WHYSC Board Meeting 7/14/16

Meeting started at 9:08pm

Present were Kristina Wetterauer, Heather Milton, & Cherie Reeves

Treasurer Report

Referee update

Averie Stroyzk – good

Kenina’s dad – start next week on Wednesday’s

Marcus Young – U13

Roscoe – U13 – Very good!

Mariah Stigall & Margaret Lynne – Side referee’s

Next year the referee schedule should be finalized 2 weeks BEFORE the first game!

Fall season

-U10 – 4 registrations

-U12 – 12 registrations

-U16 – 6 registrations


Taz (Greg Hinz) wants to coach older, U16

SCORE order

-Use camo uniforms for all teams

-U10 & U13 need nets

-Referee uniforms – 3 pc sets, 6 uniforms to order

Player on Chen’s team

-taunting, calling names, being mean

-3 people saying the same thing

-Coach needs to address the problem

-Heather will talk to coach tomorrow about it

Referee clinic coming up

-Find people to certify for referee’s for fall season


$244 profit for the club

Include team colors and team name next time!

Soccer complex

-looked over sketch

-Club wants to pursue complex idea

-Taz has plans of his own – we need to talk to the city

Return gear

-set date for return – 19th

-get feedback from coaches

-Have coaches turn in survey when their gear is turned in

Feedback sheet

-What went good/bad

-1-10 how helpful was the board

-Were your concerns heard?

Meeting adjourned at 10:25pm