio University

Commission on Dietetic Registration Representative

Learning Need Code: 6000Level: 2CPEU: 1 hr.


1. To understand the steps in the entry-level examination development process

2. To understand the 2010 Entry-Level Dietetics Practice Audit methodology and

sampling plan

3. To understand the process used by CDR’s Examination Panel to update the entry-level examinations based on the Dietetics Practice Audit results

10:30 – 10:45Break

10:45-11:00Outstanding Dietetic Educators Awards

11:00-12:00Roundtable Discussions: Implications of the morning sessions

Facilitators: Amy Knoblock-Hahn, MPH, MS, RD, LD

Vicky Getty, MEd, RD

Areas 2 and 5 Coordinators

Learning Need Code: 6000 Level: 2CPEU: 1 hr.


  • Identify action points appropriate for program administration.
  • Generate ideas for continuous quality improvement.

12:00 – 1:30Lunch and Networking

1:30–3:00 p.m.Why StudentGroup Work Doesn’t Work

(Presentation and Open Discussion)

Cathy Anstrom,PhD, RD, LD

Learning Need Code: 6000Level: 1CPEU: 1.5 hr.


  1. State the faculty member’s role in the success of student group work and why dietetics professionals should care.
  2. Explain the difference between providing instruction on the task versus instruction on foundational group structure.
  3. List at least one academic assignment to which the faculty member could apply these principles.


3:15--4:45Assessing Learning Outcomes

Karla Kennedy-Hagan, PhD, RD, LDN

Learning Need Code: 6000Level: 1CPEU: 1.5 hr.


  1. Be familiar with principles of good practice for assessing student learning
  2. Brainstorm varied methods to collect assessment data
  3. Think outside of the box with data collection
  4. Mix and match the data collection methods
  5. Involve all keys players in the process
  6. Triangulate assessment collection from all pertinent sources
  7. Assess data and create plans for improvements

4:45—5:00Wrap up and adjourn for the day

Friday, April 1, 2011

7:30-8:15 a.m. Breakfast and Welcome Back!

8:30 – 10:00 Ethics Committee: Being Ethical in a Non-ethical World

Dianne Polly,PhD, RD, JD

Learning Need Code: 1000, 1050Level: 1CPEU: 1.5 hr.


  1. Understand the implications/applications of the new Code of Ethics for all ADA members and CDR credentialed practitioners
  2. Identify opportunities to incorporate the Code of Ethics into daily practice

10:00 – 10:15Break

10:15 to 11:15 ADA Education Committee Update

Linda Young, MS, RD, LMNT

Assistant Professor and DPD Director at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

ADA Education Committee

Learning Need Codes: 6000Level 1CPEU: 1.0 hr.


1.Explain the DICAS system and provide input for potential improvements

2.Differentiate between types of simulations that might be used in dietetics education

3.Examine how simulations might complement didactic and supervised practice

11:15 to 12:15Roundtable Discussions/Networking: DICAS;

Implications of Ethics and Education Committee Presentations

Facilitators: AmyKnoblock-Hahn, MPH, MS, RD, LD

Vicky Getty, M.Ed, RD, LD

Areas 2 and 5 Coordinators

Learning Need Code: 6000Level: 1CPEU: 1 hr.


  1. Discuss how CADE Update could impact dietetics education
  2. Identify potential opportunities these changes may mean for dietetics programs

12:15Program Evaluation, Comments and AdjournTotal CPEU:9.5

AmyKnoblock-Hahn , MPH, MS, RD, LD

Vicky Getty, MEd, RD

Areas 2 and 5 DEP Coordinators