Are there any known issues with JDE OW Xe B7333 using Oracle’s ONS with workstations configured with Oracle 9i (current driver version: installed. Initial issue reported in GSC Call Number: 4147801
JDE Program Examples – OMW; Match Receipts to POs
JDE Environments: DV; PY; PD
Client OS: W2K; Windows XP
Oracle Client Software: 9i, driver version
Other Notes: THIS does not occur on workstations that are configured with ORACLE 8i client software.
Database Server:
Oracle 9i (
O/S: Windows 2003 Standard, SP1
ONS Names Server
Oracle 9i (
O/S Windows 2000, SP4
JDEdwards Version:
JDEdwards Xe B7333 Service Pack: SP22, Revision 9
Scenarios – Client Workstation – Configured with Oracle 9i client software.
1 - When we use the Oracle SQLNET.ORA file configured to use only ONS to resolve to our database the initial connection is made successfully. However, if we run a program, for example OMW and try to copy an object into a project, which normally generates a second connection to the database, the following error occurs “Failed to connect to JDEPROD “ and is captured in the jdedebug.log
2152/2968 Wed Mar 15 15:51:50 2006 dbinitcn.c207
OCI0000064 - Unable to create database server connection
2152/2968 Wed Mar 15 15:51:50 2006 jdb_drvm.c695
JDB9900164 - Failed to connect to JDEPROD
A second connection to the database does not get made.
2 – On the same workstation when we use just TNSNAMES.ORA the initial connection is made successfully and when we run a program, for example OMW, and try to copy an object into a project, the object is copied successfully no performance lag – copy object to project approximately less than 1 second.
3 – On the same workstation when we configure SQLNET.ORA file to 1 – Search ONS then TNSNAMES,
i.e.: NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (onames,tnsnames)
The initial connection is made successfully and when we run a program, for example OMW, and try to copy an object into a project, the object is copied successfully however there is a performance lag – approximately 30 to 35 seconds for the object to get copied in to the project.
4 – Outside of JDEdwards Application Interface – MS Access
On the same workstation using Microsoft Access using the Microsoft ODBC driver for Oracle to connect directly to the database with Oracle client software configured with ONS only
The Initial authentication and list of tables is provided. After selecting the table and you attempt to open the linked table (second connection to database) the connection fails.
This scenario works fine with the Oracle native ODBC driver.
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