What Type of
Christian, Church, National Organization
or Bible School
Are You?
Centripetal / CentrifugalFrom the Latin word for “center-seeking.” / From the Latin word for “center” and “fugere” which means “to flee.” So, means to “flee from the center.”
Pushed towards the center. / Pulled from the center.
Seek the center of. / Flee the center of.
A force that tends to toward a center of rotation. / A force that tends to move away from a center of rotation.
Come to the Blessing / Go to the Nations
Draws people by showing them what it means to be a God-centered, godly people. / Goes after people to invite them into a relationship with God, and His people.
Win through people through attraction (like a magnetic force that draws people). / Win by proclamation and persuasion.
Dominant in the Old Testament / Dominant in Acts
Passive / Active
God’s faithfulness acts like a magnet. / Requires a messenger to cross borders.
Let your light shine forth. / Let your light shine forth.
Witness through lifestyle / Witness by involvement in evangelism.
An attractive force / An Expansive force.
A light shining in darkness draws people toward it. / At the same time the rays of light move outward.
Attracted to the Tabernacle, Temple, and Believer. / Brought by the believer, to the Temple or Church.
Godly character attracts on a personal level. People notice the way we dress, look, talk, and act. / The godly are attracted to those that need Christ, go to them, and bring them to the truth.
The Israelites put forth little effort to share their knowledge of God with their neighbors. / God used captivity and exile to judge Israel for disobedience, but also to extend her witness beyond her borders. Also sent persecution in Acts so that the Gospel would be spread,
Congregations where God’s power and blessings are evident also draw people. / God’s power is manifested in the marketplace and world through Spirit-filled believers.
“I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth." (Isaiah 49:5-6, NLT).