September 21, 2015

Broward County Public Schools is Florida's first fully accredited school system since 1962

Meeting called to order at 2:20 p.m.

Welcome Back!

Introduction of Members

Lynda Borenstein and Angela Reed, Co-Chairs

Sign In Sheets

·  Each member was reminded to sign in for every meeting

·  Check email addresses to see if correct

Proposed Meeting Dates

September 21, 2015

October 19, 2015

November 16, 2015 (Book Fair, Location of meeting TBA)

December 7, 2015 – (Tentative)

January 11, 2016

February 8, 2016

March 14, 2016

April 18, 2016

May 16, 2016

A Word From Our Principal – Lynn Burgess

·  Welcome Back! Great to see everyone new and former

·  PTSA Meeting

o  First meeting, Thursday, September 9th

·  Volunteer Breakfast

o  Thursday, September 24th

·  SAF Chair

o  Mrs. Gains

o  Looking for someone to share this role with her

o  Once a month morning and evenings

o  SAF Meeting

§  Fort Lauderdale H.S.

§  September 22nd

§  Informative meetings

·  Budget

o  Increasing by leaps and bounds

o  1266 students

o  2 Position added for growth

o  Health issues, needy issues

o  2 Positions, Classroom Assistance

o  2 Cafeteria Aides

o  Impact school

·  Mr. Garay no longer at Fox Trail

·  Mrs. Maher will be teaching Science Special

·  Kandice Ranger retired. Doug Peachey is our new Media Specialist

·  Half ESE teacher

·  Pre-K class, Mrs. Clarke is teaching Pre-K

·  School is growing

·  Not floating specials

·  Patriots Day 9/11

o  4th grade students displayed their projects in the main hallway

o  Great projects in honor of 9/11

·  SMART Bond

o  Great job managing the money

o  Technology $284,000

o  Everything has been delivered, except 10 pack ipads

o  Retro fitting of the school completed

o  Ordered 450 new devices one to one devices in 4th & 5th grade

o  $100,000 still waiting for funds

o  Asking for ideas, new creative

o  Quotes on ideas from last year, extremely high

o  Playground

o  Parents votes and make decision


o  Boosterthon Fundraiser

§  $50,000 from PTSA towards technology

o  Replace things as needed

·  Boundary

o  Western Zone Schools are full

o  Parents willing to be on the boundary committee, see Ms. Burgess

·  ESE Updates

o  New ESE Teachers

§  Brian Lucente, share with Flamingo Elementary

§  LuAnn Sicard

School Advisory Forum Update – Mrs. Gains

·  First meeting

·  September 22nd, morning meeting

·  Looking for someone to share responsibility of attending meeting.

·  You can phone in to listen to meetings

By-Laws, Guide for SAC members

·  Shared by-laws with members

·  Explained purpose of SAC

·  Minimum requirements of membership

·  Members required to complete Composition

·  Duties of the SAC chair

o  Meetings

o  Committees

o  Utilizing SAC funds

o  SAC trainings and activities

·  Asked if anyone is interested in SAC co-chair and recording secretary

o  All members voted to have Co-chair and recording secretary remain the same

o  Lynda Borenstein & Angela Reed, SAC Co-Chairs

o  Deborah Puma, Recording Secretary

·  Motion to approve by-laws, Everyone approved

School Improvement Plan – 2015-2016

·  No data yet, will discuss at next months meeting

·  Data driven school, end of year assessment helped for promotion retention

·  Page 2 successes and barriers

·  i-ready ESOL grant

·  STEM, Japanese

·  Stream Rti process

·  Art, Music/chess, coding, science afterschool

·  SMART Bond

·  i-ready books

·  Robotics

·  10 Marks

·  Barriers

·  Report cards now showing standards

·  Technology i-ready

·  Students have to be taught before testing

·  Over abundance of testing

·  Reliability and validity of the test

·  Brought forth last year

·  New

·  Lucy Caulkins training

·  LLI in first grade level literacy intervention Target grant

·  Addressing the needs of students

·  Accreditation Standards Update

·  Submit artifacts

·  Standard 1 newsletter

·  Standard 2 Employee Handbook

·  Standard 3 NESS Power Point

·  Standard 4 Procedures for Code Black

·  Standard 5 RtI Guide Response to Intervention

·  Brain storming for accreditations

·  Bring ideas to the table regarding SMART Bond funds

Next meeting

October 19th

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.