The official Publication of the Canadian Contender Association

“The Ultimate Singlehander”


Your Executive for 2006

President: Neil Smith , CAN 83

Secretary/Treasurer: Joel Magnan CAN 84



CORK-Canadian Championship:August 25, 26, 27 Kingston
Contender Saturday #1June 3, OHCC
Contender Saturday #2June 24, OHCC
Contender Sunday #3July 9, OHCC
Contender Saturday #4Aug 12, OHCC
End of Season Bragging RightsSept 16-17, OHCC


This year it was decided to have some 1 day weekend regattas, mostly at OHCC where the majority of the fleet is located. It is hoped that this will make it easier for busy folks to participate.

Another change is that the Nationals will take place during CORK, so we can take advantage of the expected windier/wavier conditions. Champion Mike Smits will be defending his title so that he can continue to prominently display the beautiful Contender plaque in his home….. This could be your chance at attaining everlasting fame. We’ll still have the popular final regatta in September at OHCC.

Currently, I have claimed the smash’em crash’em award that ironically I created, due to an unfortunate incident last year (also known as the “wooden boat surcharge”). All I can say is that I’ve had work done on my eyes to hopefully correct the situation.

Of note over the winter was Neil’s excellent performance at the worlds in Perth, namely that he was not killed by the massive winds and placed in races in positions in the 30’s. You can contact him to get his journal and photos- it’s a good read and you can tell it was an awesome experience of which I am envious. Also check out more details about the Perth Worlds on the International Contender website.

The Worlds will be in Canada in 2008, third week of August- at CORK. Not too early to start thinking about it. Start planning to be there in top form! Neil has already done an excellent job of promotion during the recent Perth worlds, through both T-shirt bribery and diplomacy. We are anticipating an excellent turnout based on the great conditions last time and the promotion efforts. By the way, if you paid your annual fees last year and don’t have your new worlds promotion T-shirt, let us know and we’ll get it to you.

Neil has also received approval for purchasing one of the old Contenders for use at OHCC and using it as a class boat for promotional efforts. The ICA has generously agreed to pay for ½ of the boat and financing ½ through a loan. This will allow us to introduce more people to the Contender

Along the same lines introducing people to boats, Neil has also dedicated significant efforts to make an import of new Contenders prior to the 2008 worlds, potentially in 2007. Discussions with boat builder Schappi are continuing, but currently we are discussing having a small container of 5 top of the line Contenders (these hulls are highly competitive) being sent over from Europe fully loaded with carbon goodies (mast, boom, quality foils) and sail (means ready to sail) for an export price of under 7000 Euro if we can commit orders for at least 4 boats by August this year. This is a great deal. Count your pennies and consider that these boats are proven and are being sailed by top competitors. Having some time to get used to your new amazing boat prior to the 2008 worlds would be a big advantage. Those of you who are financial wizards, note that the Canadian dollar is stong now.

Also, if you are looking for a nice , light unbreakable carbon boom, which reportedly does not hurt as much as the metal ones, Neil has sourced them for about $500. Contact him if you need one now.

If it sounds like Neil has done a lot of legwork, it’s because he has. On top of that, it seems that he will be adding to his family again this summer! Give him a pat on the back.

Included in this newsletter is the ballot for the change to the class rules. Return it to me with your class fees.

We’ll plan to again have a Contender open house this year, since that was a success last summer.

We are still in the midst of determining the feasibility of holding a Contender training week this summer, with coaching from a top Contender sailor. This should be July, tentatively in July. It would be a week long event with various tuning, practice and instruction sessions. We need to have financial commitment from everyone to make this a go.

Membership dues:

The membership dues will increase this year to $50. Why? Because it’s still cheap, and we have additional expenses of the class promotional boat and we need to pay international fees.

See you on the water,



Well what can I say after Joel’s comments, I am almost weeping with pride. I hope that you all come out this year to our many events and especially the Nationals in Kingston. I certainly learned some lessons in sailing survival in Perth and am looking forward to applying them during our season. Although not on the schedule we will again be holding a “Take a ride” day for people to try out Contenders – last year was a great success. We will be having a beginner training day sometime when the water is warm. I will be able to yell at those who tend to trapeze to high, we will also be doing some video and showing how to do it right. I tried to get a trainer to come from Britain but that has not worked out maybe next year. Please go and read my journal from Perth at and you can see why you should be going to Holland next year. I am going and hopefully another couple of Canadians can attend, the more that come the better we can sell Kingston in 2008. I have already been out on the lake on April 15th a new record for me and can’t wait to get out there and train with you, please give me a call when you are sailing and we can tune together to get faster.

Happy Sailing


2006 Canadian Contender Association Membership Form




Postal Code:______

Home Ph#:______

Bus. Ph#:______



Sail #:______, Hull Colour: ______

Boat Name:______

Mast type:______

Boom type:______

IYRU Plate #:______Year of Manufacture:______

Hull Builder:______

Sail type:______

Fee: $50 Canadian. Payable to Joel Magnan when paying by cheque.

Financial statement is always readily available and reported.

Send to: Joel Magnan

706 Indian Rd.

Toronto, ON

M6P 2E3

2005 end of year Financial Report for Canadian Contender Association,

submitted by Joel Magnan Dec 6, 2005

Carry over of cash reserve from 2004:$813.51


Envelopes & Stamps$8.83


Meeting with T. E. 05/2005 for mold strategy$61.68

Mold disposal Fees$200.00

Contender Flag$76.20

Food for Sail a Contender Open House (Aug 6)$23.93

Expenses for 2005 Nationals

(BBQ, breakfast)$159.09


T-Shirts for Nationals and Worlds 2008 promotion$396.75

Total expenditures$1058.37


2005 fees - 9 members @ $35.00$350.00

(Simon, Roger, Joel, Neil, Rick, Mike, Frank, Bernie, Matt, Gil)

2006 fees -1 member @ $35.00$35.00


Nationals Fees 9 @ $45.00$405.00

Total Income$790.00
Other assets

We have 5 T-Shirts for class promotion.

We have 8 Caps for class promotion.

BOTTOM LINE: we have $ in cash $545.14
